
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mr Lim Kit Siang Really Needs To Make An Assessment

Singapore's online newspaper The Independent has reproduced my earlier post addressed to Mr Lim Kit Siang. 

Blogger explains why he thinks Pakatan will lose the by-election in Johor – The Independent News

Here is a follow up. Here is a picture of an obviously dejected and sad looking Mr Lim Kit Siang and his friends who are with him - this was in Tanjong Piai (I received this via WhatsApp). 

In the next picture you can see why they look so sad. It is a DAP ceramah in Tg Piai and almost no one came. Mr Lim and his friends are staring at the empty seats.  The people are just ignoring and avoiding the DAP in Tanjong Piai. 

The last time the Chinese people avoided the DAP like this was in 1995.  

(Then to the great good luck of the DAP and PAS, their great UMNO enemy Brader Anwar Ibrahim was kicked out in 1998. The DAP and PAS instantly hoisted Brader Anwar on their shoulders and until today they think the rain pouring on their heads has become golden.)  

Granted Anthony Loke is doing a good job as Minister of Transportation. Hannah Yeoh is flying.   For the first time in say 30 years new express bus companies can be seen on the roads - owned by non bumi companies (aka Chinese). Under the BN express buses became almost all exclusively bumi companies only with MARA, Plusliner dominating the bus permits. I think now both MARA and Plusliner have developed low tyre pressure. Maybe now there is more competition. The consumer will have more choices. 

This is what the BN and Dr Mahathir still do not understand.
You cannot make the nation rich by imposing taxation.
You cannot make neighbours richer through subsidies.
You cannot create wealth by redistributing existing wealth.
It does not work that way. 

But anyway just how many Chinese folks can own or want to own express bus companies?    When Anthony Loke is Minister of Transport I can get an express bus license. What if Anthony Loke is no more Minister of Transport? Then what happens?

I think the average Chinese just wants to be left alone (government jangan kacau) to be able to do what they want. Just like me. 

Why do I have to be denied opportunities in favour of all the Syed Mokhtar monopolies and GLC monopolies ? Why do I need the government's permission to do whatever business I want to do? 

We need reforms. We do not need Anthony Loke or Hannah Yeoh (though they are both doing a good job).  

We need a complete overhaul. Complete overhaul of the economy, overhaul the laws of the country (abolish the Sedition Act, amend the libel laws), streamline the taxation (lower taxation, not increase taxation).  Remove the silly taxes, excises, import duties, APs on cars and motor vehicles.  Plus a million other changes.  Just implement that Pakatan Harapan Manifesto.

None of that is happening.  Halim Saad and friends want to take over the tolls and impose tolls on us until 2058 !! 

Mr Lim Kit Siang - do something.  

Here is the low down ok. Not much is going to change. What that Menteri Besar of Perak said in that six minute video reflects the real attitudes. Nothing much is going to change. 

Mr Lim, you have no choice. You have to break now. 
Let me share a secret - have faith in the future. 

Otherwise you will be staring at more empty seats. 

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