
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Harapan would have failed Sarawakians if Taib not charged

I visited a few friends in Kuala Lumpur during Deepavali and at almost every open house, my host or friends of the host would inevitably ask me, “Now that Musa Aman (former Sabah chief minister) has been charged, what about your Taib (Sarawak governor Abdul Taib Mahmud)?”
What? Am I supposed to know when that will happen? I am a private citizen and not part of the Pakatan Harapan government. But I cannot blame my dear friends for their poser for they are only too aware of my very ‘strong bond’ with Taib, if you know what I mean.
Well, it was a festive occasion and joining in the happy atmosphere, I cracked, “If you guys make me the prime minister in the morning, MACC will be directed to haul him up and get him charged in the afternoon…”
Seriously, many Malaysians, and Sarawakians in particular, can never forget (nor possibly forgive) Taib – not when his alleged abuse of power as chief minister for 33 long years has been recorded and is in the public domain.
This week, the reminder to the authorities on their “no action” against Taib actually came from several Malaysiakini readers. Here is what they say in reacting to the main story ‘Musa charged with receiving RM263m in alleged bribes’.
  • “When will the White Rajah of Sarawak be hauled in? Was he given immunity from prosecution after meeting Dr Mahathir Mohamad immediately after GE14? I wonder!”
  • “It amazes me why Abdul Taib Mahmud and his family have never been probed for wrecking Sarawak’s future. Something is not right. Is Taib untouchable?”
  • “Yes, the icing on the cake will be when Taib is finally dragged to the courts to face charges of allegedly receiving billions in bribes in exchange for logging concessions. Now that Musa Aman is charged, it will be a grave injustice if Taib does not face similar charges. Taib has allegedly stolen more money than Najib Abdul Razak and Musa, combined.”
  • “Indeed, how about moving the action next door, Sarawak, MACC? Surely, it’s long overdue.”
  • “In two years’ time, Sarawak will have its state election. So MACC's action in Sarawak will make it even more exciting, especially for the ruling Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).”
In a WhatsApp chat group among Sarawak friends, this was my reaction when the subject of Taib and corruption was brought up recently.
“I get very upset every time Taib and his abuse of power are mentioned. Be assured that my group and I are not through with him yet and I wish to see this biggest thief in the country brought to justice in my lifetime.
“Pakatan Harapan and GPS would have failed Sarawakians if Taib is allowed to get away scot-free.
“We will oppose any attempt to strike a deal with him. Remember, no one is above the law!”
A deal stitched?
There was a widely circulated message online in recent days stating that the Harapan government has made a deal with Taib for him to return his allegedly stolen billions via a sort of foundation fund for Sarawak. In return, no action will be taken against the 83-year-old governor.
The reason being that Taib is an old man and he might not even live through the trial if charged. So it’s better to get the governor to return his alleged loot. Several years ago, Taib publicly stated that he had colon cancer but has since recovered.
Again, the message online was unverified. If true, I do not think a deal is the way out, irrespective of the circumstances.
Oh yes, my former chief minister and now governor and I have had a very ‘special relationship’. I always hate the fact that he held too much power and he resented that I, a powerless nobody, have been a constant irritant to him.
He became so edgy at one point in 2011 when I attempted to organise a rally in Kuching against his rule that he publicly told me off: “Who is Francis Siah to ask me to resign? I was elected by the people, he is not!”
This is nothing personal against Taib. I am a patriotic Sarawakian and my wish is to see that the rich resources of my beloved homeland are shared and enjoyed by my fellow Sarawakians, not looted by greedy, corrupt, and evil leaders and their cohorts.
Taib must be brought to justice, just like Najib, his wife and other Umno leaders. Indeed, what is so special about Taib?
If Taib isn’t reined in, I will hold the Harapan government responsible for it has failed Sarawakians miserably. 
On May 17, eight days after Harapan’s historic victory, I wrote a letter to Mahathir. I have said all there is to say. It has been six months since. I do not intend to write another one to the prime minister.
We have also heard enough stories from the MACC as to why no action has been taken against Taib. Sarawakians are not ‘paloi’ (stupid). MACC is just awaiting instructions from the boss.

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH heads the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) and can be reached at sirsiah@gmail.com.

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