
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 25, 2019

Tg Piai Postmortem : As Expected Dr M Says It Is Other People's Fault.

First of all here is Mr Lim Kit Siang plugging Dr Mahathir for the Tg Piai disaster.

LKS conceded PH deviated from moderate centre 
fast losing ground because of it
Should PH fail it would mean death of M'sian dream, he added

(OSTB : I really beg to differ Mr Lim. People are now beginning to be convinced that PH is a worse nightmare for Malaysia. People are now beginning to be convinced that PH was never part of any Malaysian dream.) 

past 18 months, PH deviated from moderate centre
resort to hatred, intolerance;  politics of race, religion
PH lost Malay and non-Malay ground 
He called on PH to return to moderate centre 
not compete with advocates of hate and intolerance

(OSTB :  Mr Lim are you referring to that Indian Goat who is being fed grass behind Dr Mahathir's house? The Indian Goat who said you should go back to China. So what are you doing about that fellow feeding grass to the Indian Goat?)

He added modus operandi of PH components must also be reviewed
  • DAP accused of not speaking up for people 
  • it was formerly leading voice of society
  • difference is past 18 months DAP became part of PH  
  • new balance will have to be struck 
  • between solidarity, discipline and principles, objectives of individual parties
  • which are not yet common Pakatan Harapan policies," he said

(OSTB : Huh?? Like that one ah? Ini macam pun boleh kah? You mean itu principles boleh kasi flexible sikit kah?

Mr Lim Kit Siang, we can accept the bumiputra policies. 
We need the affirmative action policies. 
Do not touch Article 153 on the special position of the Malays and the native peoples.
Even the Singapore constitution has them.

But that does not mean we must accept corruption, wastage, cronyism, the Syed Mokhtar and the GLC type monopolies and oligopolies, the no reduction in tolls, defending terror preachers, not abolishing the Sedition Act,  etc. 

Yes the PH manifesto is the bible. Just implement the PH Manifesto.
  • Lim disagrees Dr M's statement that PH manifesto not “bible”
  • Nor did he agree with “flying car” proposal 
  • or detention of 12 Malaysians over LTTE

Ok now here is what Dr Mahathir said.

  • We will fix our mistakes, PM says after Tg Piai post-mortem
  • Dr M said PH has identified problem areas to be resolved
  • Dr M declined to say what problems were
  • those who know what needs to be done are the ministers 
  • and Harapan component parties

OSTB :  So Dr M declined to comment on what were the problems. But he says the Ministers and the PH component parties will know what needs to be done.

So yes, it is the fault of the PH components and the Ministers.

But err . .  Tun aren't you forgetting one very important person? Like Y..O..U.? 

(To digress long before Tg Piai, someone forwarded me some Whatsapp messages between some moron and someone else which were talking about me. They were calling me an idiot for being so critical of Dr Mahathir. As I said before these people should go to the Elections Commission, ask the EC to retrieve those 25,466 ballots the people gave to Wee Jeck Seng in Tg Piai and shove those ballots up your ass.  I believe it will do you plenty of good.  It will also be good practise because there are more ballots coming that are going to be shoved up your ass.)

Coming back to Dr Mahathir pointing fingers at the Ministers and the PH components, didnt Gobind Singh Deo announce (per the PH Manifesto) that the Sedition Act will be abolished? Gobind even announced that pending the Parliamentary process to abolish it, the Sedition Act will be frozen.

Then Gobind got overturned. By whom? By the Minister of Women's Affairs? By the Minister of Defense? No. Obviously by the Prime Minister. The Sedition Act stays.

The Minister of Transport did not say anything about the toll roads. Which was bad. But who gave the green light for Halim Saad, Abu Zahid, etc to submit their proposals to "take over" PLUS and extend the tolls until 2058? It was not the Minister of Transport. Or the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Or the Minister of Agriculture. 

Obviously it was someone higher up.  
Who is higher than the Ministers? 
Jesus Christ?  God? 

Who said no other country in the world wants Zakir Naik so it is Malaysia's responsibility to keep him here. Was it the Minister of MITI? Was it the Minister of Commodities? Public Works? Who? The answer again is the Prime Minister.

Who attended the really stupid,  lazy, indolent, useless kongres kemaluan besar kita? Who forced you to attend? 

Which has prompted Mr Lim Kit Siang to say :
  • resort to hatred, intolerance;  politics of race, religion
  • compete with advocates of hate and intolerance  
But this is what you did.  And that is why you got your sore ass kicked in Tg Piai.

A 2,000 vote loss would have been a simple protest vote by the Chinese.
A 7000 vote loss would have been bad - indicating a Chinese and some Malay swing.
But 15,000 votes is disaster. 
Chinese, Malays and Indians have all come out in full force against the PH.  

Kongres kemaluan besar did not work.
Refusing to liberalise the economy does not work.
Not abolishing the tolls makes the people angry.
Not abolishing the Sedition Act loses the peoples' trust.

Here is the mystery part - Dr Mahathir knows this already. 
Dr Mahathir knows what the people want.

But it appears that the needs and wants of "some others" have a greater pull.
The rakyat can wait. 
The people can pay tolls until 2038 or 2058 or whatever. 
The people can just bersabar, bertaqdir, ber-tolerate, ber-suffer while others kira duit besar first.  That is what seems to be going on.

So whether Cabinet reshuffle or no reshuffle - it will make no difference.
The policies are not going to change. 
Tolls will stay. 
Sedition Act stays. 
Syed Mokhtar and GLC monopolies stay.
Zakir Naik stays.
Same shit again and again.

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