
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Puak Salafi Menyusup Merata-rata

The following two news stories are taken from 

1. Malay Mail (as reproduced in MSN News. Please click on the link.)

2. Asia Sentinel (Please click on the link)

Here is the Malay Mail story first:

KL Jan 16 — Maszlee Malik appointed at least 26 university officials with Islamist leanings and who were aligned with him and Perlis Mufti Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin prior to his resignation as education minister, a news portal has alleged.

Asia Sentinel reported that an unnamed former vice-chancellor provided a list of appointees said to be aligned to the two figures.

“According to a former vice-chancellor who pointed out a list of at least 26 newly appointed vice chancellors and deputy vice chancellors, these appointments were not made on merit but rather on the basis of loyalty to Maszlee and Salafi preacher and Perlis Mufti – Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin,” the report said.

The Salafi movement is seen as revivalist crusade within Sunni Islam that emerged in Egypt in the late 19th century as a response to Western European imperialism.

Maszlee abruptly resigned as education minister on January 2. Speculation followed that the Simpang Renggam MP was forced out over a slew of issues, including the allegation of active proselytisation.

He has also been linked to Ikram, said to be a Muslim evangelist group.

The Asia Sentinel report claimed Maszlee would have made more of such appointments had he remained in the post. The portal quoted the former vice-chancellor as saying that Ikram members would have dominated the list. It also claimed Salafists have infiltrated Ikram.

“Ikram . . .leadership has been infiltrated by Salafi sympathisers pushing fringe ideas of Islam,” the portal said.

Maszlee did not deny links with Ikram but dismissed claims he was carrying out the group’s agenda. The former education minister also insisted that he is committed to diversity amid allegations of proselytisation.

But Asia Sentinel reported that Maszlee’s tenure was marked by an “insular outlook to education” and “dedicated to implementing an agenda that would hinder any diverse outlook from educational perspectives.”

The portal cited the controversy surrounding Universiti Malaysia Perlis Vice-Chancellor, Ahmad Badlishah, over the controversial exam questions that caused outrage and calls for his resignation across the nation.

“The multiple-choice question in the university’s Ethnic Relations paper claimed Zakir Naik, a controversial Islamic preacher and fugitive from India on charges of money laundering, is an Islamic icon and spreading true Islam,” the portal noted.

Maszlee also appointed Mohd Saleh Jaafar deputy director-general of Higher Education (Private Institution) and Gauth Jasmon as chairman of the Universiti Putra Malaysia Board of Directors, the report said.

All were reported as loyal to the Ikram leadership.

Asia Sentinel

Salafi cabal seeks to dominate universities
By: Murray Hunter

When Maszlee Malik handed back Malaysia’s education portfolio after Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed fired him abruptly on January 2, he left behind a fifth column of Islamist activists embedded in the top echelons of the ministry and public universities, sources have told Asia Sentinel.

According to a former vice-chancellor who pointed out a list of at least 26 newly appointed vice chancellors and deputy vice chancellors, these appointments were not made on merit but rather on the basis of loyalty to Maszlee and Salafi preacher and Perlis Mufti – Muslim legal expert – Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin. The Salafi movement is a revivalist crusade within Sunni Islam that developed in Egypt in the late 19th century as a response to Western European imperialism.

If Maszlee had more time as minister of education, according to the source, both the ministry and almost every top position in Malaysia’s public universities would have been filled with members of an Islamic NGO dedicated to enhancing Islamic teachings and practices in daily life. The NGO is Pertubuhan Ikram Malaysia, which is committed to promoting the interests of Islam through all aspects of society. Other organizations affiliated with Ikram are said to assist in this cause. Although Ikram has a respectable reputation within the Malaysian community, the leadership has been infiltrated by Salafi sympathizers pushing fringe ideas of Islam.

Ikram strongly opposes Shia Islam, seeing it as deviant. The NGO was also strongly opposed to the participation of two Israeli para-athletes in an international swimming competition last year in Sarawak, forcing the competition to be moved to another country, and objected strongly to the staging of a play, “Sex in Georgetown City” last year at the Performing Arts Center in Penang.

As a result, according to several sources in the country’s public higher education system, the ministry became insular in its outlook to education and dedicated to implementing an agenda that would hinder any diverse outlook from educational perspectives. A recent example was a Universiti Malaysia Perlis Vice Chancellor, Dr Ahmad Badlishah, who said there was nothing wrong with controversial exam questions that caused outrage and calls for his resignation across the nation. The multiple-choice question in the university’s Ethnic Relations paper claimed Zakir Naik, a controversial Islamic preacher and fugitive from India on charges of money laundering, is an Islamic icon and spreading true Islam.

Klang Federal MP Charles Santiago complained that other questions were offensive to the Indian community, including one that reportedly read: “These people are dark-skinned people and they are found in Asian countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia: What nation is this?” The multiple-choice answers were given as “1) Negroid; 2) Red Indian; 3) Indians; 4) Bushman.”

The exposure of these exam questions led to a widespread belief that public universities in Malaysia had become platforms for propaganda and indoctrination, giving the young biased ideas about Islam and society.

