
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Nazri: Avoid going to N Korea, they can do unimaginable things

Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz has advised Malaysians against travelling to North Korea at present, due to the diplomatic row over the murder of Kim Jong-nam.
"I don't encourage it. Don't go there, because we do not know what could happen.
"We cannot tell, because with that country we can never predict what would happen
"They can do all sorts of unimaginable things. I urge Malaysians not to go there," Nazri told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.
Earlier today, DAP lawmaker Lim Lip Eng urged the government to issue a travel advisory against visiting North Korea.
The embassy has made a series of allegations against Putrajaya and the police, which prompted a rebuke from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Yesterday, inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar disclosed that police want to question a North Korean embassy official and staff of Air Koryo in relation to the murder.
'Rogue country'
Asked if Nazri had any advice for the North Korean embassy officials in Kuala Lumpur, the minister replied: "They must remember this is not North Korea, this is Malaysia.

"We have laws, they (North Koreans) cannot do what they like here."
Saying he personally feels North Korea is a 'rogue country”, Nazri said they should follow international laws.
“We all know Malaysia doesn't have any role in this (the murder of Jong-nam).
“They should know that this thing happened in Malaysia and they should follow the international rules and regulations.
“We will not return the body until we can conduct a post-mortem and come to a decision. Don't try to push us,” the Padang Rengas MP added.- Mkini

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