
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Cops: Viral video of supermarket robbery an incident which happened last year

PETALING JAYA: The police say that a viral video of a robbery, supposedly at a supermarket in Taman Sri Manja, is of an incident which occurred last year.
The 55-second video – which resurfaced and went viral on social media and messaging apps recently – shows two men robbing a supermarket with an accompanying message saying it occurred on Tuesday (March 31) in Taman Sri Manja here.
Petaling Jaya police have denied the incident and said that the incident occurred in Section 17, Shah Alam on March 8, last year.
"We urge the public would verify any video or information passed to them.
"Don't spread any unverified information," PJ police said via its Facebook page.
- Star

Why the Women’s Ministry needs a spanking

HERE’S a fact of government: we can always be guaranteed there will be clowns roaming the corridors of power even in the best and most peaceable times. But when they act their silliest, they must clearly be shown the error of their ways, no two ways about it.
That's especially so during a time of crisis of epic, unprecedented proportions.
So while our new Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is trying his best to show strong and clear-minded leadership, along comes another minister who does something really idiotic and makes us wonder about the quality of the Cabinet members again. (The first was the Health Minister and his advice to drink warm water to flush down the coronavirus, remember?)
Yes, Women and Family Development Minister Datuk Seri Rina Harun, I am calling you out.
Are you for real? Are you perhaps a secret member of the Obedient Wives Club? You know, that outfit that started almost 10 years ago in 2011, to teach women to be good wives and went on to publish the juicy Islamic Sex, a manual to encourage wives to act like "first class whores" to keep their husbands satisfied and from straying.
Your ministry didn’t go that far in its advice to wives on how to behave in order to please their husbands stuck at home during the current movement control order but what was proposed was dreadful enough.
Your Facebook posters aimed at women working from home to “groom as usual” and wives to act cutesy by adopting a “Doraemon-like” tone and girlish giggling – instead nagging to get the hubbies to help out with the chores – is so last, last century.
Who in your ministry came up with this ridiculous idea? Was it your deputy Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff from PAS who already had alarm bells ringing on her appointment because her previous statements?
In the past, she has called for a dress code for women to curb sexual crimes and sexual harassment. More shocking was what she said after MH17 was shot down over Ukraine in 2014: "In light of the possibility of Allah's wrath, Malaysia Airlines should stop serving alcohol and revise the dress code of the female flight attendants, especially so for Muslim females."
With such a mindset, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised this backward thinking regarding women as superficial and servile is now running riot in your ministry.
The FB posters, interestingly enough, seem to address all Malaysian women, not just Muslims. Well, thank you for being so inclusive but here’s why this Malaysian woman still says "no thank you" to your advice, no matter how well meaning.
Admittedly, I am retired so I am not working from home. But even if I were still in the workforce, there are practical reasons for not dressing up to sit in front of my computer.
First, I am not in an air-conditioned environment. I refuse to turn on my air-conditioner to run for hours because that will increase my electricity usage, even if a discount is being offered on our bills.
In the hothouse turned workplace, I am almost constantly sweaty so I wear the coolest clothes possible, and that’s shorts and cotton T-shirts for me. For the same reason, wearing makeup and doing up my hair is meaningless when your face and hair get real oily fast.
Next, I save time and electricity on washing and ironing work clothes and that’s a good thing.
And working from home doesn’t mean there are no distractions or other needs that come into play. One could also be a mum who has to cook lunch or attend to her bored and housebound kids in between answering emails, teleconferencing or writing a report. Do all that in office wear? I don’t think so.
If I want to be kind, I could accept that the ministry feels women should not let themselves go while WFH (Working From Home). It could be seen as a kind of discipline to maintain one’s so-called normal routine.
But whether being dressed in work clothes makes you more efficient and productive is yet to be proven. My daughter’s job allowed her to work from home even before the MCO and she did it from her bed and in comfy clothes. She didn’t get any complaints from her bosses or clients on her quality of work.
As for dealing with the forced-to-stay-home husband, the ministry’s advice puts the onus on wives to get the darn man to help with chores.
Okay, no harm if she asks nicely like “Dear/Abang, please take in the laundry before it rains, ” but she shouldn’t be reduced to acting like a cartoon character to get the man to move, especially if he ignores or forgets and she has to run out to save the laundry from getting wet.
That’s when the wife is entitled to some nagging and yelling. She’s allowed to let off steam and stress too.
Also, the Ministry advises no sarcasm because the men need to be informed on what they can do to help out? Aiyoh, alamak, OMG, let me bite my tongue.
I wonder whether the people who came up with this are married themselves and are in living in the 21st century. Or are they caught in some time warp circa 1950 and watched too many American home appliance commercials showing immaculately dressed and coiffed housewives waiting to welcome the returning husband to a perfectly run house?
Seriously, why doesn’t the Ministry put pressure on the men to help?
How about shaming the man to get off the sofa and do a bit of washing up? They are home now and can see what needs to be done and by doing their fair share, they set good examples for their children, especially their sons.
It would be more helpful for the Ministry to give practical tips to men on house chores like how to fold clothes and how to amuse and play with the kids. Some encouragement to create a more loving relationship with the wife would be great too, like giving a backrub or making a nice cuppa for her without being asked.
Yes, it’s called the Women and Family Development Ministry, but can I remind YB and ilk that family includes the husband and father, too? - Star