Members of Ikram that Maszlee appointed to Malaysian public universities in his short time as minister and the dates of their appointment are:

U Malaysia S---h: Vice Chancellor T---q 

University Tun : Deputy Vice Chancellor Student Affairs A----i

University A---n: Vice Chancellor H---n  

Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs K---l  

Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation A---I 

University Sc : Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation Faisal R---q 

Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, A----n 

Universiti T-----y M--A: Vice Chancellor A---I  

Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs A----n  

Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation, N---r 

National Univ : Vice Chancellor, H---I 

Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation, E----n 

Deputy Vice Chancellor Community Industry Relations, I---n 

University T---y Malaysia: Vice Chancellor W---d 

Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs Z-----n 

Deputy Vice Chancellor Development, A---n 

University M'sia P----s: Vice Chancellor B----h

University K----an: Deputy VC Research and Innovation, A---m 

Deputy VC Academic Affairs, R--I 

University P----g Vice Chancellor A---r 

Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, K---l 

In------n University : Deputy VC Research and Innovation Z----I 

Deputy VC Academic Affairs N-----r 

University I---m : VC R---a 

Deputy VC Student Affairs R---m 

International I---c University : Deputy VC Affairs Z------I 

Maszlee also appointed S---h deputy DG of Higher Education (Private Institution) and G---h as chairman of the U P---a Board of Directors.

All are described as loyal to the Ikram leadership, which also appears to be strongly aligned with the Pakatan Harapan government. 

Consequently, decisions on matters such as Putrajaya’s failure to sign the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) in 2018, should be seen in the light that members of Ikram are spread across all aspects of government.

The concern is the reform of the Malaysian education system, not its Islamification. 

To ensure reform, the sources say, Maszlee’s appointments must be re-vetted as to the suitability to pursue reform within their respective institutions. 

Otherwise, this Salafist legacy will remain embedded within Malaysian public universities.

My comments :

Daripada dulu lagi Atuk berbanyak kali sudah mengaku Atuk bodoh pilih pengganti. 

First Atuk pilih (atau tidak halang) Musa-ng Hitam jadi No. 2. 
Lepas itu Atuk fall out dengan kawan tu.  Dia pun hilang. 

Lepas itu Atuk beri peluang Encik Ghafar jadi No. 2. 
Tapi Atuk memang tidak ada niat langsung Encik Ghafar jadi PM. 
Semua berlakon saja. Encik Ghafar pun ghaib.

Kemudian Atuk bagi peluang Panglima Pintu Belakang hampir naik takhta. 
Lepas itu bila rahsia bontot sudah pecah (dan bontot pun sudah pecah) Atuk buang Panglima Pintu Belakang pula. 
Pada masa itu Atuk ada sebut 'Saya tidak pandai pilih pengganti'. 

Lepas itu Atok pilih Mr Clean jadi pengganti.  
Tapi dalam masa yang singkat Mr Clean pula bertukar jadi Mr Dirty Sewer.  
Atuk pun mula berkempen untuk membuang Mr Clean. 
Masa itu lah saya mula sering berkunjung ke rumah dan pejabat Atuk untuk mengatur strategi untuk membuang Mr Dirty Sewer itu. 
Akhir sekali kita berjaya juga pada tahun 2009.

Pada masa itu orang pun sudah mula fed up dan kerap tanya Atuk : 'Why did you choose him to replace you?" 

Dan Atuk pun beri jawapan standard : "Saya tidak pandai pilih pengganti". 

Untuk pusingan yang seterusnya Atuk pilih seorang lelaki dayus pula, lelaki yang bukan saja tidak ada otak tetapi rupanya tidak ada telor bila berhadapan dengan isteri.  

Dan tidak lama kemudian Atuk pun bermulalah berkempen sekali lagi untuk menggulingkan lelaki dayus itu. 

Sekali lagi saya kerap berjumpa dengan Atuk untuk merancang bagaimana untuk menggulingkan si dayus itu.  Akhir sekali kita berjaya juga.

Sekali lagi bila orang tanya 'Why did you choose him?' Atuk ulang lagi "Saya tidak pandai pilih pengganti".

Sekarang yang latest pula Atuk terpaksa pecat se-ekor penyu pendek yang bukan sahaja bodoh tetapi rupanya ejen sy_t_n kumpulan antarabangsa. 

Of course jawapan Atuk kali ini pun mesti lah  "Saya tidak pandai pilih …."

Kalau begitu - apakah keputusan Atuk untuk "memilih" seorang lagi ejen sy_t_n dari India untuk berdiri atas bahu dan kencing atas kepala Atuk itu BUKAN kerana Atuk "tidak pandai pilih" ?  

Apakah kali ini Atuk sudah dengan tiba-tiba boleh membuat pilihan yang betul pula? 

Ataupun pada suatu hari nanti, sekali lagi Atuk akan mengulangi lakonan menangis dalam video bersama kanak-kanak  "boo hoo hoo  Atuk sudah banyak buat silap ..  ". Indeed time is running out.

"boo hoo hoo  Atuk sudah banyak buat silap .."

Bila anak murid buat silap, cikgu akan mengajar dan betulkan kesilapan anak itu.  Tetapi kalau anak murid tidak henti-henti membuat silap, cikgu pun akan faham anak murid itu adalah bodoh dan tidak boleh diajar. 

Solutionnya bolehkah anak murid itu dilatih berlakon dalam video.  

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