
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 31, 2017


PUTRAJAYA – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak wants the Malaysian civil service to push itself to the limit or beyond the limit, and to reject the mediocrity of being easily satisfied with “more or less” or “okay”.
Admitting that he would not be able to be an effective prime minister without an effective civil service, Najib said he wanted creative and innovative solutions to achieve the targeted quantum leap for the country.
“If we can do something collectively, the output will definitely be bigger, encompassing and more meaningful.
“We must always look for innovative and creative solutions,” he said at a National Transformation 2050 (TN50) dialogue session with civil servants, here, today.
The dialogue went on in a packed hall with the attendance of about 1,300 civil servants and conducted by the Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa.
Citing the Urban Transformation Centre (UTC), the prime minister said the initiative was a creative solution to give the best services to the public, besides building a competitive spirit among the government departments and agencies under one roof.
“The UTC is recognised worldwide and no countries have been able to do the UTC like Malaysia does.
“The UTC is awesome, as the productivity increases as there are departments side by side and there are various departments under one roof, hence creating a sense of competition,” he said.
Najib hoped the civil service would not resist change so that Malaysia would not be left behind.
He said among a host of creative initiatives was the Uber service which started with only two cars in San Francisco, United States but which now had three million vehicles operating daily in scores of countries with returns amounting to over US$62 billion (RM265 billion).
Najib also stressed the vital need for every government department and agency to cooperate with one another, besides upholding and implementing government policies.
“For example, there are too many funds set up in the government and we want to merge them into one. But the ministries with such funds would want to defend and keep them as they feel these are their turf or their own programmes.
“It’s whether we are willing to sacrifice a bit of our influence or power but will be beneficial for the country and people. Do we have that kind of mindset in our civil service?” he said.
The prime minister also stressed the need for civil servants with certain skills like managing big data in administration to be more focused on the people’s needs.
He said civil servants, as regulators, should also have the kind of mindset as facilitators, so that they would appeal more to the people.
During the two-hour dialogue session, various views and suggestions were put forward by the civil servants present from different departments and agencies on their aspirations for Malaysia in the next 30 years.
Among the views expressed were empowering further the education system so as to produce future generations with good character and values, and strengthening the transportation and healthcare systems.
“I find this dialogue session with young civil servants to be stimulating, more so as many have tried to draw up Malaysia’s aspirations towards 2050,” said Najib.
― Bernama


