
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Why Not Ban Or Abolish Mother-Tongue And Religious School Education?

Dr Bakri and Syed Akbar are looking at just one issue, 1MDB, and are saying the Malays and Muslims are totally useless. In fact, the Malays are not the masterminds of 1MDB. Look at the long history of scandals since 1981, the year when Dr Mahathir became Prime Minister. You will then see that the non-Malays and the Pakatan Harapan leaders were the main players in all those scandals.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
If you read what Dr Bakri Musa and Syed Akbar Ali have to say about the Malays and Muslims, it would make you feel ashamed to be Malay-Muslim and would “prove” to the non-Malays and non-Muslims that what they and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad say is right after all — which is the Malays are useless people.
Of course, Dr Bakri and Syed Akbar are basing their prognosis on “The MACC Tapes”, a revelation made by Latheefa Koya at a press conference a week ago. There are some who applaud Latheefa’s actions and label her a hero for her bravery and great service to the nation.
Actually, Latheefa is still very much a PKR member, although officially she resigned from the party the day after she was appointed the MACC’s Chief Commissioner. So what she did was not for God, King and Country, but for PKR and Pakatan Harapan. Hence, she is not as noble and patriotic as some may try to suggest.

One press conference by MACC, and the Malays-Muslims are said to be totally useless

Anyway, never mind what Latheefa did and for what reason. The issue is “The MACC Tapes” and what the Malay-Muslim leaders have been doing in Malaysia, and all over the world, for many generations “prove” that the Malays and Muslims are useless creatures. That is what Syed Akbar is saying in reference to Dr Bakri’s article.
The problem is, Syed Akbar and Dr Bakri are overlooking many things in their prognosis of the Malays and Muslims. One article and one press conference by the MACC is not enough to come out with a thesis on the Malays and Muslims. You need to do a more complete and thorough research and Syed Akbar and Dr Bakri of all people should know this.
Now, if I were to do a thesis on the issue, this article could run into 100 pages, which no one would bother to read. So, let me try to explain the Malay-Muslim dilemma in the briefest possible way.

It is the Mamaks and Chinese, not the Malays, who are behind the biggest scandals in Malaysia

First of all, most Malays, plus Muslims as well, are very feudalistic (even Dr Mahathir laments about this). Until about 200 years ago the Europeans were the same until Napoleon Bonaparte came along and introduced nationalism and turned the European countries into republics.
So how do you change the Malays and make them “better” people (like what Dr Bakri and Syed Akbar would like to see)? First abolish the monarchy and turn Malaysia into a republic. Next abolish Islam as the religion of the Federation and turn Malaysia into a secular state. Then abolish mother-tongue and religious school education and have only one (secular-single stream) education system.

Why condemn the Malays when the Mamaks and Chinese are committing worse corruption? 

Sure, you lament that the Malays and Muslims are useless creatures. But then the Pakatan Harapan government does nothing about the problem. Syed Akbar laments about the Muslim extremists and terrorists. Muslims are not born as extremists and terrorists. They are indoctrinated to become extremists and terrorists. And it is madrasas and religious schools that do this. So, ban madrasas and religious schools. Simple! End of problem!
Now that Pakatan Harapan is in power they can do this. Ban or abolish mother-tongue and religious school education and end racial and religious conflicts. Why does Pakatan Harapan not do that? Why condemn the Malays and Muslims when it is the system that is at fault? The Pakatan Harapan people keep lamenting but do nothing to solve the problem. Why?
The next issue is regarding how corrupt the Malays are. Dr Bakri is ashamed that all these corrupt people are Malays. Actually, not all the corrupt people are Malays. Corrupt people come from all races. In fact, the main players in the 1MDB issue are Chinese, Jho Low and the bankers. There are also many Mat Salleh and Arabs involved.

Jho Low is not Malay and neither are the bankers who helped him cheat 1MDB

To be honest, the Malays are not that smart. Most times when they swindle they get caught. The non-Malays are smarter. They mastermind the whole thing and use the Malays as fronts and the Malays end up getting caught while the non-Malays escape.
Most of the biggest scandals in Malaysia were planned by the Chinese. The BMF scandal was George Tan (but the Malays went to jail). Abdullah Ang is Chinese. Tan Koon Swan is Chinese. Eric Chia is Chinese. PKFZ was by the Chinese. The Bank Negara Forex scandal was by a few Mamaks. The MAS scandal was by Pakatan Harapan (Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Daim Zainuddin). Maminco was by Pakatan Harapan (Dr Mahathir).
Dr Bakri and Syed Akbar are looking at just one issue, 1MDB, and are saying the Malays and Muslims are totally useless. In fact, the Malays are not the masterminds of 1MDB. Look at the long history of scandals since 1981, the year when Dr Mahathir became Prime Minister. You will then see that the non-Malays and the Pakatan Harapan leaders were the main players in all those scandals.


  1. actually, the celup paling smart.
    cabut from tanah air, go to his other tanah air
    and make all kinds of smart everyone-else-is-stupid comments from abroad. Meanwhile we the malay, cina, india, kadazan, iban, etc etc have to try repair our "broken" country while he royally barks from his cocoon.


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