
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 23, 2019

When constituents feel let down by their MP

What does one do, if complaints to one’s MP do not get any traction, and despite contacting his office to arrange a meeting, the MP cannot find time to see his constituents and discuss their problems?
This is the dilemma faced by the residents of Sungai Petani, Kedah, who have yet to meet their MP, PKR’s Johari Abdul, to discuss their concerns over pollution from illegal waste recycling factories.
On Sept 29, FMT published an article saying that Johari had dismissed the concerns of the residents and their claims that he was reluctant to meet them. He said the residents merely had to arrange a meeting with him.
Two months have elapsed and the efforts of the members of the anti-pollution group, the Persatuan Tindakan Alam Sekitar Sungai Petani (PTASSP), have not been successful.
At least three attempts have been made by PTASSP to meet with their MP but Johari has either reportedly not been in town or cancelled at the last minute. So, is Johari serious about meeting the residents to address their concerns? Or did he say he would meet them, to avoid bad publicity?
Many reports have been published about the distress of the residents, and the detrimental effects of the burning and dumping of illegal waste on the soil, rivers, waterways and environment in and around Sungai Petani.
PTASSP has organised at least two peaceful protests, lodged police reports and filed official complaints to the authorities, but to no avail.
It has managed to record the air pollutant index with its own equipment and found it to be unhealthy, so isn’t Johari concerned?
PTASSP would like to meet with him and see what action he will take, but is unable to do so. So, who does one refer to, when the MP in one’s constituency does not meet members of the community, whom he should serve, to act on their complaints?
The MP’s office will probably claim it is unable to help because it does not have the authority to act. So, who should the constituents contact in this case? Perhaps the members of the community could approach a politician from the opposition, who would gladly use the publicity to shame the incumbent MP and win votes at the next election.
Sometimes, the issue falls within the remit of various ministries – like environment, health, or even education, as in one case when thick smoke from a factory fire affected a nearby school. Are the residents to contact each ministry? If that were the case, what use is the MP, who is supposed to take care of the constituents’ needs?
Without any action from the MP, should one go over his head and speak to the menteri besar? Or should one complain to the sultan, even though this is a matter which should be the responsibility of the MP?
Should the residents lodge a complaint with the MP’s party leader? Should they write to the environment minister? Or the highest authority in the land, the prime minister? The latter measures are drastic, and will certainly expose the incompetence of any MP.
Surely any MP who is worth his salt, and who is keen to show he is an able, responsible and competent person who wants to be re-elected, would not want his superiors to learn about his inability and unwillingness to resolve his constituents’ problems.
For over a year, the residents of Sungai Petani have made numerous complaints and filed many police reports about the pollution caused by unregulated and illegal waste recycling factories in their area.
Many of the factories have allegedly mushroomed in residential areas. Despite orders from the Department of the Environment to stop work, they have carried on regardless.
The owners do not fear the wrath of the law. Perhaps, they are brazen enough to continue because the profit they make from their illegal activities are far greater than a minimal fine, or inducement.
If these illegal factories are able to operate, are they owned by cronies who know they can break the law because they have friends in high places?
Meanwhile, Kedahans are aware of the political aspirations of the Sungai Petani MP. However, if his performance and track record at resolving the people’s problems are anything to go by, then he has only himself to blame if the residents reject him. - FMT

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