NGO could buy test kits, why not Sabah govt, Yong asks

A swab is taken from a man for a Covid-19 test.
KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah chief minister Yong Teck Lee has asked why an NGO was able to source test kits for Covid-19 while the government could not.
Commenting on the shortage of virus reagents in the state, Yong said to restore confidence in the government’s ability to fight the virus, it must come clean on the matter.
He said a big question mark had arisen due to the lack of reagents necessary to test for Covid-19 in Sabah.
“As admitted by the chief minister two days ago, the health department in Sabah did not have enough reagents and he has promised to look into this critical issue.
“If there had been sufficient reagents to conduct the tests all along, then we would have obtained a fuller picture of the extent of the spread of the virus in Sabah,” he said in a statement today.
Chief Minister Shafie Apdal had said the state government would do its best to acquire more reagents once supply was available, adding that the state was working closely with health authorities to source for Covid-19 test kits
On Wednesday, a local charity, the Osimal Foundation, handed over a limited supply of Covid-19 reagents to the health department after the Kota Kinabalu health laboratory reported it was no longer able to carry out testing.
The foundation said it was trying to secure more reagents from suppliers overseas.
Yong, who is the Sabah Progressive Party president, claimed the shortage had resulted in “zero” results on March 25, the day when the health department reported there were no new positive Covid-19 cases in the state.
“On Jan 29, the Sabah government and the health authorities already knew about Covid-19. That was when the state banned all flights to and from China.
“Did the government not start acquiring the reagents, personal protection equipment and other medical materials necessary for the war against Covid-19?
“Was the government lured into a false sense of security that the banning of flights alone was sufficient? Did the government mistakenly treat the Covid-19 situation as merely a tourism issue rather than a public health issue?” he asked. - FMT

Singapore to help retrenched Malaysian workers find jobs

Singapore says many Malaysian workers affected by the movement control order have decided the leave the republic. (Bernama pic)
SINGAPORE: The Singapore government is assisting retrenched workers including Malaysians whose employers’ businesses have been badly hit by the Covid-19 crisis, the ministry of manpower said.
The ministry said it is able to help link the affected workers up with prospective employers who are looking to fill vacancies.
Speaking at a press conference by the Multi-Ministry Taskforce on Covid-19,
its minister Josephine Teo said arrangements have been made should these workers prefer to stay on in Singapore and are looking for a change of employer.
She said some Malaysian workers affected by the movement control order (MCO) have decided to leave Singapore.
The ministry had previously said the MCO had impacted not only Malaysian work pass holders but also Singapore’s own citizens as well as permanent residents who commute daily from Malaysia.
“By now some of these workers miss home or they have other reasons to have to rejoin their families back in Malaysia,” Teo said.
She noted that some of them intend to come back to Singapore to work in the future.
“For these types of workers, we have worked out with the employers to make available unpaid leave. This arrangement has been ongoing.
“If there is still a requirement for the Stay Home Notice (SHN), then they have to serve that too,” she said.
SHN requires a person to remain in their place of residence at all times during the 14-day period.
The MCO, which was supposed to end today, has been extended to April 14. - FMT

