
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Missing the forest for the trees


I read with interest the reactions of DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang and party secretary-general Anthony Loke to questions asked about my book, “Shattered Hopes”. 

I’m surprised that two such veteran political leaders would react to headlines, using words like “rubbish” and “hogwash”, while admitting not having read the book in the first place.

Gentlemen, please don’t miss the forest for the trees.

For the record, “Shattered Hopes” focuses on the alleged machinations of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad in hijacking a reformed-minded coalition of parties led by PKR and DAP and who then allegedly sought to destroy the very coalition and partners that brought him into power.

And there was nothing wrong in rebuilding the Chinese community following the emergence of a “New Malaysia”, where returning Chinese Malaysians could positively contribute to stemming the massive brain drain of talent and skills that had occurred in the previous administration.

Isn’t this what Talentcorp is trying to do even today?

Mahathir’s sabotage

But what is of greater concern, is that Mahathir later reneged on these promises of reforms that would surely attract Malaysians to return and some of his other actions below that eventually led to the Pakatan Harapan government’s implosion in 2020.

The DAP had also championed the reinstatement of local council elections that had been abolished in 1976 but Mahathir allegedly refused, arguing that it would cause conflict due to “racial differences and other issues”.

The reality was, as many are aware, his alleged fear that non-Malays would become mayors in cities across the country. Isn’t this yet another example of how he attempted to renege on Harapan’s promises?

Most importantly, when were DAP leaders aware of Mahathir’s alleged long-planned attempt to build a “grand alliance” of nationalist political parties and politicians that would allow him to throw out of government the DAP and elements of PKR that stood with Anwar Ibrahim?

“Shattered Hopes” outlines why this was allegedly done, who was allegedly involved and how it was allegedly implemented in imploding a legitimately elected reform-minded government that was then replaced by a coalition of unelected ultra-nationalists. And we all saw how well that new government worked out.

If Lim and Loke are unable to get a copy of the book because they have been sold out in bookshops, I would be very happy to give them complimentary copies. - Mkini

ROMEN BOSE is a former international correspondent and political consultant. He previously worked as a political communications consultant for former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak for six years.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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