From a few years ago I have been warning about the end of the oil age. 
But I had a longer term view of 2020 and thereafter.
Since our gomen derives 30% of its revenue from Petronas the implications are obvious.
Who would have guessed that (in 2014) the Saudis would begin their pissing contest with shale oil. So far they have lost the pissing contest.
Oil prices have gone from over US115 per barrel (June 2014) to yesterday’s below US$50 per barrel. And shale oil is here to stay.
Now here is a research based article written by Professor Tony Seba, an economist from Stanford University in California. This guy says that petrol cars will be extinct in just another eight years.
He is tracking developments in battery technology for electric vehicles. The battery technology has reached the “tipping point” of exceeding 200 miles (this is US ok) on one charge. Plus the costs of EVs (electric vehicles) is also reaching the tipping point of going below US30,000 per vehicle.
Prof Seba says these two “tipping points” will combine in a perfect storm and create a massive explosion in EV production. Tesla for example is giving an “unlimited mileage warranty” on its Tesla s because the EV has only 18 moving parts. Service and maintenance costs will be almost zero.
Here is the article in full:
“A Tesla Model S, which has 18 moving parts, one hundred times fewer than a combustion engine car. “Maintenance is essentially zero,” says Stanford University economist Tony Seba. “That is why Tesla is offering infinite-mile warranties. You can drive it to the moon and back and they will still warranty it.”
No more petrol or diesel cars, buses, or trucks will be sold anywhere in the world within eight years.
The entire market for land transport will switch to electrification, leading to a collapse of oil prices and the demise of the petroleum industry as we have known it for a century.
This is the futuristic forecast by Stanford University economist Tony Seba. The professor’s report, with the deceptively bland title Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030, has gone viral in green circles and is causing spasms of anxiety in the established industries.
Mr Seba’s premise is that people will stop driving altogether. They will switch en masse to self-drive electric vehicles (EVs) that are 10 times cheaper to run than fossil-based cars, with a near-zero marginal cost of fuel and an expected lifespan of 1 million miles (1.6 million kilometres).
Only nostalgics will cling to the old habit of car ownership. The rest will adapt to vehicles on demand. It will become harder to find a petrol station, spares, or anybody to fix the 2000 moving parts that bedevil the internal combustion engine. Dealers will disappear by 2024.
Cities will ban human drivers once the data confirms how dangerous they can be behind a wheel. This will spread to suburbs, and then beyond. There will be a “mass stranding of existing vehicles”. The value of second-hard cars will plunge. You will have to pay to dispose of your old vehicle.
It is a twin “death spiral” for big oil and big autos, with ugly implications for some big companies on the London Stock Exchange unless they adapt in time.
The long-term price of crude will fall to $US25 a barrel. Most forms of shale and deep-water drilling will no longer be viable. Assets will be stranded. Scotland will forfeit any North Sea bonanza. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Venezuela will be in trouble.
It is an existential threat to Ford, General Motors, and the German car industry. They will face a choice between manufacturing EVs in a brutal low-profit market, or reinventing themselves a self-drive service companies, variants of Uber and Lyft.
They are in the wrong business. The next generation of cars will be “computers on wheels”. Google, Apple, and Foxconn have the disruptive edge, and are going in for the kill. Silicon Valley is where the auto action is, not Detroit, Wolfsburg, or Toyota City.
The shift, according to Mr Seba, is driven by technology, not climate policies. Market forces are bringing it about with a speed and ferocity that governments could never hope to achieve.
“We are on the cusp of one of the fastest, deepest, most consequential disruptions of transportation in history,” Mr Seba said. “Internal combustion engine vehicles will enter a vicious cycle of increasing costs.”
The “tipping point” will arrive over the next two to three years as EV battery ranges surpass 200 miles and electric car prices in the US drop to $US30,000 . By 2022, the low-end models will be down to $US20,000. After that, the avalanche will sweep all before it.
“What the cost curve says is that by 2025 all new vehicles will be electric, all new buses, all new cars, all new tractors, all new vans, anything that moves on wheels will be electric, globally,” Mr Seba said.
“Global oil demand will peak at 100 million barrels per day by 2020, dropping to 70 million by 2030.” There will be oil demand for use in the chemical industries, and for aviation, though Nasa and Boeing are working on hybrid-electric aircraft for short-haul passenger flights.
Mr Seba said the residual stock of fossil-based vehicles will take time to clear, but 95 per cent of the miles driven by 2030 in the US will be in autonomous EVs for reasons of costs, convenience, and efficiency. Oil use for road transport will crash from 8 million barrels a day to 1 million.
Insurance costs to fall by 90 per cent
The cost per mile for EVs will be 6.8 cents, rendering petrol cars obsolete.
Insurance costs will fall by 90 per cent.
The average American household will save $US5600 per year by making the switch.
The US government will lose $50 billion a year in fuel taxes.
Britain’s exchequer will be hit at the same rate.
“Our research and modelling indicate that the $10 trillion annual revenues in the existing vehicle and oil supply chains will shrink dramatically,” Mr Seba said.