Employers exempted from paying levy to HR development fund

Human Resources Minister M Saravanan says the exemption is to ease the burden of employers and their workers during the Covid-19 crisis.
PETALING JAYA: The Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) will grant a levy exemption to more than 30,000 of its registered employers for six months beginning on April 15.
Under the Human Resources Development Act 2001, registered employers under 63 sub-sectors in the three key economic sectors of manufacturing, services and mining and quarrying have to contribute 1% of their total monthly payroll to HRDF as a levy.
They must have 10 or more employees.
In a statement released today, Human Resources Minister M Saravanan said the employers will automatically be exempted from paying the levy and no application for exemption is required.
He said the initiative is part of the government’s efforts to ease the burden of the employers and their workers during the Covid-19 crisis and to keep the domestic labour market resilient.
Announcing the RM250 billion economic stimulus package last Friday, Prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the HRDF levy exemptions would provide a cash flow relief of about RM440 million to employers. - FMT

No masks, so suspect brought to court with garbage bag over head

A picture going around on social media claiming to be taken at one of the courts in Penang.
GEORGE TOWN: A man suspected of involvement in drugs was brought to a Magistrate’s Court with a garbage bag over his head because he had come into contact with someone who had tested positive for Covid-19, a lawyer said in highlighting the lack of social distancing at the courts.
Other lawyers told of detainees, including those brought to court to be charged with violating the movement control order (MCO), being herded together and kept in close contact, defeating the efforts of the health ministry which is urging people to practise social distancing to stop the spread of Covid-19.
A lawyer, who declined to be named, said a handcuffed suspect, believed involved in drugs, was brought to the Magistrate’s Court here on March 25 with a garbage bag over his head.
“The escorting policeman told me that he had been in the same house as a Covid-19 positive family member who had gone to the Sri Petaling tabligh gathering earlier this month.
“He also told me they had no face masks at that time, so they had to resort to garbage bags,” the lawyer said.
The lawyer said the suspect was then made to stand at the door of the courtroom with the garbage bag removed, as the magistrate did not want him near the dock.
“I have never seen someone being charged by the entrance of the courtroom,” the lawyer added.
Another lawyer, V Parthipan, told FMT that over the past week, many suspects, including the ones to be charged with violating the MCO, were physically “too close for comfort”.
“We have seen many of those to be charged being brought in large numbers, say 40 to 50, all placed in one courtroom. There is barely any space between them.
“Very few were seen with face masks. They should be separated by a metre at least to respect the health authorities’ recommendations,” he said.
Lawyer Bala Mahesan said the treatment of detainees was now bordering on the inhumane, as he observed six men crammed into the dock with handcuffs on each other’s hands.
“And when their case is called, they would have to yank the others attached to them, that is how close they are,” he said.
In response to these concerns, the Malaysian Bar today called on the police to treat detainees with extra care in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Malaysian Bar president Salim Bashir said police officers escorting detainees must ensure there was a distance of at least 1m between detainees and that they had face masks on.
“By right, each detainee should be brought in one by one to maintain social distancing.
“Those infected have a real chance of spreading the virus, so bringing detainees in close contact would defeat the health authorities’ intention of curbing the spread of the virus,” he said
Another lawyer, who wanted to remain anonymous, said while the calls by his fellow bar members were fair, in reality, it would be a logistical nightmare for the police to practise social distancing.
He also said the Criminal Procedure Code currently allowed suspects to be chain-linked and brought to court.
“Unless the government drafts new regulations concerning the handling of detainees, the police are obliged to follow,” he said. - FMT

