
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

1MDB’s web grows more tangled by the day

YOURSAY | ‘PAS hasn’t learned not to mess with this feisty bull called Umno.’
Vijay47: Rid of its flair, fancy and flowers, Terence Netto's article is simply gloating over the fact that Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli must be having quite a few aces up his sleeve and that buried gold will soon be making its way into the glorious sunshine.
But would it really matter? Certain segments of the community have been so indoctrinated that once the faith flag is waved, they will never be able to see the wood for the trees nor the stampeding herd of elephants in the room.
We can only hope that when Rafizi does reveal his evidence, the misguided faithful can finally realise that all this while they have been led by a bunch of charlatans using the convenient cloak of religion to hide the reality that they are some of the most shameless crooks around.
In the meantime, I, like Netto and most others will certainly be celebrating the just desserts heading the way of that ‘congregation of saints’, PAS. With Umno no doubt being showered with similar blessings.
Anonymous Hotplate: Whatever the truth, Rafizi and other opposition leaders must be very careful in what they say and do as PM Najib Razak and his team are going all out to accuse them over some small matters and drag them to court in a bid to disqualify them before the election.
Keep your proof until the appropriate time before GE14. Najib may be setting traps to get the opposition leaders and disqualify them in court.
SAM98: Well, PAS hasn't learned not to mess with this feisty bull called Umno. Now nearing the GE and after shunning their coalition friends, will they get their behinds kicked?
ABC123: Here is what will happen. PAS will deny and deny. Then when the facts become too indisputable, they will find some Islamic principle to justify taking the money if it is used to "defend Islam and defend Malays".
Their rural base will believe the reasons because of religion and race and still continue to vote PAS.
Prudent: With the damning evidence which the ‘kleptocrats’ know are before the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), I have a vague feeling that the ‘kleptocrats’ may flee the country even before GE14 election day. This can happen during the campaign if they detect a Malaysian tsunami in the making.
Netto, I can understand your English which brings out your points, imageries and nuances very well and diplomatically. I belong to the classic school who did English Literature, including Shakespeare, at the pristine level. Please keep up your standards.
MinahBulat: If this is journalism, then Netto is not reaching out to many Malaysians whose language in English has been bastardised by the BN government.
Anonymous 539281478077880: Rafizi, please do not delay in letting the ‘cat out of the bag’. We cannot trust any government agencies at the present moment for they would wriggle their way out in times of desperation just to save Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).
The sooner, the better as the time is right to ‘kick out’ the betrayers of the country. Please don't give time for them ‘to escape’.
Caripasal: There is a big difference between "no money from 1MDB going to PAS leader’s personal account" and "no money going into PAS leader’s personal account".
MACC may be expected to use the former excuse to refute Rafizi, even if there was indeed a transfer of money.
NNFC: It is time the officials of the government agencies that are meant to provide a check and balance on government matters, start playing their critical role.
I suspect the ‘No Further Action’ (NFA) stamp is over-used in this current administration. So, do we allow ‘NFA’ for the billions of ringgit missing or allegedly stolen?
Anonymous_40f4: Najib and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang will continue to play politics with Act 355.
Najib wants to ‘use' PAS as a spoiler in three-way fights at GE14, as he finds that splitting the opposition votes is very good for BN. He has seen that in the Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar ‘buy-elections’ where PAS acted as a spoiler.
Even Parliament is seemingly being 'used' and manipulated by Najib. BN/Umno Baru/Najib will want to stay in power at all costs. The country is now in a precarious situation.
Boeyks: To be revealed in a few weeks’ time? Maybe by then the suspect can get the attorney-general (AG) to declare it as another donation by the Arabs as well and thus no case since it was not used for personal gain.
But it would be good to see that the face of the person close to PAS turning ‘pucat’ (pale) over the next few weeks.
Simple Malaysian: I shall await eagerly for this revelation. The expose needs precise timing so that Umno/MO1 are caught with their pants down.
My only reservation is that with public institutions all seemingly chained up and controlled, I am doubtful of their effectiveness. I sincerely hope I am wrong.
Anonymous 444981488553970: Rafizi, go ahead and expose this. We the rakyat may be silent but come the GE, we will know what to do.
Annonymous: Any idiot knows when the chief and most powerful ‘kleptocrat’ and these mullahs just meekly deny but dare not sue their accuser, it is 101 percent proof. Even a child knows that.

By the way, what's the new amendments for lying - tongue cut out? Then what about stealing - hands cut off? Bluffing the people with ‘haram money’ - brains cut open?
I am getting my popcorn to watch the show.- Mkini

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