
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 17, 2020

Besharaf Besharaf

Besharaf means 'shame' in Parsi.  

I have said before that the Ayatollahs in Iran will one day be chased down the streets and hung from the lamp posts. The long suffering people of Iran are getting really tired of the ayatollahs.   That day seems to be coming closer in Iran.

And the heroes in Iran today who seem to be leading the protest against the Ayatollahs are the women, especially the young women. 

Just last week there was that huge funeral for the slain General Qasem Sulaymani in Tehran and also in his hometown. 

Then within just a few days after that even larger crowds have turned up to protest the Iranian shooting down of that Ukrainian airliner that killed 176 people including a number of Iranians or people of Iranian origin.

Here are two quick videos of the protests. In one of these videos you can see Iranian protesters refusing to follow the official line to step on the American and Israeli flags - painted on the street. This is a really serious break between the Iranian people and the ayatollahs.

In both videos people are shouting Besharaf which means Shame. They are also calling for the ouster of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Here is the exiled Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi on the situation in Iran:

Former Iranian Crown Prince: We are beginning to see end of the regime
He said that there is no point to try and negotiate with the Islamic Republic.
Reza Pahlavi current head of the exiled House of Pahlavi speaks in Washington

WASHINGTON – “beginning of the end” of Iranian regime has started

recent protests in Iran are different than previous demonstrations.

“People smell opportunity for first time in 40 years,” he added
“This time is very different from 2009, even very different from 1997. 
The people have had it. 
Today’s young Iranians cannot take it anymore. 
They want a better future. 
They want modernity and freedom
The only thing that stands between them and the free world is this regime

time for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to step down 
and allow  peaceful transition, with minimal casualties
There are not enough people to kill to maintain power. he highlighted
“This regime must be removed,” he continued.

“For 40 years, the regime's agenda not Iran and Iranian people, but it’s own survival at the expense of oppressing people and killing them”

My comments :

The crowds in Iran are huge. Even if the ayatollahs give the orders to shoot people and kill them they cannot shoot all the Iranian people. Then there will not be any Iranian people left.

1.  Will the people protest long enough in the streets? I think they will.

The Iranian people need to watch Youtube videos about the street tactics of the protest movement in Hong Kong. How to cripple and bring down a government.

My favorite was the protest movement in Thailand which threw out the Shinawatra government. For about a month the Thai protesters occupied Bangkok Airport and seriously disrupted air traffic.  The government fell and Thaksin had to flee - again. 

The young Iranian people really need some guidance on their protest tactics. 

2.  The more difficult thing to figure out now is when they throw out the ayatollahs, WHO IS GOING TO BE THE NEW LEADER?  

Iran has no choice. They must become a full fledged democracy.

And there does appear to be a possible democratic leader in the former Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi.  Someone around whom the Iranian people can rally - even for an interim period.

In the short term they must have an interim leader. 

They also need a full team of ministers and administrators.
Iran does have talented managers in large quantities. 
(They are certainly not short of military leaders but it is always best to keep the military inside the barracks).

May Allah look kindly upon the people of Iran and make it easy for them to throw out the religious satans. 

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