Anwar reassures PM, no plans to challenge majority in Dewan Rakyat


PKR president Anwar Ibrahim today reassured Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin that the next Parliament session on May 18 will not be used to challenge Perikatan Nasional's majority in the Dewan Rakyat.
Speaking through a Facebook Live session, Anwar (photo) instead urged Muhyiddin to table the government's Bantuan Prihatin Nasional Covid-19 RM250 billion stimulus package for debate in Parliament.
"I have given my assurance to the prime minister, we (Harapan) will not be using this upcoming session to reject the government's majority if at all he is worried about the support for Perikatan Nasional.
"We will only debate and ask for an explanation on several issues from the prime minister, the finance minister and other related ministers [...]," said the Port Dickson MP.
Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad had previously indicated Harapan's plans to challenge the legitimacy of the Perikatan Nasional government in Parliament, although he later conceded that the plan has fallen through after some of his supporters had switched allegiance.
In the current context, Anwar said the country cannot be governed by one or two know-it-alls, and the current situation where the overall federal budget income projection have been slashed must be debated in Parliament.
He noted that among matters to be further scrutinised include financial impacts of various reliefs under the Covid-19 aid, in anticipation of a declining economy.
"[...] he (Muhyiddin) must answer because it involves public funds.
"It must be debated in Parliament and it must be approved by Parliament," said Anwar who, however, reiterated his call that the distribution of aid must be expedited from the announced date of end April or early May.
In making his call, Anwar pointed out that he had - as then finance minister - sought Parliament’s approval for the use of RM2 billion of public funds to bail out Perwaja Holdings Berhad.
He said this was despite he was authorised to disburse the funds directly.
“At that time, it was because of the losses incurred by Perwaja, I was forced to table (motion seeking RM2 billion) in Parliament.
"Even though I was the finance minister and can transfer the sum, but I followed the rules that it must receive Parliament support," he said.
On Friday, Muhyiddin announced an economic stimulus package totalling RM250 billion to help Malaysians face the Covid-19 pandemic and the effects of the movement control order.
Of the total amount, almost RM128 billion of the Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi Prihatin Rakyat would be channelled to protect the people’s wellbeing, RM100 billion to support the business community, including small and medium enterprises, and RM2 billion to further strengthen the economy. - Mkini

MCO clips Orang Asli of basic needs, says rights group


CORONAVIRUS | As part of efforts dedicated to assisting Orang Asli communities affected by the Covid-19 outbreak, several rights group have come together to launch a "Covid-19 OA Fund".
The fund aims to raise RM30,000 for the Orang Asli and is a collaboration with the Centre for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC), Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur (RIKL) and Impian Malaysia (IM).
In a statement, the group said the livelihoods of the Orang Asli communities have been severely impacted by the ongoing movement control order (MCO) in force until April 14.
"Almost all of the Orang Asli communities have been affected, including daily-wage workers, subsistence farmers, rubber and oil palm smallholders, the disabled, the elderly and even the youth among them.
"They are not able to sell their produce or have lost their income sources," they said, adding that it has placed the food security of many Orang Asli communities at the brink.
As such, the group said funds raised would be used to provide the Orang Asli with food and other essentials. including face masks and hand sanitisers, as well as any other urgent assistance required.
"The funds raised will be channeled to a local coordinator, who is from the Orang Asli community and is known to COAC and its network members.
"The local coordinator will purchase and distribute the necessities, and account for how the aid has been used by way of receipts and photos," they said.
The fundraising campaign will run until April 14 but the group said they would consider extending the closing date if the MCO is extended.
Donations can be channelled to the bank account of Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur.
Name of Bank: CIMB
Name of Account: Pertubuhan Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur
Account Number: 8001067937
Donors are required to complete a donor form and attach the receipt after completing the transfer. The donor form is available here.  - Mkini

