
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 22, 2018

TAR institutions have always been apolitical, says MCA leader

Wanita MCA chairman Dr Pamela Yong says the party has always kept Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tunku Abdul Rahman University College clear of political elements.
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Wanita MCA has denounced Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng for refusing to give more allocations to two higher-learning institutions – Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Utar) and Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) – purely because of their connections to the party.
Wanita MCA chairman Dr Pamela Yong.
Speaking to the media today, Sabah Wanita MCA chairman Dr Pamela Yong said Lim’s contention was not only wrong but also discriminatory as MCA had always kept both educational institutions clear of political elements.
“MCA, through our initiatives, founded these two prestigious institutions in its efforts to provide better education and equal opportunities to all Malaysians, regardless of class or creed.
“In fact, some DAP leaders have also benefited from MCA’s efforts and now hold portfolios in the Cabinet.”
She accused Lim of choosing to single out UTAR and TAR UC simply for political mileage and for petty political revenge.
She claimed that Lim knew that both institutions are apolitical and have remained above the political fray, an attribute which has contributed to their reputation as renowned educational centres.
“When I first heard his smug justification as to why the government had decided to butcher the operational allocation for TAR UC, the first words that popped into my mind were: ‘Boo … Shame on you, Mr Lim Guan Eng’.
“It is most disappointing to think that in order to score a one-up against MCA for nothing more than a massive ego boost, Lim would deliberately choose to hang the students of TAR UC out to dry.
“He would rather jeopardise their access to affordable and quality education, just so he can spite MCA and feel all high and mighty about it,” she said.
Yong reminded Lim that instead of punishing MCA, he is in fact messing around with the education and future of young people studying in both institutions.
She said she could not believe that in his desperation to pursue his personal vendetta against MCA, Lim would stoop so low as to put his personal interest above those of TAR UC students.
TAR UC, she said, was founded by MCA in 1969 with the most noble intention of providing accessible, affordable and quality tertiary education to all Malaysians, irrespective of race, religion and political affiliations.
“Your fellow Cabinet ministers and MPs seated alongside you today (in deafening silence, shame on all of them) are the proud products of TAR UC.
“They are the living proof; testament of the intentions of MCA.
“When it came to educating our youths, MCA has made it a point to keep it above politics.
“It is you, Lim Guan Eng, who chose to hit below the belt and damned TAR UC just so you could go to bed with a smirk on your face tonight.
“It took us 50 years to build TAR UC into what it is today but it takes only one shameless Guan Eng to bring it down,” she said.
On Wednesday, Lim insisted that MCA should break off ties with UTAR and TAR UC before the government provides more allocations for the two institutions.

He said the government would consider giving more allocations than this year’s RM5.5 million as a development fund with a condition that the institutions are not owned by MCA. - FMT

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