“Certain high-cost countries, companies, and fields will see their oil production entirely wiped out. Exxon-Mobil, Shell and BP could see 40 per cent to 50 per cent of their assets become stranded,” the report said.
These are all large claims, though familiar to those on the cutting edge of energy technology. While the professor’s timing may be off by a few years, there is little doubt about the general direction.
India is drawing up plans to phase out all petrol and diesel cars by 2032, leap-frogging China in an electrification race across Asia. The brains trust of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for a mix of subsidies, car-pooling, and caps on fossil-based cars. The goal is to cut pollution and break reliance on imported oil, but markets will pick up the baton quickly once the process starts.
China is moving in parallel, pushing for 7 million electric vehicles by 2025, enforced by a minimum quota for “new energy” vehicles that shifts the burden for the switch onto manufacturers.
“The trend is irreversible,” said Wang Chuanfu, head of the Chinese electric car producer BYD, backed by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.
At the same time, global shipping rules are clamping down on dirty high-sulphur oil used in the cargo trade, a move that may lead to widespread use of liquefied natural gas for ship fuel.
This is all happening much faster than Saudi Arabia and Opec had assumed. The cartel’s World Oil Outlook last year dismissed electric vehicles as a fringe curiosity that would make little difference to ever-rising global demand for oil.
It predicted a jump in crude consumption by a further 16.4 million barrels a day to 109 million by 2040, with India increasingly taking over from China as growing market. The cartel said fossils will still make up 77 per cent of global energy use, much like today. It implicitly treated the Paris agreement on climate targets as empty rhetoric.
Whether Opec believes its own claims is doubtful. Saudi Arabia’s actions suggest otherwise. The kingdom is hedging its bets by selling off chunks of the state oil giant Saudi Aramco to fund diversification away from oil.
Opec, Russia, and the oil-exporting states are now caught in a squeeze and will probably be forced to extend output caps into 2018 to stop prices falling. Shale fracking in the US is now so efficient, and rebounding so fast, that it may cap oil prices in a range of $US45 to $US55 until the end of the decade. By then the historic window will be closing.
Experts will argue over Mr Seba’s claims. His broad point is that multiple technological trends are combining in a perfect storm. The simplicity of the EV model is breath-taking. The Tesla S has 18 moving parts, one hundred times fewer than a combustion engine car. “Maintenance is essentially zero. That is why Tesla is offering infinite-mile warranties. You can drive it to the moon and back and they will still warranty it,” Mr Seba said.
Self-drivŠe “vehicles on demand” will be running at much higher levels of daily use than today’s cars and will last for 500,000 to 1 million miles each.
It has long been known that EVs are four times more efficient than petrol or diesel cars, which lose 80 per cent of their power in heat. What changes the equation is the advent of EV models with the acceleration and performance of a Lamborghini costing five or 10 times less to buy, and at least 10 times less to run.
“The electric drive-train is so much more powerful. The gasoline and diesel cars cannot possibly compete,” Mr Seba said. The parallel is what happened to film cameras – and to Kodak – once digital rivals hit the market. It was swift and brutal. “You can’t compete with zero marginal costs,” he said.
The effect is not confined to cars. Trucks will switch in tandem. Over 70 per cent of US haulage routes are already within battery range, and batteries are getting better each year.
EVs will increase US electricity demand by 18 per cent, but that does not imply the need for more capacity. They will draw power at times of peak supply and release it during peak demand. They are themselves a storage reservoir, helping to smooth the effects of intermittent solar and wind, and to absorb excess base-load from power plants.
Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank England and chairman of Basel’s Financial Stability Board, has repeatedly warned that fossil energy companies are booking assets that can never be burnt under the Paris agreement.
He pointed out last year that it took only a small shift in global demand for coal to bankrupt three of the four largest coal-mining companies in short order.
Other seemingly entrenched sectors could be just as vulnerable. He warned of a “Minsky moment”, if we do not prepare in time, where the energy revolution moves so fast that it precipitates a global financial crisis.
The crunch may be coming even sooner than he thought. The Basel Board may have to add the car industry to the mix. There will be losers. Whole countries will spin into crisis.
The world’s geopolitical order will be reshaped almost overnight. But humanity as a whole should enjoy an enormous welfare gain.
Conclusion : Just follow basic laws of economics, just follow basic business practises and everything will be fine – for everyone. Besides ‘Mother Nature’ the most powerful forces in the world are ‘Market forces’.
You ignore market forces, you mess with market forces and you will become poor, barefooted and dumb. This is the Sharia and this is the Sunnatullah.
Surah 47:38 – Lo! ye are those who are called to spend in the way of Allah, yet among you there are some who hoard. And as for him who hoards, he hoards only from his Self. And Allah is the Rich, and ye are the poor. And if ye turn away He will exchange you for some other folk, and they will not be the likes of you.
I call this the replacement theory. If you mess up, the system will replace you.
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my


