
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 18, 2017

More than 25,000 people and growing at Act 355 rally

LIVE REPORT The first major rally of 2017 kicks off today, in support of amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act (Act 355) tabled by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.
It takes place at Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur from 2pm to 11pm and will be a marathon of speeches, capped with Abdul Hadi's address at 10.30pm.
Meanwhile, a group called Bebas is holding a counter-rally at 3pm at Tasik Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya, to reject the bill.
Malaysiakini reports to you live from the ground

'I want my baby to be a fighter for Islam'
4.40pm: Padang Merbok - Among the sea of purple is Mohamad Khairul Azmi, who drove from Kuala Terengganu with his family and four-month old baby boy.
Mohamad Khairul says he has no qualms bringing his baby to the rally as he wants his child to become a "fighter for Islam".
"Yes, it's a bit tedious bringing a baby but it's okay, my baby is a future fighter for Islam," he says.
Hadi accused of playing politics at counter-rally
4.20pm: Taman Jaya - At the counter-rally, former minister Zaid Ibrahim says PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang proposed amendments to Act 355 is not about Islam.
"It is about politics... it has nothing to do with religion," he tells the 200-strong crowd.
He adds that if the amendment was truly about the religion, PAS should have first consulted the Conference of Rulers which ovesees Islamic affairs.
"Hadi didn't go to see the Conference of Rulers. He went to see Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak instead," he says.
Zaid claims Hadi was trying to solidify's PAS' position in Kelantan with the amendment while Najib is trying to maintain his own position as prime minister. 
However, he adds that the opinions he expressed did not represent his party, the DAP.
More than 25,000 people at Padang Merbok 
4.15pm: Padang Merbok - The crowd grows to over 25,000 people with more people still streaming in.
However, Dang Wangi district police chief Mohd Sukri Kaman puts the figure at around 10,000 people.
The sea of purple has almost completely covered the grass field, with many also gathering outside the field and on the hill across the street. 
Among those taking a high vantage point is PAS Youth member Mohd Awis Tambran, who is here with his parents, who are also party members. 
"I hope MPs will take note of today's gathering, and hear the people's voice," Awis says. 
Gerakan deputy youth chief given a hard time
3.50pm: Taman Jaya - As Gerakan Youth deputy chief Andy Yong is speaking, the crowd starts heckling him on BN's involvement in the proposed amendments.
Some question him on what he will do if Gerakan ends up supporting the bill, while others urge the crowd to give Yong a break.
"I'm impressed with the fact that you attended," shouts a woman in the crowd.
Yong tries to placate the crowd by insisting Gerakan has been against the bill since day one.
"If any Gerakan MP votes for the bill, I will resign," Yong said eventually, which appears to satisfy the crowd and ends his speech.
K'tan MB, Syed Hamid arrive to 'Allahuakbar'
3.40pm: Padang Merbok - Kelantan Menteri Besar Ahmad Yaakob and Syed Hamid Albar arrive to shouts of "Allahuakbar".
'We didn't have to import kids' quips counter-rallyer
3.30pm: Taman Jaya, PJ - To kick off the counter-rally, those in attendance sing the national anthem.
The crowd, which has grown to approximately 120, sits down around the amphitheatre.
Activist Azrul Mohd Khalib asks the crowd to give a round of applause to the rally at Padang Merbok for exercising their freedom of speech.
"Just as much as we are expressing our fundamental constitutionally-guaranteed rights, so are they.
"They have a right to do that, even though we don't have the nasyid groups that they do," he says.
"We didn't have to import kids from outside the state to come to the rally.
"You are all here of your own choice," he adds.
The crowd cheer him on.
Spad chief VIP guest
3.30pm: Padang Merbok - The crowd continues to grow, making it difficult to walk around on the field.
About 9,000 people are estimated to be at Padang Merbok now.
The emcee says among the VIP's present is Land Public Transport Commission (Spad) chief Syed Hamid Albar.
A group of Sikhs are also reportedly gathering at Sogo and are expected to join the rally.
Supporters’ Wing man praises Hadi's bill
