
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Injunction scuttles PKR division polls amid tussle

The election for the newly set up Tanjung Manis PKR division, which was scheduled to be held this morning in Sarikei, Sarawak has been postponed following an injunction filed to prevent the election after the disqualification of 12 candidates.
The injunction notice was served on PKR assistant secretary-general Nor Irwan Ahmat Nor (above), as well as the electoral chief invigilator this morning, right before the election was supposed to take place.
As a result, Irwan announced that the election would be postponed though there was no new date set.
The injunction which was sighted by Malaysiakini is dated Nov 1 and was filed by Francis Bujang Anak Jelani, one of the 12 candidates who was disqualified from contesting in the Tanjung Manis PKR division election.
The other 11 disqualified candidates were Abang Aditajaya Abang Alwi, Mengkang Rangkong, Sulah Andien, Barnabas Untai Lucas, Emparie Dullah, Swak Jalik, Richard Panting, Rohayah Tambi, Allif Omar Yunus, Mohd Wahab Bujang and Erni Salmi.
In a statement, Francis had claimed that the cancellation of his candidacy was "a breach of natural justice" and a "grave injustice" as he and the other 11 candidates were only given very short notice of their disqualification.
"The party had arranged for the nomination day to be on Oct 20, 2019. I completed the formalities and paid the requisite fees.
"However, on Oct 28, 2019, my friend informed me that a letter by the assistant secretary-general Nor Irwan Ahmat Nor informing that I was one out of 12 people that had our candidacy for the office bearers cancelled.
"The letter by the assistant secretary-general was not even addressed to me personally, but to a group of people listed in an annexure.
"I was shocked and immediately sought legal advice. I have been advised and verily believe that my rights to be a candidate are enshrined in the party constitution, further the cancellation of my candidacy without any reference to me is a breach of natural justice," Francis, who had intended to contest as a member of the committee (AJK), said in the statement.
Among others, the injunction ordered that the assistant secretary-general and the chief invigilator are not allowed to refuse, bar or deny the 12 candidates who were disqualified by central PKR the right to contest in the Tanjung Manis division election.
The inter parte hearing for the injunction is fixed on Nov 12, 2019 at 9am.
A party source told Malaysiakini that Aditajaya (photo), who was supposed to contest for the division chief position, was disqualified for supposedly having dual party membership, in PKR and Bersatu.
However, Malaysiakini sighted a letter from Bersatu secretary-general Marzuki Yahya to PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution dated Oct 24 which said that Aditajaya had resigned as a Bersatu member on Sept 17, 2019.
Malaysiakini has attempted to contact Aditajaya on this matter and is awaiting his reply.
The party source also claimed that Aditajaya has been working among the PKR grassroots in Tanjung Manis and is seen to be leaning towards PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's faction within the party.
Aditajaya's opponent for the PKR Tanjung Manis division chief position is Raduan Serap.
Malaysiakini also sighted a letter dated Oct 21 where Aditajaya formally lodged an objection to the PKR secretary-general over Raduan's candidacy, as he is a civil servant.
The government had previously said that they do not plan to allow civil servants to play an active role in politics as this could lead to doubts about the officer's neutrality.
The Tanjung Manis PKR division is holding its division elections now as it was recently formed as the 222nd PKR division nationwide.
The party has been facing issues with factionalism within the party, with party lines split between president Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin.
On Oct 15, Anwar and Azmin held a meeting in Parliament following calls for reconciliation. - Mkini

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