
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ekonomi Negara Tenat - Dasar Jahanama al Jahileen Menyamar Sebagai Rahmatan Lil Alameen

Learn a word a day...”The Prime Minister was testiculating about how he was clean of corruption and nepotism.  

economist urges govt stop propping up weak economy with unproductive initiatives 

Barjoyai Bardai said one such initiative was to reduce statutory reserve requirement

Investors know recession coming 
won’t change no matter how rosy picture we try to paint 

Citing MIER and Consumer Sentiments Index for 3rd quarter, business bad 

drop in sales, sluggish production, weak job outlook and purchasing power

no amount of tweaking would prevent people from lowering spending 

Businesses will see drop in demand

economist Hoo Ke Ping spoke of economic slowdown
worst hit would be middle income bracket
This is the group that spends and this is why business sentiment isn’t good

they will reduce spending 
this will hit businesses more
since most businesses cater to middle-income group
M40 group “saddled with housing loans”

My comments :  

In Malaysia everything is race, race, race.

The economy has tanked for quite a few years now. In my view the bad economic situation affects different races to different degrees. 

Unemployment : Malay university graduates are delivering Grab Food and sweeping the streets.  Non Malay graduates from the same universities are getting jobs that are more real. For example non Malay graduates of the same universities can also find employment overseas. How come?  

For about 44 years, oil revenues supported the government's most stupid and capacity destroying economic policies.  

The government tried to "buy" a national car industry,  by creating a racial cocoon to isolate the Malaysian car market from the real world.  (The new Chinese CEO pointed out that our national car did not have a single Indian car salesman ?? Punyalah bodoh punya business model.)

To support an unworkable domestic car, artificial barriers were created which raised car prices to among the highest in the world.

At last Melayu miskin dulu because Malays make up the largest proportion of the population. 

The earning capacities of the average Malaysian was enough to be able to afford to buy even Volkswagens, Mercedes, Chevrolets, Toyotas etc. Instead all these cars became out of reach of the average Malaysians especially the Malays. Instead for the same amount of money the Malays / Malaysians were forced to buy tin can cars produced by the national car industry.

But that is not the worst damage.  The worst damage was destroying the capacity of the local engineers, managers, technical workers who were employed in the fake or artificial national car industry.

In a fake, false, cocooned and uncompetitive automotive market, they did not learn how to compete with the real world.  

So after 30 years, billions of Ringgit wasted and wasted opportunities we never produced a single Made in Malaysia engine that could compete in the real world. None. 

Worse still none of the artificially created car CEOs became world class businessmen. None. They just cannot compete. One car CEO incorporated sembahyang hajat as his management tool. 

To make a long story short - disaster. The car company went bust.

Now the Chinese have taken over the car company while the Japanese are running the other car company. 

But the high protective barriers are still there. 
Malaysian car prices are still among the highest in the world.
So now the Chinese and Japanese are laughing all the way to the bank. 

In Japan the Toyota Rush starts at RM61,000.
In Malaysia the Toyota Rush starts at RM98,000 !!
Tuan-tuan sudah kena tipu.

Don't worry. 
You can still buy the Perodua Aruz (aka Toyota Rush) for RM82,000.
That is ONLY 34 PERCENT higher than in Japan. 
Kena tipu lagi !!

Have the fools given up? 
Nope. Enter the Flying Car. 
They still want to try again. 
For another 30 years?

This is called Jahanama al Jahileen or destruction wrought by fools or orang jahil.

It is nowhere close to rahmatan lil alameen ("mercy to mankind").

It is purely jahanama al jahileen masquerading as rahmatan lil alameen. 

It is still happening. Nothing much has changed. 

More on this later.

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