
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 7, 2018

KJ should leave Umno and form his own party

Khairy Jamaluddin, also known as KJ, could create a political earthquake by cutting his umbilical cord with Umno and forming his own multiracial party. But no disaster would await him then; in fact, he would likely be in for a pleasant surprise.
Umno members, especially the young and the very old, like those who lived in the era of Tunku’s multiracial Malaysia, are fed up with the racial rhetoric, bigotry and lies. If KJ cannot transport the Umno dinosaurs into the 21st century, he should stop wasting energy on people who refuse to change or listen.
His new multiracial party should dispense with the rituals, kow-towing and idolatry of specific individuals currently present in Umno. The new party should be equal in every sense of the word.
The Rembau MP must learn to trust his instincts and be more self-confident. The affirmative action policies and Ketuanan Melayu complex have robbed many Malays of their self-esteem. But KJ has the right qualities and experience. Malaysians are snobs, so his Oxford credentials give him a head-start.
He has already developed the necessary networking skills, but he could learn to be less haughty and arrogant. He is normally associated with the elite; it would not hurt him to climb down from his ivory tower. His biggest mistake was to allow himself to be the poodle of former prime minister Najib Razak.
The last video in which Najib and KJ were seen together, just days before GE14, was a PR disaster. They were seen discussing matters in a pristine and deathly quiet mamak shop. Whoever heard of a mamak shop with no grease and the atmosphere of a graveyard? That video was the last nail in Najib’s coffin. Both the location and content of their discussion were ludicrous.
KJ has a following. He can get more people on board, but he needs to offload the Umno baggage with which he is tainted. He would earn the respect of millions of Malaysians by ditching Umno.
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the current Umno president, is not a leader. He butchers the English language each time he opens his mouth. He did not even try to protect his granddaughter after her foolish tirade about the criminal charges against him.
The signs are not good. Umno, the party which used to spend so much on its general assemblies, is as good as dead. Remember the days when its leaders would arrive in the latest imported car, with their women decked out in jewels and carrying designer handbags? Now they seem busy with trips to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for grilling.
People are now openly critical of Umno and its leadership. Loyalty to Umno came at a heavy cost to the people. If KJ were to leave Umno and form his own party, it would rejuvenate the political scene.
It might also restore KJ’s image, which was dented by his association with Najib. He appears vocal about corruption and abuse of power, but only after Umno lost the election.
Najib and Zahid have been arrested by MACC. Their trials are imminent. KJ should distance himself from them and start anew. Time is on his side.
There’s no point creating an Umno 2.0. KJ should strike out boldly and persuade progressive Malaysians to join him. Pakatan Harapan (PH) needs a strong opposition, especially as it begins to look as though it may become a carbon copy of Umno.
Forming a new multiracial party would be in the best interests of the people. Dr Mahathir Mohamad is ruthless and politically savvy, but he is not immortal. The young politicians in PH are still naive and struggling to find their footing. Let them catch up, but in the meantime, KJ should capitalise on this opportunity and form a strong opposition because that is what the nation needs. -FMT

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