
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 25, 2018


The real issue frightening Kit Siang Malam and his son No Swimming Pool is that 200,000 Malay members of 150 NGOs are ready to take to the streets for May 13 Version 2.0 to teach the DAP Chinese a lesson. And the intelligence services have told the government that Malaysia is on the brink of May 13 Version 2.0. So, they need Malaysians to talk about 1MDB instead. 

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Why is the 1MDB issue back in the news again today? Is not the 1MDB matter now in court and the court has yet to decide whether former prime minister Najib Tun Razak is guilty of stealing RM2.6 billion or RM20 billion of RM42 billion or RM50 billion (the figure keeps changing every time depending on who is making the allegation) of 1MDB’s money?
Today, the ‘hot news’ is about the auditor’s report being doctored (with the collaboration of the Auditor-General, Chief Secretary to the Government, and the Chief Commissioner of the MACC), and that Jho Low attended 1MDB’s board meeting as the representative of the Saudi prince (but this was never revealed).
How come this is ‘hot news’ that needs to be urgently announced today? Was all this not already revealed in the news reports and even in the books that have already been published and launched regarding 1MDB? Are all these ‘hot news’ secrets that have been kept hidden from the public and only today Malaysians are being told about it?

Pakatan Harapan miscalculated the Malay mood on the ground

For all intents and purposes, today’s ‘hot news’ is cerita lama. It is being dressed up to look like cerita baru to give it sensationalism. If not, it will not be ‘hot news’, it will be ‘cold news’.
Pakatan Harapan needs to overshadow and distract Malaysians from the real hot news. And that hot news is the issue of ICERD. Pakatan Harapan has blundered big time and now they need to do damage control. Even backtracking or doing a U-turn on ratifying the ICERD, after publicly announcing they are going to ratify it, is not helping.
For three years since 2015, PAS and Umno have been seeking a common platform to cooperate on. They tried, at first, to use the RUU355 matter as that platform but it did not quite work. PAS and Umno went into GE14 in May this year without any agreed platform. Now they have it, and that platform is ICERD.

Pakatan Harapan stupidly gave Umno and PAS a common platform

Pakatan Harapan very stupidly pushed PAS and Umno into each other’s arms. And now they need Malaysians to refocus and get distracted from the ICERD issue. And that is why, today, 1MDB is back in the headlines as the latest ‘hot news’ of the day. In reality, however, it is cerita lama that has already been ‘revealed’ over the last three years by so many people.
Are PAS and Umno merely playing up the ICERD issue as a political weapon? Even if they are, so what? Is this not what politics is all about, and how politics should be played?
Lim Kit Siang keeps playing up the 1MDB issue siang malam that he is fast becoming Kit Siang Malam. Is Kit Siang doing this to ‘save the country’? Is he doing this to ‘seek justice’?

What happened to Lim’s promise to send Mahathir to jail till the day he dies once Pakatan takes over the federal government?

The 1MBD issue is small potatoes compared to the scandals involving Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Daim Zainuddin, Muhyiddin Yassin and Anwar Ibrahim. The scandals committed by these four people alone are 10 kali lebih besar dari 1MDB.
Kit Siang Malam has promised Malaysians that once Pakatan Harapan comes to power he is going to make sure that Mahathir goes to jail till the day he dies. What has happened to that promise which Kit Siang Malam has repeated numerous times? Kenapa sekarang diam?
Kit Siang Malam is a fake. And the so-called ‘hot news’ today regarding 1MDB is also a red herring. The ICERD issue is a major blunder and now Pakatan Harapan needs Malaysians to focus on something else.
The real issue frightening Kit Siang Malam and his son No Swimming Pool is that 200,000 Malay members of 150 NGOs are ready to take to the streets for May 13 Version 2.0 to teach the DAP Chinese a lesson. And the intelligence services have told the government that Malaysia is on the brink of May 13 Version 2.0. So, they need Malaysians to talk about 1MDB instead.

The Malays are primed and ready for May 13 Version 2.0

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