
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Day 9: Arul Kanda promised full information but only provided 60 pct, court hears

The criminal trial of ex-premier Najib Abdul Razak and former 1MDB CEO Arul Kanda Kandasamy involving the alleged tampering with 1MDB's final audit report enters its eighth day today at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.
Malaysiakini brings you live reports of the proceedings.

Summary of Najib and Arul's case

Najib is facing a charge of tampering with 1Malaysia Development Bhd's (1MDB) final audit report. He is being tried together with 1MDB former chief executive officer (CEO) Arul Kanda Kandasamy who is accused of abettment.

  • Judge to call case management session to discuss further dates for trial
  • Arul Kanda promised full information but only provided 60 pct, court hears
  • Retired auditor agrees ex-1MDB CEO Shahrol obstructed audit
  • Former Audit Dept officer agrees that Feb 2016 audit report was not final
  • Ali didn't ask directly to drop certain issues from 1MDB report: witness
  • Witness interprets Ali Hamsa's suggestion as an order
  • Court orders PAC to provide ex-auditor general's testimony notes

Thank you for following Malaysiakini's live report
5.20pm - Thank you for following our live report today.

Judge to call case management session to discuss further dates for trial
4.20pm - Justice Mohamed Zaini Mazlan informs lawyers from both sides that he will be calling for a case management session, to be determined later, for them to discuss future dates for the trial.
He also informs the court that trial dates that had been set for March and April might not be applicable anymore, and he would have to discuss with a fellow Kuala Lumpur High Court judge, Collin Lawrence Sequerah.
Zaini then adjourns today's hearing.

Arul Kanda promised full information but only provided 60 pct, court hears
4.10pm - Then 1MDB CEO K Arul Kanda (below) kept promising to provide all information to the National Audit Department for auditing, but kept the department waiting for months, the High Court hears.
Retired NAD officer Sadaatul Nafisah Bashir Ahmad says this during cross-examination by Najib Abdul Razak's lead counsel Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
"He (Arul Kanda) said no problem. But the information never came to us (NAD).
"I met him many times, but the information never came. I didn’t know to what extent is the cooperation.
"When we (NAD) met him (in 2015), he (Arul Kanda) promised us, he was CEO then, we waited for the information but it did not come," Saadatul Nafisah says.
"He should have informed us rather than make us wait for months," she says.
When Shafee asks if NAD finally received any information, Saadatul Nafisah clarifies that Arul Kanda, in the end, provided 60 percent of the information sought for 1MDB audit by NAD.
"We did not get 100 percent, only 60 percent. It took a long time," Saadatul Nafisah says.

Retired auditor agrees ex-1MDB CEO Shahrol obstructed audit
4.07pm - Retired National Audit Department (NAD) officer Saadatul Nafisah Bashir Ahmad agrees with Najib Abdul Razak's defence team that former 1MDB CEO Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi obstructed attempts to audit the sovereign wealth fund.
The seventh prosecution witness agrees with lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah's contention during cross-examination.
Shafee asks if Shahrol was constantly obstructive of NAD's attempt to audit 1MDB prior to K Arul Kanda coming into the company in 2015.
Shafee: I can show correspondence on how obstructive this man (Shahrol) was.
Saadatul: Yes.
Shafee: He obstructed investigation by the Audit Department?
Saadatul: At that time (when Shahrol was CEO up to 2013), yes.
Shafee: Shahrol objected so that 1MDB and NAD became acrimonious (during his tenure)?
Saadatul: Yes.
Shahrol was 1MDB CEO from 2009 to 2013.

Former Audit Dept officer agrees that Feb 2016 report was not final
4pm - Saadatul Nafisah, a former National Audit Department officer who led a special team that audited 1MDB in 2015, agrees that the audit report prepared in Feb 2016 was not final and can still be amended.
She says this under cross-examination by defence lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah (above), who represents former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Shafee: Are you aware of the so-called final report, your own Ambrin (Buang) testified to Public Accounts Committee in 2018 that it was, in fact, a draft final report. It was not a finalised report. It was a draft final report. Are you aware or not?
Saadatul: Yes.
Shafee: So, he said it was a draft final report.
Saadatul: The report was not final, yes.
Shafee: (This) means (the report was) not finalised then. So it can be amended. If it is not final, it can be amended.
Saadatul: It can be amended, yes.
Shafee: Provided that you are happy to amend it, Tan Sri (Ambrin) is happy to amend it. That is what the person being audited and the auditor would do. You don't compromise your position, but you can adjust as long as the integrity is not affected.
Saadatul: Yes.

