
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Antara Ulama Dan Habar - JAKIM Patut Di Haramkan


Ku Li - exploitation of Islam work of leaders without grounding in religion, including Dr M

Jakim result of Umno’s attempt to out-Islamise PAS 
its establishment was unconstitutional

Mahathir saw PAS as threat so he set up Jakim

Umno joined “who-is-more-Islamic” race 
lacked Islamic knowledge to any depth
That’s why they go all out on religion
to compensate for what they lack, just like Mahathir

Jakim’s halal sticker worth billions of ringgit

Dr M's “Inculcation of Islamic Values”  became more aggressive Anwar join Umno 
Anwar considered major catch to neutralise PAS

According to Ku Li, Umno has no need for such a policy .
Umno is already Islamic,” he said. 
You need not tell the world that we are Islamic. 
We are already Muslims. 

many of Dr M's moves “just to show Umno more Islamic” than PAS.
party’s leaders were promoting conservatism

Ku Li not first to question Jakim’s status
Jakim frequently accused of promoting extreme conservatism

One prominent critic is Sultan Ibrahim of Johor
Late last year, Jakim again came under attack from Johor ruler 
former MP Tawfik Ismail suggested Jakim be abolished

My comments :

So Jakim was created simply to neutralise PAS. 
There are no ulama in JAKIM.
JAKIM has penjawat awam aka pegawai kerajaan who earn a monthly salary.

And thats the end of that.

PAS is nothing more than a political party. 
The leaders of PAS are politicians.
There are no ulama in PAS. 
The purpose of PAS politicians is to get votes.
And that is the end of that.

Does the word ulama appear in the Quran? So what does the Quran say about ulama? 

The word ULAMA (ULAMAA'U) appears just once in the Quran in Surah 35:28. The subject matter and context is a follow through from the previous verse Surah 35:27.

Here are Surah 35:27 and 35:28   :

Alam tara annal-laaha anzala min-as-samaa-i maa'an fa-akh-raj-naa bihi thamaraatin muh-talifan alwaanuha wa minal jibaali judadun biidhun wa humrun muhtalifun alwaanuha wa 'gharaabiibu soodun 

35:27  Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and We produce thereby fruits of varying colors? And in the mountains are tracts, white and red of varying colours and [some] extremely black.

Wa minan-naasi wad-dawaabi wal an'aami muhtalifun alwaanuhu kazaalika innama yah-shaa allaaha min ibaadihi AL ULAMAA'U inal-laaha 'azeezun 'ghafoor

35:28  And among humans and crawling creatures and grazing livestock similarly of various colors. Surely those who fear Allah, from among His servants, are the KNOWLEDGEABLE (AL ULAMAA'U). Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Forgiving.

Note that Surah 35:27 begins with alam tara - do you not see / observe. 

From these two verses the ULAMA are those people who observe (alam tara - do you not see) :

1. the rain that falls from the sky - atmospheric science, metereology
2. fruits of varying colours - agricultural science, agronomy 
3. the colours of rocks (white, red, black etc) on the mountains - geologists
4. human beings, creatures that crawl, livestock - medical science, biologists, veterinarians, animal science etc.

When was the last time any ostard made any scientific observation of the rain that falls from the sky? 
When was the last time any ostard made any scientific observation of the fruits of varying colours?
When was the last time any ostard made any scientific observation of the geology of the mountains? Or of the human anatomy or of creatures big and small?

The answer is NONE. 

So the OWR are NOT ULAMA.
MEREKA bukan ulama.

"Allah will raise in ranks those of you who believe and those who have been given knowledge. Allah is aware of what you do." (Qur'an 58:11)

Those who are knowledgeable (ULAMA) will indeed be raised in their ranks. This is a true statement. In the modern world the most successful societies are those with the greatest application of science and technology in their societies. Be it hard sciences (engineering, technology) and soft sciences (society, social organisation, economic systems, politics etc). 

Those who use science ('ilm) will be successful.
Those who are scientists (ulama) will be successful.

Who are the habar?  
In the Quran the word habar is used to describe the sami-sami agama. 

I will have to come back on that soon. 

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