
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Yoursay: True Malaysians help one another without seeing colour or creed

YOURSAY | ‘Indeed, Malaysians care about one another, it’s only the politicians who divide.’

Honma: Kudos to Kak Yati, Cikgu Mohd Fadli and Muhammad Irwan's Dana Kita for helping the poor Chinese family in restoring their water supply, cleaning and painting their house just in time for Chinese New Year.
I am very proud of all of you for helping the unfortunate family. We now know that we still have true Malaysians who look beyond race and religion.
The minister of unity and social well-being should reward and award you for the good job and deeds you have done.
Blackbeak: This is the Malaysia everyone is living in on the ground instead of the political bickering at the top.
The tussle for power to remain in position is so shameless when citizens are trying to pull through the day's hardship due to rising costs.
I hope this is an eye-opener for the Pakatan Harapan government.
Anonymous_1573: How wonderful and how much better off Malaysia will be without the hypocritical, toxic politicians.
Malaysians are big-hearted and compassionate. Kak Yati, CikGu Mohd Fadli and the Dana Kita team represent the best of us.
Anonymous_1528974188: Yes, another fine example that there are heroes everywhere, doing wonderful things for other humans.
Anonymous_1550: Poverty and diseases know no race or faith. And yet, when it comes to political fights, it is all about race and faith.
If we only care to listen to the average Malaysian, one would realise quickly how pragmatic and generous a people we are.
However, behind the keyboard and any social media, the gloves are off. One wonders which is the real Malaysia?
Odysseus: This is what Malaysians of all races aspire to be. We help one another regardless of race and religion.
We don't need politicians to segregate us. We should reject such politicians who go around reminding us we are different when we are all the same.
We live in the same big tongkang (junk boat) called Malaysia. If this tongkang leaks and sink, we will sink together.
Anonymous 19811: This reflects the original way of life of Malaysians. This can happen all the time.
The problem is with politicians and religious bigots who divide and rule by colour and creed.
Thanks to all who helped in cash and in kind.
I_M_Malaysian: Where are all the big corporations when we need them? Thanks, Cikgu Fadli. Greatest respect to you and the team that helped the family.
CSK: The reality of poverty is worse than we can ever imagine. No races are spared.
Thanks to kind-hearted Malaysians who helped out in this case. We are truly blessed.
John YC Toh: For once I read a real heart-wrenching true story of the love and generosity showed by some people to help those hopelessly in need, instead of the hatred and bigotry that we see so often these days.
May God Bless all those kind souls. Poverty can affect people regardless of their racial or religious origin.
Unto His Hands: Cikgu Fadli and Kak Yati, this is what Islam is all about. Reflecting Allah’s love and compassion through the way we live our lives.
Your message to this family is pure, simple and brings together all others, regardless of race, religion and creed. May the Almighty bless you abundantly.
Anonymous_1529: Mohd Fadli, you’re a true Malaysian and a Muslim that I salute. You have sent a wonderful message to all Malaysians with what you have done.
This is the Malaysia that we all need… people of every race and religion caring, supporting and striving towards a peaceful and thriving Malaysia for all, minus all racial and religious politics. Syabas, my friend!
Drngsc: Thanks Kak Yati. Poverty affects all races. Thanks for being a true friend to this family in need. God Bless you all. Thank you so much.
I hope that this true spirit of Malaysia will flow to all Malaysians.
Ordinarycitizen: Such a heart-warming news piece. Malaysians care about another other, it’s only the politicians who divide.
David Dass: Yes, a great story at a time when many think that we were lost to the racists and the extremists. People on the ground are just people.
Anonymous_1566: Heart-warming indeed. All those bigots take note - kindness is far more powerful than a self-righteous outlook.
We want to take care of everyone around us. Thank you, Mohd Fadli and Kak Yati.
Vijay47: Often, honest-to-god goodness comes from the man in the street. Maybe because it is within him that the goodness of god lives.
Kindness and love come from almost every quarter and it is a river that flows unmindful of the terrain, bringing with it sustenance and comfort.
To Kak Yati, Fadli and friends; to Ah Chong, Ah Seng and friends; to Krishna, Muthu and friends; to Michael, William and friends; you are the ones who make every festival a little brighter, a little happier.
Happy Chinese New Year, everyone! - Mkini


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