Ali didn't ask directly to drop certain issues from 1MDB report: witness
3.17pm - Retired National Audit Department (NAD) officer Saadatul Nafisah Bashir Ahmad testifies that then chief secretary to the government Ali Hamsa did not directly asked for certain issues be dropped from the 1MDB final audit report.
Seventh witness Saadatul Nafisah says this during cross-examination by Najib Abdul Razak's lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
Shafee is asking about a portion in the audio transcript of the key meeting on Feb 24, 2016, where a decision was allegedly made to drop several controversial issues from the 1MDB final audit report.
"It was said in a good way. He (Ali) would not directly say to drop it," Saadatul Nafisah says.
Ali was among the attendees at the meeting.

Witness interprets Ali Hamsa's suggestion as an order
3.10pm - A former National Audit Department (NAD) officer claims that a request by the then chief secretary to the government Ali Hamsa in 2016 for the Auditor-General to consider dropping a part of NAD's audit report on 1MDB was coercion for the department to do so.
Saadatul Nafisah (photo), who was the leader of a special team that performed audit on 1MDB then, says this under cross-examination by Najib Abdul Razak's lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
Shafee had asked her to tell the court how Ali had forced a decision on NAD to amend its audit report on 1MDB during a meeting on Feb 24, 2016.
Saadatul then says that the evidence can be found at item 325 of the transcript of the meeting, which was based on a secret audio recording made by another NAD officer.
According to the proceeding, Ali had allegedly said to then auditor-general Ambrin Buang : "Boleh la ni. AG boleh guna budi bicara untuk drop (this can be done, the auditor-general can use his discretion to drop this).”
This then prompts Shafee to ask Saadatul how could this be considered a coercion when Ali seemed to be inviting Ambrin to consider.
"This is coercion. (Because) if we do not drop (the matter), this issue will be raised again," Saadatul says.
However, Saadatul also agrees that neither she nor Ambrin had objected to Ali then.

Court orders PAC to provide ex-auditor general's testimony notes
2.22pm - The High Court issues an order for the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to provide a copy of its notes of proceedings of former auditor-general Ambrin Buang's (below) testimony for the parliamentary body.
Justice Mohamed Zaini Mazlan allows the application by Najib Abdul Razak's lead defence counsel Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
Neither lead DPP Gopal Sri Ram nor K Arul Kanda's lead counsel N Sivananthan raises any objection to the application.
Shafee seeks the notes of PAC proceedings involving Ambrin's testimony on Dec 4, 2018.
Shafee seeks the notes to assist Najib's defence team in cross-examination of prosecution witnesses.
Ambrin had previously testified for the prosecution in the audit tampering trial of Najib and Arul Kanda.

2.15pm - Najib Abdul Razak and K Arul Kanda enter the dock as proceedings begin.
Also seen in court are their respective lead defence counsel, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah and N Sivananthan.
2pm - Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak enters the High Court and takes a seat at the front row of the public gallery.
1.55pm - Former 1MDB CEO K Arul Kanda enters the High Court and is seen conferring with his defence team before proceedings begin.
Also seen in court is lead DPP Gopal Sri Ram and other DPPs.

Following proceedings being vacated yesterday, the ninth day of Najib Abdul Razak and K Arul Kanda’s 1MDB audit tampering trial will resume around 2pm this afternoon.
Yesterday’s afternoon session was vacated following DPP Gopal Sri Ram still tied up with other court matters at the Palace of Justice.
When proceedings before Kuala Lumpur High Court judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan gets underway this afternoon, former premier Najib’s defence team is expected to cross-examine the prosecution witnesses that have testified during the course of the trial.
Among these witnesses were former auditor-general Ambrin Buang, former chief secretary to the government Ali Hamsa, retired National Audit Department officer Saadatul Nafisah Bashir Ahmad, and Nor Salwani Muhammad, who was the coordinator for the special National Audit Department (NAD) team for 1MDB matters.
Former 1MDB CEO Arul Kanda’s defence team had earlier opted not to cross-examine any more prosecution witnesses in order to avoid compromising his position as a witness against co-accused Najib in the hearing.  - Mkini

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