Telcos must ensure free internet package to consumers is high quality - CFM


CORONAVIRUS | The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) hopes that telecommunication service providers will ensure that the quality of the free internet package service provided to consumers is at the highest level.
CFM chairperson Mohana Mohariff said this would ensure consumers stay connected and get the latest information faster.
"We laud the government’s collaboration with telecommunications companies to offer free internet special packages to all postpaid and prepaid users beginning tomorrow until the end of the Movement Control Order (MCO).
"CFM advises all users to stay updated on the details of the special offer from their service provider's official website and social media channels," she said in a statement today.
Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, had on March 27, through the Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package (Prihatin) announced a RM600 million special package, involving free internet data usage to all telecommunication subscribers.
Mohana said prior to the announcement there were several special packages that the service providers offered to their subscribers, such as providing additional data, free calls to health services including free viewing offers for selected television shows.
“These initiatives help consumers stay home throughout the MCO in an effort to combat the Covid-19 pandemic in the country,” she said.
Meanwhile she said, CFM recommends consumers to do self-troubleshooting should they face network congestion problems as a result of too many consumers using the network in the same area.
On tips to address network congestion issues, CFM advised consumers to switch the mobile data to support the 3G or 2G networks as an alternative, when the 4G or LTE is congested.
"Limit phone calls for emergency cases only and try to send text messages instead of making phone calls," she said.
Visit here for more information and useful tips on communications and multimedia services. - Bernama

After flak, women’s ministry removes 'Doraemon' advice, 'apologises'


Following much criticism, the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry has removed two pieces of advice it previously offered wives and working mothers from its social media pages.
It also issued a statement explaining its intentions behind the tips (photo) and "apologised" if they had come off as inappropriate.
“We take note of the many responses received after we promoted several tips for women during the movement control order (MCO) through posters on our social media posts.
“Our approach was to share ways and practices to maintain positive relationships within the family and when working from home. We offered the daily tips and positive messages on social media in line with our #WanitaCegahCovid19 campaign [...]
“We would like to apologise if several tips were inappropriate or if they touched on the sensitivities of certain groups. We will be more careful in the future,” said Women’s Department director Saidatu Akhma Hassan.
Women groups and politicians earlier chastised the ministry for misplaced priorities after it advised wives to use a “Doraemon” tone of voice to cajole their husbands to help with household chores.
A Bahasa Malaysia version of a Japanese cartoon series featuring the character used to air on RTM featuring dialogue dubbed in a childish, high-pitched tone.
They also disagreed with the ministry’s recommendation that working mothers ought to wear makeup when working from home, but not work too hard lest they end up neglecting their family members.
Instead of women’s appearances and tone of voice, they said the ministry ought to focus on helping those who were suffering from domestic violence and poverty during the MCO.
The tips sparked such a furore online that the word “Doraemon” was trending in Malaysian Twitterjaya since late afternoon today.  - Mkini

Two bridges in Klang to be closed to traffic as part of MCO

KLANG: Two bridges here - Jambatan Raja Muda Nala and Jambatan Musaeddin - will be closed to traffic in both directions, says South Klang OCPD Asst Comm Shamsul Amar Ramli.
He said that the closures were part of the second phase of the movement control order (MCO) in his district.
"We will also set up five roadblocks along Persiaran Kota, Mile 2 Jalan Batu, KM24.2 of the Kesas Highway, the Jalan Bukit Jati traffic light junction and Jalan Kampung Jawa in front of SK Teluk Menegon," he said in a statement on Tuesday (March 31).
He said motorists in South Klang could use alternative routes when necessary.
"Those living around Teluk Pulai, Kampung Delek, Sungai Udang, Pandamaran, Port Klang and Kampung Sungai Sireh can use Jalan Kem, Jambatan Jalan Parang and Jambatan Kot.
"Those living around Sri Andalas, Kampung Jawa, Teluk Menegon and Taman Sentosa can use Jalan Kota Raja, Jalan Dato Mohd Sidin, Jalan Bukit Raja via Jambatan Connought and the Klang - Shah Alam Expressway via Jalan Batu 4.
"Those living around Bandar Bukit Tinggi, Klang Jaya and Bandar Botanik can use the Pulau Indah Highway, Jalan Parang via the Jambatan Jalan Parang, Kesas Highway and Jambatan Kota," he said.
He added that those living around Pulau Indah could use the South Klang Valley Expressway (SKVE).
ACP Shamsul Amar urged the community there to comply with the MCO and added that those with inquiries or complaints related to the MCO could contact their Covid-19 hotline at 03-3376 2400. - Star


