
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 12, 2017

What Will The People Eat? Abolish The GST.

Did you know that the sales of Maggie Mee, Mee Sedap and other mee segera has now reached sky high levels? Nestle must be laughing all the way to the bank.

Each time we go to the supermarket, we see people loading up on Maggie Mee and Mee Sedap by the dozens.  It is the cheapest food to feed the family. Err .. I am talking about Malay shoppers in KL ok, plus outlying urban areas (like Bangi). 

But exactly what happens to your long term health is anyone's guess.

Folks, prices are skyrocketing.  I picked up the smallest can of ghee just now. It is 125 gm. You can see the picture. For comparison that is a 50 sen coin beside the can of ghee.  Its a small tin. That 125 gm can of ghee cost RM9.30 ! !  Before GST. This is insane.  

The ghee goes into briyani (mamak style) and also to make some mamak delicacies - which we do not make everyday.  

Here is another picture. This is sour sop or durian belanda. It is priced at RM18.99 per kg !!  This fruit in the picture was 1.46 kg, so the total price is RM27.73 for the whole sour sop fruit !!

This is Musang King Durian  price already.  Folks I am trans-planting durian belanda in our backyard soon.  I am not going to pay RM27 for durian belanda. Durian belanda is a backyard plant.

Prices of foodstuffs and all other household essentials have gone to the sky. 

Someone said there is no shampoo for less than RM12 per bottle.  

What will the people who live in the towns and cities eat? What will Malay people eat?

Here is something else that someone sent me :

The story says some girl lost her job because she was not at her workplace after the lunch hour.  She said she goes for prayers.  

Her non Muslim employer gave her a final warning letter.  

Her husband is also unemployed - because his employer's 'company tutup'.  The husband followed  Siregar Abdullah's advice and became a Grabcar driver but does not make sufficient income.  So now they are in difficulty.   

Folks, do you think these folks can afford to buy sour sop for RM27 a fruit? 
Or buy Ghee for RM9.30 per 125 gm can? 
I dont think so.  

I think they will be buying Maggie Mee by the cartons.  

They will drive their cars until they run out of petrol. Then they will stop by the roadside and just stand there, not  knowing what to do.  This is happening already.

I met another friend just now.  Malay guy and an ex MAS pilot. He told me, "Syed I have stocked up on one month's food supply in my house and I also have three month's cash with me at home all the time".

He seems to have a very doomsday scenario about what is going to happen.

I still have great faith. I am an optimist. 

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