
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



17 Ramadhan 1446H (18 March 2025)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

BREAKING NEWS : Egyptian Checkmate In Gaza

 This news happened on Friday but it appeared last nite (Monday 7th June 2021).

  • Building equipment, sent by Egypt, arrive in Gaza June 4, 2021 
  • Entry of Egyptian construction equipment first time in Gaza  
  • Egypt ruled Gaza until 1967


  • dozens of Egyptian bulldozers, cranes, trucks enter Gaza last Friday 
  • Egypt planning to return to Gaza which it ruled between 1948 and 1967.
  • Egyptian decision to send building equipment and engineers to Gaza Strip 
  • Cairo’s pledge to reconstruction efforts 
President Sisi pledged US$500 million to help rebuild Gaza 
Hamas will not be able to resume rocket attacks on Israel
hard for Hamas to initiate another round of fighting when Egyptians inside Gaza 
Hamas and Islamic Jihad will get into trouble with Egypt
Egyptians have warned Hamas against fighting 
while Cairo rebuilds Gaza 

  • 1948 -1967 Egypt controlled Gaza Strip 
  • Egyptians administered Gaza through military governor.
  • Egyptians to return to Gaza 
  • to pave way for permanent Egyptian presence in Gaza 
  • Egyptians played crucial role in Israel-Hamas ceasefire on May 21
Gen Kamel, head of Egypt’s General Intelligence Service visited Gaza last week 
he met with Hamas and other Palestinian factions 
discussed maintaining ceasefire and reconstruction efforts
Kamel’s visit sign of Egypt’s intention to play major role in Gaza and Palestine 
Sisi wants to be heavily involved with everything concerning Gaza Strip

  • Relations between Egypt and Hamas strained 
  • 2013 Sisi deposed Morsi, outlawed Muslim Brotherhood
  • 2015 Egypt listed Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization
  • Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood charged with spying for Hamas and Iran
  • Egypt accused Hamas of helping Muslim terrorists who attacked Egypt 
  • PA President Abbas appreciates Egypt in Gaza 

My Comments :

Indeed what a checkmate.  

1. For Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood this will be curtains for them in Gaza. Both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood have been playing politics over Gaza. Hamas has been threatening to shoot rockets again if there was no money flowing to them from Qatar (to rebuild Gaza).  The Egyptians are no fans of Hamas and certainly not fans of the Muslim Brotherhood which has been banned in Egypt and declared a terrorist organisation. The Egyptians will certainly root out Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood from Gaza. 

So the question now is with Egyptians taking over Gaza where will Hamas shoot their rockets? At Cairo? 

2, Muslim Brotherhood 

The Muslim Brotherhood will be losing one of two territories left under their control ie Turkey and Gaza.  Mark my words - some of them will be coming over to Malaysia. 

3. Iran 

With the Egyptians reclaiming Gaza, this means the Shia Ayatollahs in Iran will lose another one of their pet propaganda projects. They have certainly played up the Gaza issue in Iran where the majority of the people do not speak Arabic (although half of modern Farsi is borrowed from Arabic). 

It also remains to be seen where and how they will deal with Egypt. Will they declare Egypt the occupiers of Gaza? Lets see what happens. With Egypt in Gaza, the Israelis will also have more time to focus on the Ayatollahs. I think there will be more fires inside Iran.

4. Turkey 

Like Iran, Erdogan's Turkey will also lose another huge propaganda project if Egypt takes over Gaza. Just like the Ayatollahs in Iran, Turkey's Erdogan too has reaped huge propaganda benefits (especially during election time) as the champion of Gaza and the Palestinian issue.  Plus how should Turkey react now - if one Arab country 'occupies' another Arab territory?  

5.  Egypt

Egypt formally occupied Gaza from 1948 - 1967. Long before that the Gazan inhabitants were not really separate from Egypt. Many Gazans have family in Egypt and vice versa.  When Egypt signed the peace treaty with Israel in 1978, the Arabs fully kicked out Egypt from the entire Palestinian process.  Until now.  The entry of Egypt back into Gaza means that Egypt is back in the center of the Palestinian issue again. And note that not one Arab country has made a single protest about Egypt re-entering Gaza.  Now the Arabs do not care. 

6. Israel

This is a major accomplishment for Israel. For most certainly this move by Egypt has been carefully coordinated by Israel. The Egyptians did not plan this move by themselves.  How will it benefit Egypt? If the Egyptians remove the Muslim Brotherhood from Gaza, many Arab neighbours will be thankful to Israel as well. Including Gazans of course.  The Israelis will also focus more attention on Iran. 

7. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority and the Fatah

Now the Fatah will not have to worry about losing the West Bank to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. It is most likely that Egypt will wipe out Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood from Gaza.  There will be peace in the West Bank as well.

8. People of Gaza

Previously Hamas has not spent money on the economy or on the people in Gaza.  Despite billions of US Dollars given by Arab countries, especially Qatar, the Gazans have been suffering. The money has been siphoned off by Hamas to build tunnels, rockets and other things which make some people very rich.

If Egypt can rebuild Gaza and maintain the peace the people in Gaza may get better opportunities for jobs and economic opportunities. This will likely open up a different future for Gaza.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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