
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Muhyiddin: Malaysia has terror transit problem but we act on it

Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin today acknowledged Malaysia's problem as a transit for terrorism but said the government was constantly curbing such elements.
He said this in response to a US State Department report which said Malaysia remained a "source and transit point" for terrorist groups like the Islamic State and Abu Sayyaf.
"We know Malaysia is amongst the countries that are transit focus (by terrorists).
"What is important and what we are doing is to ensure that these elements are not left alone.

"That is why the Royal Malaysia Police is important to determine whether there are such elements and if there are, we will move to arrest them," he told a press conference in Serdang today.
Muhyiddin spoke about Malaysia's cooperation with the Philippines to combat terrorism, particularly in Sabah where terror groups have carried out kidnappings.
"If they come from other places and use Malaysia as a base, the Royal Malaysia Police cooperates with other security forces and countries.
"We know who is going out and coming in," he said.
However, he acknowledged the challenges of Sabah's porous borders and networks of isles.
It is for this reason, he said, the Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom) and Eastern Sabah Security Zone (Esszone) were established. - Mkini

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