
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Nazri vs Dr M - now we know who’s ‘jantan’

YOURSAY | ‘I sincerely hope that Nazri would take the trouble to answer all Dr M’s questions.’
Clever Voter: The 25 points posed by former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad are relevant but unlikely to be answered or clarified as long as BN remains in power.
PM Najib Razak will not entertain these queries but quite the reverse, he would perhaps have asked for the evidence to be destroyed by now.
So long as Malaysians do not consider the 1MDB issue to be of concern, it is very likely that there will no closure.
The current electoral system has its flaws, as it is now allegedly engineered to favour BN. What does it take for the country to decide enough is enough?
So long as the country is still rich with resources and there is no absolute hunger, we are likely to see BN entrenched in power for quite a while.
The urban folks will be allowed to make as much noise as they want. This is the irony, and the price to pay, for the legacies of which Mahathir was a part.
We can only hope for history to be kind. But often history repeats itself; unless BN becomes a victim of its own system and its own doing.
Mahsuri: Burning questions indeed, so hot that we can now smell the scent of burnt fried chicken permeating across the whole of Malaysia - that is, Nazri running for cover.
Not that a public debate would have changed anything. Dr M, focus on Pakatan Harapan, release your new manifesto soonest.
The rakyat are waiting to assess how you intend to uplift us from this cesspool of gross public sector mismanagement and corruption that we live in today.
Dingy: Can Nazri answer the questions raised Mahathir? Perhaps Nazri would simply say that attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali's words are final.
Even the apex court cannot challenge him. Mahathir could explain and explain, but Umno ‘dedak’ (animal feed) eaters are seemingly too stupid to understand.
Anonymous_1421806811: Since there is no debate, I would love to see Nazri replying to all the questions raised by Mahathir.
Najib knows Nazri will be eaten alive by Mahathir and therefore prevented the debate. Mahathir is still as sharp as a razor and all his statements make perfect sense.
CQ Muar: This is the Malaysian government for you – it’s standard practice among authorities under the control of Umno and its leaders, particularly Malaysian Official 1 (MO1). Well, a case of ‘you help me and I help you’ (to hold on to power).
This is to ensure all those top positions remain intact. Perhaps this will continue until the next election; hopefully, when the present regime draws to an end and is voted out.
Thus, it is for this reason that those in power are striving to maintain the present government in order that their position remains status quo.
Clearly, a change in government could see them being kicked out and the loss of benefits and power. Some could even potentially be behind bars, too.
Malaysia4All: It is time for ordinary Malays to begin questioning all Umno leaders and ask yourselves why you are allowing them to apparently cheat you of what rightfully belongs to you and the rakyat.
Is this in line with your Islamic beliefs? If not, speak up now for what is right.
The non-Malays are not your enemies - Umno is, and they continue to allegedly steal what belongs to you and your children. Think of your children's future. Don't give Umno your vote come GE14.
Anonymous 539281478077880: If the 1MDB fiasco was not exposed, then Umno would not have brought up the BMF (Bumiputra Finance Malaysia) scandal. It looks like a tit-for-tat.
But whatever the reasons given, some had had a gala time with the ‘donation’. If I'm not mistaken, Dr M had listed the number of culprits who had a hand in it.
No one can deny it as all the allegations levelled against MO1 had been covered up by them, allegedly to save their boss.
I sincerely hope that Nazri would take the trouble to answer all Dr M’s questions in his blog. This could bring out answers for some of the ‘burning issues’.
Vision2020: These factual and logical questions highlighted by Mahathir have merits and are in the public domain, and MO1 as a public figure and leader of Malaysia is obligated to answer these questions.
This is since 1MDB allegedly involved lying, cheating and stealing of the hard-earned savings of our public servants and rakyat through the Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP), Tabung Haji, the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), government-linked companies (GLCs) and selling off our national energy asset such as power plants, priceless government lands such as the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) base in Sungai Besi, Tun Razak Financial Centre (TRX) in the heart of Kuala Lumpur to foreigners to bail out and service the mammoth 1MDB debt, which will continue for a few generations to come.
Drngsc: Wow, this 92-year-old man has studied 1MDB well. No wonder Nazri apparently had to get the police to bail him out. He would have been kayoed in the first round.
Nazri, you can thank your lucky stars. Also thank the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) for getting you out of the hole.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: If Najib is indeed innocent, do you think that he would remain silent? No sane leader would remain quiet, while all over the world, newspapers, leaders and even comedians are poking fun at him.
Yes, even a worm would fight back if attacked, and what more a PM.
Anonymous_3f94: Nazri has apparently used the police to run away from the debate. Now he refuses to answer the questions posed to him by Dr M. This is totally pathetic behaviour of someone running away from the truth.
Esther: Nazri, you know pretty well the debate will never see the light of day. You are just afraid to answer because you wouldn't know how.
Anonymous 539281478077880: Yes, you are now scared to provide written answers to Dr M's questions.
You talked big as though you were willing to debate. The question-and-answer format via the blog would be a better way to replace the debate, Nazri.

You had the time to debate but to answer Dr M’s questions, you have now "chickened out".- Mkini

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