
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Yoursay: Harapan fails both - those who voted for it and those it tries to woo

YOURSAY | ‘Why the dissatisfaction? Is it the leadership? Is it the policies? Is it the unfulfilled promises?’
Kural: Quite apart from what Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad says about what others say, many also seem to say that he is sadly not up to the job of giving effective leadership towards fulfilling the pledges made by Pakatan Harapan.

Some also say that he seems all obsessed to forming another dominant Malay political party in an untimely rush, unmindful of the nation’s need for renewal and especially of the failed dominance of Umno which he led for two decades.
And in continuing to moan that there are not enough individuals, presumably Malays, of experience for good governance, he projects a very depressing picture. Surely, there are many capable Malays untainted by the corrupt culture of the last decade to assume responsible and accountable leadership.
And what is also depressing is his acquiescence in enabling a few prominent leaders from the failed Umno to associate in his fold.
Many Malaysians may be confident, not diffident like him, that PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim can provide the kind of optimistic leadership that the various communities, and especially the Malays, and the nation requires at these critical times.
Anonymous 770241447347646: Reuters is not wrong (in reporting that Mahathir said Harapan risked becoming a one-term government) if the situation continues at the way it is going.
Why would the people kiss the hands of those that have exploited them? Are they stupid? Don't they know what is happening around them? Or is it that the education system has made them non-thinkers but just followers? Or is it that they are fed information that they are losing political power to the Chinese?
We can understand why the Indians and Chinese rejected Harapan in the Tanjung Piai by-election. It was not because they love MCA more, but because after going all out to vote Harapan into power, they were rejected and instead priority was given to those that had rejected Harapan.
So the Tanjung Piai results showed that all (Malays, Chinese and Indians) rejected Harapan due to one reason or another.
It is like Umno in 2008, the first warning came and was not heeded, the second wave was in 2013 and it was not heeded until 2018, and the resulting tsunami washed away their power.
Same for Harapan with its defeat in Tanjung Piai and now, Kimanis. If not heeded seriously, 2023 will see another tsunami in action.
Why the dissatisfaction? Is it the leadership? Is it the policies? Is it the unfulfilled promises?
Are the people not informed of all the successful policies properly? Is not the right information reaching all the corners of this nation? Are they maybe not explained in a simpler language to the common person?
Or are the people's mind locked up in believing that their race and religion are under threat? Especially the Malays. How is this problem going to be overcome by the Harapan leadership? How are they going to change their ways of thinking?
Kawak: In certain countries, there is a dilemma in choosing the lesser of two evils to govern the country. In Malaysia, you either choose the Umno-PAS combo or Harapan.
The combo is dangerous as one is a racist and the other a religious bigot. The wise choice is Harapan, despite its shortcomings. Sadly, some Malaysians vote for race and religion.
So, the future of the nation is at stake. It is going to become a religious-centric country with PAS at the helm.
Capo: Mahathir, who wants to align with you now when you can't even win a by-election with the Malays and non-Malays deserting you in drove?
Only PAS welcomes you. Even they will shun you when you lose power. Without you and your stinking Bersatu party, Harapan will then honour all the manifesto promises with Anwar as the 8th prime minister. That is what we voted for and that is exactly what we will get.
Right And Wrong: It is truly shocking in this country to see people who are supposed to be well-known crooks are still going around and campaigning.
Anyway, their motive is to see a new government in the next general election so that they need not go to prison.
But the second shocking thing is that the people are entertaining these crooks without realising that they are being taken for a ride a second time.
QG 007: Mahathir, it seems that you cannot accept reality, and no amount of success during this short, borrowed time can overcome your leadership failure for many years.
Never let people around you tell you that you are the saviour of your religion, race or whatever.
Voters have rejected your leadership. When your heart says give up, it means your time is up - now, not after the Apec (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit (in November).
Falcon: What’s this, another one of your short-term memory loss?
Who pressured then prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to step down (in 2008) and made a public announcement prematurely, overriding his preferred choice as successor - Muhyiddin Yassin? There's more, right?
On another note, it must be rough and tough today, seeing your predecessor (and your anointed choice) being still popular and a major pain despite all his court cases? And their winning by-elections are causing sleepless nights, as well? - Mkini


  1. Simple as Janji no. 22 in the PH Manifesto also not willing to fulfill, where is hope?

    • Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan akan memastikan pelantikan ahli lembaga pengarah ke dalam GLC nasional dan
    negeri adalah dari kalangan golongan professional, dan bukan berdasarkan kaitan politik mereka.

    These politicians were creating havoc in GLC by putting in their cronies. PH has becoming BN 2... I ve LOST hope in them. No more PH for me the next round... after all these years since first eligible to vote, that goes for my whole family. The taste of distrust in bitter in my mouth.

    1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb,saya pak arianto pekerjaan saya sehari-harinya cuma seorang TKI pembantu di negara tentangga yaitu di malaysia yang pendapatannya tidak seberapa dan suami saya cuma kerja di kelapa sawit,buat biaya anak sekolah aja tidak cukup di kampung apalagi untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidup keluarga sehari-harinya dan suatu malam saya buka internet dan tidak sengaja saya temukan number HP EYANG WORO MANGGOLO langsung saya telpon beliau dan menceritakan semua keluahan saya dan akhirya di kasih ANGKA GHAIB 6D benar-benar tembus dengan adanya EYANG semua hutang-hutang saya di kampung sudah lunas semua ,bahkan sekarang saya sudah buka usaha WARUNG MAKAN di malaysia!!! sekali lagi saya mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada EYANG WORO MANGGOLO atas bantuan Eyang kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan dan berkat bantuan EYANG WORO MANGGOLO pula yang telah memberikan angka ghaib hasil ritual,beliau kepada saya yaitu 6D dan alhamdulillah telah berhasil memenangkan 5x berturut-turut tembus .
      Solusi yang tepat jangan anda putus aza karna EYANG akan membantu anda semua dengan Angka ritwal/GHOIB apa bila anda butuh angka togel 2D-3D-4D-5D-6D, dijamin 100% jebol.
      Apabila ada waktu silahkan/SMS EYANG WORO MANGGOLO di number 082-391-772-208 .

      angka;GHOIB: singapur
      angka;GHOIB: hongkong
      angka;GHOIB; malaysia
      angka;GHOIB; toto magnum 4d
      angka"GHOIB; laos…
      angka"GHOIB; macau
      angka"GHOIB; sidney
      angka"GHOIB: vietnam
      angka"GHOIB: korea
      angka"GHOIB: kudalari

      sekali lagi makasih yaa KI waktu itu saya cuma bermodal uang cuma 300 ribu dan akhirnya saya menang banyak dan berkat angka gaib hasil ritual KI saya sudah buka usaha Kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,bagi anda yang ingin seperti saya silahkan HUB/SMS EYANG WORO MANGGOLO di number 082-391-772-208 insya allah beliau akan menbantu anda semua.trimakasih


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