My thoughts on Anwar has not changed. I am steadfast in my long-held conviction that by the things he has done in and out of government, Anwar is not the best candidate to be prime minister after Tun Mahathir… BUT…and it is a BUT that has increasingly grown to trouble me in recent months….BUT… is it not true that Anwar’s support for Tun Mahathir made Tun’s return as PM possible? Why then has Tun not given DSAI the respect and position Anwar deserves in government?
Tun Mahathir has subjected DSAI to much ridicule. Tun Mahathir has been disrespectful of DSAI’s position within the PH coalition. DSAI deserves better. For me, the equation is simple. If DSAI is to be the PM-designate, then he must now be appointed DPM. If Tun Mahathir will not appoint DSAI as his deputy, then let those with political power do so! And those that should have the political will and political clout to do so, is Pakatan Harapan.
Common sense and decency must prevail in PH. Make DSAI DPM now and set the succession structure in concrete. Then PH can get on with the work of government without being held to ransom by the whims and fancies of a 94-year-old PM who thinks himself Master of the Universe, Lord of all that he surveys, Death Vader and Prime Minister of Malaysia, all at the same time. Enough said.
As for the rest of you…all that I can say is simply this. We collectively shot down BN from political power in the last PRU. Do not get too excited. Do not get too carried away by the things that do not matter. For now, keep calm and reload. We will wait to see if we need to shoot PH down when the next PRU is upon us.
If we have to….then wait until you can see the white of their eyes before you open fire….and make every bullet count! And just remember this…what I write above is about doing the right thing to DSAI….nothing more and nothing less.
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