AN assistant manager of an English newspaper has been remanded by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for six days to assist investigations into a bribery case, Utusan Online reported today.
Magistrate Nik Isfahanie Tasnim Wan Ab. Rahman in Putrajaya allowed the remand until June 5.
MACC said the assistant manager, 54, allegedly solicited and received a bribe of RM70,000 from a well-known figure, who is being probed by the agency.
The suspect had allegedly told the complainant that he knew people in MACC and could “settle” the case for him.
The suspect was arrested in a hotel in Kuala Lumpur about 9.30pm last night, with about RM20,000 in cash found on him.
– https://www.themalaysianinsight.com


KUALA LUMPUR – RHB Bank Bhd and AMMB Holdings Bhd have requested for a suspension in the trading of their securities on Thursday.
Banking analysts said on Wednesday the request was for the major shareholders of both banks to begin merger talks.
RHB Bank closed up one sen to RM5.39 while AMMB closed up 11 sen to RM5.21.
Earlier on Wednesday, AMMB announced a strong set of earnings in the fourth quarter.
It reported a 20% increase in earnings at RM335.81mil from RM280.02mil a year ago boosted by higher net interest income (NII).
Its revenue was RM2.14bil compared with RM2.10bil a year ago. Its earnings per share were 11.17 sen compared with 9.32 sen. It announced a dividend of 12.6 sen a share.