3pm: Padang Merbok - Over 7,000 have gathered at Padang Merbok, sitting on the field and the surrounding steps.
The first round of speeches has begun.
PAS Supporters’ Wing information chief Balachandran G Krishnan says those afraid of the amendments are gambling den operators.
"They are afraid they will lose profits, and lose their Muslim patrons," he says.
He cites the Quran to say there is no compulsion in religion.
He adds, the amendments will not affect non-Muslims, and that all races will benefit from the implementation of Islamic law.
Slow start to counter-rally
3pm: Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya - The crowd starts forming here at the counter-rally 'Himpunan Rakyat Tolak Usul Hadi'.
About 60 are milling around the park in front of the lake.
Some have brought their own signs to denounce the planned amendments to Act 355, while the organisers hand out signs to those who have not.
The crowd are taking pictures together with their signs while waiting for the rally to start.
Some rally goers unsure of Act 355 amendments
2.35pm: Masjid Jamek - Hundreds are now heading towards Padang Merbok.
The rally participants walk along Jalan Perak before going through Jalan Parlimen to reach Padang Merbok.
Every few minutes, shouts of “Allahuakbar” (God is Great) is heard.
Sulaiman Horujin, 68, admits he does not know much about the amendments to Act 355, but says he is here to lend support for the rally.
“I don’t really know about it, but I know that it’s in relation to Islamic laws to prevent vice and to uphold Islam,” the Perak native tells Malaysiakini.
Pekida Kelantan's show of support
2.20pm Jalan Lembah – Roughly 50 Pekida Kelantan members, dressed in black, break the silent march from Masjid Negara to Padang Merbok with shouts "Allahuakbar".
"We're here to support (of amendments) to Act 355," one of them, Rahim Jaafar, tells Malaysiakini.
Those in purple however do not join in the chants, and continue to march on with occasional chatter breaking the silence.
2.10pm: Masjid Negara - A steady stream of participants exit the national mosque to proceed to Padang Merbok.
Uncharacteristically of a rally involving PAS members, there are no chants of "Allahuakbar" (God is great).
They are also not marching as a big group.
A member of the party's Unit Amal security arm, Iskandar Ghani tells Malaysiakini that participants have been informed not to march or rally at the mosque.
"We only rally at Padang Merbok. When you march, there tends to be provocation, so they just walk," he says.
Over 1,000 pack Masjid Negara
1.45pm: Masjid Negara - Over 1,000 people in purple pack the the national mosque for Zohor prayers.
Rally participant Zamri Engku Man from Kemasik, Terengganu says he took an overnight bus to get here.
"There were 14 buses, each can ferry 44 people," the PAS member says.
He expects today's rally to be a success.
1.30pm: Masjid Jamek – Roughly 200 people can be seen withint the Masjid Jamek LRT vicinity.
Hundreds more are inside Masjid Jamek for zohor prayers.
Some 30 students, between 9 to 17 years of age, can be seen donning the rally colours.
A student tells Malaysiakini they are from a religious school in Kuantan.
“We just arrived from Kuantan. We are from Maahad Tahfiz," says the student who wants to remain anonymous.
1.22pm: Padang Merbok - Over 500 people clad in purple have gathered at Padang Merbok ahead of today's rally.
More are expected to stream in from Masjid Jamek, Masjid Negara and the Bukit Aman mosque after the zohor prayers.
Hadi expects a turnout of 200,000 today.
A big stage has been set up on the field, while at the opposite end of the field is a bazaar.
12pm: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's private member's bill to amend Act 355 has. been a controversial affair.
The amendments will allow PAS to implement hudud law in Kelantan.
This is because Hadi's first version of the amendment sought to remove the punishment cap for syariah offences.
Disagreements over this led to the break up of the opposition pact Pakatan Rakyat, with PAS now bitter foes with DAP.The bill has since been watered down after the Umno-led government got into the picture.

Hadi's bill now seeks to raise the punishment cap to 30 years’ jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 strokes of the whip.
The current syariah punishment cap is three years’ imprisonment, RM5,000 fine and six strokes of the whip.
The amendment is expected to be debated in the next Parliament session, with the government taking it up once it gets to the second reading.-Mkini

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