
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 25, 2018

Expect U-turn, ex-CJ tells ICERD opponents

Former chief justice Abdul Hamid Mohamad.
KUALA LUMPUR: Former chief justice Abdul Hamid Mohamad today warned fellow opponents of ICERD that Putrajaya might make a U-turn on its decision to reject the global anti-discrimination treaty.
He said this was because there were groups who would still put pressure on the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.
He said these groups were not happy with the special privileges accorded to the Malays as well as the Bumiputeras.
“They won’t stay quiet,” Hamid told a forum on ICERD today, adding that the pressure would continue even if Dr Mahathir Mohamad remains as the prime minister.
“Since May 9, we have seen many U-turns,” he said.
On Friday, Putrajaya said the government would not ratify ICERD, saying it was committed to the “social contract” that was agreed upon by representatives of all races.
Critics had said ratifying ICERD would undermine the special position of the Malays, including provisions to allow quotas in public institutions, as spelt out in Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.
Hamid said the government’s stand was an admission that ICERD violates provisions in the constitution, which has been at the heart of the argument by those opposing the treaty.
Meanwhile Hamid questioned DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng over his meeting with editors from the Chinese language media, where he reportedly told them that some political parties and individuals were using ICERD to play up racial sentiments among the Malays.

“Firstly, why did he only call editors from the Chinese dailies if he wanted to issue a statement? Is there something he did not want the Malays to know?” he asked. -FMT

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