It is time that The Star make amends for giving Islam a bad name by publishing positive stories regarding Muslims. There are many more corrupt and gay Muslims than there are extremist and terrorist Muslims. So the good Muslims far outnumber the bad Muslims. And this is what we should be focusing on.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
About one-quarter of the world’s population or 1.8 billion humans are Muslims. Of course, there are still more Christians who make up 31% or 2.2 billion of the population of this world. Nevertheless, if you want to separate those who are Muslims/Christians ‘in name only’ from those who are practicing Muslims/Christians, then there are more Muslims than Christians.
In fact, there are more Muslims who know about Islam than Christians who know about Christianity. For example, all Muslims without exception know how the Qur’an was ‘revealed’ to Prophet Muhammad (Muslims believe that Muhammad did not author the Qur’an but God/Allah revealed it to him through the Angel Gabriel).
The Christian story of Moses is from the Old Testament, not from the New Testament
Most Christians, however, do not know the history of the various Bibles and some even think that Christians only need to follow the New Testament and not the Old Testament (which they say only the Jews follow). The fact that Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and the rest of the 39 books, are from the Old Testament (all those stories which Christians believe in) means Christians also follow the Old Testament and not just the 27 books of the New Testament.
And do all Christians know that there are a total of 66 books which they need to follow opposed to just one Qur’an for the Muslims? Stop any Christian on the street and he or she will not know this fact. But then stop any Muslim on the street and most likely he or she can reply to most of your questions regarding Christianity.
In short, most Muslims are knowledgeable about Christianity while most Christians are not only ignorant about Islam but also about their own religion as well. And if Christians need to gain a bit more knowledge regarding Christianity they are better off talking to a Muslim than to a fellow Christian who would not know much.
Anyway, that is not what we want to talk about today. What we want to talk about is the very mischievous front-page of The Star that headlined the story on terrorism and then showed a picture of Muslims in prayer. That would be like showing the picture of the IRA bombing in Manchester 21 years ago below the story of the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, recently promising to step up the war on terrorism.
The Irish Republican Army (IRA) bombing in Manchester on Saturday, 15 June 1996
Actually, the negative or extremist image that Islam has acquired is all due to the media. When they talk about Islam they talk about killing, bombing, terrorism, etc. Are they saying that 1.8 billion Muslims are all like this?
In fact, there are many good Muslims all over the world. And the good Muslims far outnumber the bad Muslims. The same goes for Christians as well. Not all the 2.2 billion Christians want to bomb Manchester like the IRA did 21 years ago in 1996.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the Malaysian civil service and the Malays in general are more corrupt now than during the time when he was Prime Minister for 22 years from 1981 to 2003. There are about 1.6 million Malaysians working in the civil service and more than 80% of them are Muslim with about 10% Bumiputera and less than 10% Chinese and Indians.
So that is good. If it is true that the 80% Muslim civil service is highly corrupt that means these people are not extremist Muslims but are good people.
Muslims who are extremists would not touch haram money with a ten-foot pole. And if the more than one million Muslims in the Malaysian civil service are corrupt that shows these are moderate or liberal Muslims and are not extremists or terrorists. And that would be good news for the war against Islamic terrorism.
The Star should be highlighting this fact instead of publishing stories about terrorism with photos of Muslims in prayer.
Tan Sri Mohamed Amin Osman said 97% of the Malaysian police force is corrupt and in cahoots with the Chinese underworld syndicate
The Malaysian police force is very corrupt (Tan Sri Mohamed Amin Osman said 97% of them are corrupt). And most are Muslims. In fact, the Chinese underworld crime syndicate (not Muslims, though) that control drugs, gambling, prostitution, loan sharking, etc., is in partnership with the Malaysian police force.
Do you know if you are convicted for drug trafficking or murder you will be hanged? It is the death sentence for you plus for other crimes involving guns or waging war against the King, and so on. But for a certain price the police can botch the evidence so that you can get off on a technicality. The price depends on the size of your bank account and the richer you are the higher the price, which can run into millions if you are super-rich.
Mahathir says the Umno-led Barisan Nasional is going to win the next general election because Muslim-Malays are corrupt and can be bought with dedak, which is good because that means the Muslim-Malays are not extremists or terrorists
And, needless to say, we are dealing with Muslims here. So, do you think these Muslims who do under-the-table and backroom deals and are in partnership with the Chinese underworld syndicate are extremists or terrorists?
Why is The Star not talking about this positive aspect of Muslims to prove that not all Muslims are bad who wage jihad and bomb people and that there are many good Muslims like those in the Malaysian police force who do not harm others in the name of Islam and are only interested in making money the most unIslamic way possible?
We should stop talking about how bad Muslims are. We should instead talk about the many more good Muslims who are most unIslamic and violate every rule in the holy book. These people do not harm non-Muslims. They do not shoot and bomb innocent people. They are so corrupt that they do not care one bit what the Qur’an says and just want to get rich by any means possible.
Look at the following headline:
America’s First Openly Gay Imam Performs Same-Sex Marriages for Gay Muslims (READ THE STORY HERE)
Why does The Star not carry stories like these? Why just talk about terrorism?
And look at the photos below. Not all Muslims are terrorists and bombers. For every one terrorist and bomber there are thousands of gay Muslims. These gay Muslims do not want to kill people. They just want to make love or have sex, or vice versa.
There are more gay Muslims than there are Muslim bombers
Muslims, especially Malaysian Muslims, need to prove to the world that not all Muslims are bad. Of course, the interpretation of bad is extremists or terrorists. There are 1.8 billion Muslims so even if 100 million are extremists there are still almost 1.8 billion who are not.
So let us stop talking about these bad Muslims who kill and bomb people. Let us instead be proud of those good Muslims who do no harm to others. The majority of the corrupt Malaysian civil service is Muslim. The majority of the corrupt Malaysian police force is Muslim. There is a very high percentage of gay Muslims all over the world. In fact, if Pakatan Harapan wins the next general election, Malaysia may finally get a bisexual Prime Minister, a fantastic development to support the argument that not all Muslims are extremists.
It is time that The Star make amends for giving Islam a bad name by publishing positive stories regarding Muslims. There are many more corrupt and gay Muslims than there are extremist and terrorist Muslims. So the good Muslims far outnumber the bad Muslims. And this is what we should be focusing on.
If Malaysia finally gets a bisexual Prime Minister that will prove to the world that Malaysian-Muslims are not extremists 

