
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Some Other Developments : Indonesia, India, China, Libya, Malaysia

Well folks the world still keeps turning. Some major events have taken place around the globe and in our neighborhood which will have great impact on the peace and well being of the world in the near future - Insya Allah or Allah willing. Sadly these are mostly weapons and war related but in a messed up world, I view these developments with less alarm. 

1. Indonesia versus China in the South China Sea

About two weeks back something 'bold' took place. The Chinese Navy has been sailing too close to other peoples' territory in the South China Sea.  The Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia face encroachment by the Chinese Navy into our respective Exclusive Economic Zones in the South China Sea. 

The Indonesians have been pushing back by conducting air and navy patrols, chasing off Chinese Coast Guard boats and arresting Chinese "fishing" vessels etc. 

But about two weeks back the Indonesian air patrol became a tad aggressive. They sent four F16 fighter jets that were armed and ready to shoot to buzz Chinese ships and Chinese troops near the Natuna Besar island that is claimed by Indonesia. At the same time the Indonesian Navy sent eight ships basically with orders to engage the Chinese Navy in the Natuna waters.

Indonesia secured EEZ from Chinese intrusion 
deploying four F-16 fighters and six warships to South China Sea

EEZ can stretch upto 200 miles out to sea

My comments :  Well it has worked. The Chinese Navy blinked first and withdrew their ships and craft outside Indonesian waters around Natuna Besar.

Without a doubt the Chinese Navy has serious firepower. But naval firepower is carried onboard with you because you are sailing across far away seas. So it is limited. 

Indonesian F16s however are land based. They can reach the Natunas within minutes and can return to land bases to refuel and rearm. Indonesian ships too are close to home ports. The Chinese have to sail over 1000 km to get home. 

Plus the Indonesians have serious anti ship missiles (US Harpoons, Russian Yakhont).  By the way our Scorpenes have underwater launched anti ship missiles as well. 

If I may suggest - joint patrols by Vietnamese, Malaysian, Filipino and Indonesian forces may send a very loud message. The Chinese are wise folks. Plus its time ASEAN went from karaoke to some defense cooperation. Good for the neighborhood.

2. India deploys squadron of Su31 with Brahmos anti ship missiles in the south. 

This is the Sukhoi MK31 of the Indian Air Force. The IAF has deployed a new squadron of 18 SU31s at Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu the southern most part of India.

The SU31s are equipped with these - the Brahmos supersonic cruise missiles which fly at three times the speed of sound and are deadly accurate. Range 500 km.

The Brahmos and the SU31s  have a combined flight range of over 1500 km which means the Indian airforce flying out of Thanjavur can strike naval targets almost up to Aceh in Sumatera or Myanmar.

Again this hardware is a deterrent against the Chinese Navy which does have a sizeable presence in the Indian Ocean.  This is a new development and resets the balance of strike capacities in this area. I still think the Chinese are a wise people.  

3. Putin takes over Libya

After a very successful intervention in Syria, Russia is now focussing on Libya which was messed up by Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar in Moscow Sat to discuss peace plan
United Nations struggling to re-launch talks 
Haftar's forces seized Benghazi, from extremist militias
Haftar backed by Russia, Egypt and UAE

What is happening is that just like in Syria, Turkey's Erdogan is supporting the ISIS satans in Libya. Turkish troops are now stuck in Syria fighting against the Kurds who are supplied weapons by the Russians.

So the key to peace in Libya now is Erdogan the Great Shaytan. 
However Putin can really squeeze Erdogan's cojones in Libya and in Syria.

Hence the invitation to Haftar to visit Moscow.
Erdogan has also been summoned to Moscow, separately.

I believe something good will come out of this for Libya and also the Kurdish people. 
And I think Erdogan will get the short end of the stick.

4. RMN buys Made in China warships.  

Yes folks, more and more Barang Buatan Kafir.

RMN's first warship made in China has arrived in Malaysia.

KD Keris first of four Littoral Mission Ships (LMSs)
Officially welcomed at Sepanggar naval base at Kota Kinabalu 
68.8 m-long vessel made at Wuchang Shipbuilding at Qidong, near Shanghai
with other three LMSs, all of which are also being made in China
Keris class, crew of 45, endurance of 15 days at sea

My comments :  Just make sure the on board missiles are not Chinese. The Russian Yakhont anti ship missile is a very good option. 

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