Azmin: Selangor leaders must abide by Jais guidelines on mosque use

Political leaders in Selangor must adhere to the guidelines set by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) on organising of events in mosques and surau so as to maintain the sanctity of these places of worship, said Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali.
He said Muslim and non-Muslim political leaders should abide by the rules in respecting mosques and surau as places of worship which also unite Muslims.
"Elected representatives are allowed to organise events at the mosques and surau, but have them in the mosque or surau compound, not in the prayer area.
"On Subang member of parliament R Sivarasa making a speech at a mosque in Subang last week, I had an audience with the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah yesterday to explain the situation," he told reporters after chairing a state executive council meeting in Shah Alam today.
Sivarasa allegedly marred the sanctity of An Nur Mosque in Kampung Melayu Subang, near here, when he gave a political speech in the mosque, last Wednesday.
The Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) elected representative, however, denied giving a talk at the mosque, but said he was there to give a short speech on the state government's commitment to continue assisting mosques and surau in the state.
Azmin, who is also PKR vice-president, said Sivarasa had met him to explain the situation but he (Azmin) declined to elaborate on what was discussed.
Azmin also clarified that Sivarasa was not representing him as the event was organised by the Subang MP's office .
Meanwhile, Selangor Umno liaison chief Noh Omar said the repeat of such incidents involving non-Muslim political leaders showed the individuals' lack of respect and understanding of the sensitivities of Muslims.
Noh who is also housing and local government minister, said the issue was not something new because previously,  a female elected representative from DAP had also committed the same misdemeanor.
"Although there was public outcry over this, it is still happening now due to the attitude of individuals who might have no respect or are ignorant of Muslim religious sensitivities," he told reporters after distributing rice porridge to the staff of the ministry in Shah Alam today.

Yesterday, Jais director Haris Kasim reportedly said Sultan Sharafuddin had expressed his anger and disappointment with the MP who was alleged to have given a talk on politics in the mosque.
According to Haris, the sultan conveyed his displeasure over the matter to him personally and had ordered Jais to take immediate action against the mosque committee and event organiser.
Several photographs of Sivarasa at the mosque have also gone viral, causing uneasiness among various parties.
-- Bernama

Robbery victim wants Uber to pay for medical bills

A 26-year-old sales assistant from Puchong, who was robbed by an Uber driver and his accomplice 10 days ago, has requested for an ex-gratia payment from the e-hailing company.
Selangor Gerakan chief David Ang said that the undisclosed amount was part of a settlement negotiated with representatives from Uber Malaysia on behalf of the victim.
"Uber came to see us and to find out further how they can assist the victim.
"We had a very lengthy discussion today. At the same time Uber also wants to know how they can compensate victim," Ang told a press conference at the Selangor Gerakan headquarters in Bandar Utama.
Present was the victim, Wong Mei Yan, and her husband Tiong Ting Siong.
Ang said the couple have accepted offer for legal representation by Gerakan Youth deputy chief Andy Yong and Gerakan Youth legal bureau chief Chai Ko Thing, both of whom were present during the meeting and press conference.
Ang said the victim has presented a compensation proposal to Uber, which includes an urgent request for the company to cover the cost of her medical check-up, following a miscarriage sustained about one week after the incident.
"At the same time we also urged Uber to give public assurance on safety measures and procedures they do to vet their drivers," he said.
Ang said the meeting today was organised at Uber's request but noted that the company's representatives did not immediately respond to their demands.
Wong had reportedly indicated her plans to sue Uber for emotional distress.
However, Yong today Uber now has two-weeks to respond to her request for an ex-gratia payment.
"If they agree, then we won't proceed with the suit," he added.
Wong's ordeal had gone viral after a passerby who found her by the roadside on the night of the incident shared the story on Facebook.
At the time, she had booked her ride home to Puchong Jaya from Mid Valley through Uber and got into the vehicle despite there being another man sitting in the front passenger seat.

When they arrived at One Puchong business centre, the other passenger allegedly pointed a knife at her and forced her to hand over her valuables.
It was also reported that police arrested the 22-year-old Uber driver from Kulim, Kedah, last Wednesday.
He was remanded for seven days until May 31 under Section 117 of the Penal Code for abetting the crime.
It is understood that the order has been extended until June 7.- Mkini