FEDERAL Territories Minister Annuar Musa’s plan to allow Ramadan bazaars, even with better crowd control, has not been well received on social media amid fears it would lead to more Covid-19 infections.
Terengganu and Negri Sembilan have announced the scrapping of Ramadan bazars, with Terengganu planning an online platform for vendors to sell breaking of fast delicacies instead.
However, Annuar today said “the needs of urban folk who do not have time to cook” had to be considered.
Hence, he said Ramadan bazaars in the Federal Territories could be held with a limited number of stalls spaced apart to enable social distancing.
“Good luck to all Malaysians! Our wise politicians making wise decisions during (a) global pandemic!” said Twitter user @Esteban76986872.
Others urged the minister to reconsider for the sake of “flattening the curve”, in reference to bringing down the number of Covid-19 infections.
“You are putting citizens at risk,” tweeted @IreneCReynolds1.
Nazri Hussin tweeted that intentions to conduct crowd control will be difficult to achieve. “So best is you say No at the moment,” he said.
Others called the Annuar’s announcement “unwise”. Twitter user @_huddin_ said Ramadan bazaars are unnecessary, adding “Are bazaars so important? You can’t fast if there are no bazaars?
Others like Hasbul Hadi said people should remember the true purpose of Ramadan, which is to fast, and not feast.
“The aim of Ramadan is to fast…not for bazaar/berbuka dengan kawan (break fast with friends).
“Maybe Covid-19 is here to remind us of our niat (intentions) and the true meaning of Ramadan.”
Many have also taken to Twitter to say how much they will miss the Ramadan bazaars if the movement control order is extended beyond April 14.
The fasting month begins on April 23 and Ramadan bazaars, where vendors sell an array of delicacies every evening, is a highlight for many Muslims. It also draws non-Muslim customers.
Authorities have warned that the MCO could be extended if Covid-19 infections continue to increase. THE MALAYSIAN INSIGHT

Ramadan bazaars still possible if MOH guidelines followed – DG

Health Ministry director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said Ramadan bazaars may still be allowed to operate as long as they are able to follow the ministry’s standard operating procedure (SOP) in preventing Covid-19 transmission.
“More important is to practice safe distancing and all precautions taken, good hygiene.
“Control is important to avoid crowded places. Basically we need to look into implementation.
“As long as they can follow our SOP to avoid contact and have good spacing and hand washing and control the whole area,” Hisham (above) said.
He had also said the management of Ramadan bazaars in the Federal Territories will be modified this year to prevent crowd congestion.
Noor Hisham also gave on update on Malaysia’s testing capacity per day, saying it has now increased to 11,750 tests a day.
They are now running tests in about 46 laboratories and the director-general said his goal is to reach 16,500 tests a day.
All this must be done using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique which detects the antigen and not just the antibodies.
“We are (also) seeing two new methods that is the rapid test kits (RTK) from South Korea which looks at antigen, and if the accuracy to detect (the disease) is good, we will make another 200,000 orders,” he said. – MKINI

Returning Malaysians will be quarantined from April 3, says minister

MALAYSIANS returning from overseas from April 3 will be sent to Putrajaya’s Covid-19 quarantine centres for 14 days, said Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
“As we want to stop this outbreak, the National Security Council (NSC) has decided that all those who return from overseas will be quarantined for 14 days in special quarantine centres.
“They will be sent to the quarantine centres by bus when they land at airports. Once there, they will be screened by the Health Ministry,” the defence minister told reporters at NSC’s daily press briefing in Putrajaya today.
“We advise families not to go to the airport to meet them as they will be taken to the quarantine centres immediately,” he said.
“Although Wuhan is under control, (China) is seeing more cases due to citizens returning to the country.
“We know many Malaysians are still stranded in other countries. And, while we have advised them to stay put, some still want to come back,” said Ismail Sabri.
He said the new protocol will begin on Friday as the government is still arranging for buses and preparing the quarantine centres.
Meanwhile, the government will begin tightening the movement control order (MCO) tomorrow.
“There were 742 arrests at roadblocks and patrols yesterday, compared with the earlier 848. A total of 165 were charged, with six receiving fines or jail terms.
“I hope this trend continues and number of arrests go down. People need to be aware that they need to follow instructions and orders,” Ismail Sabri said.
According to the defence minister, the police and army conducted 1,547 road blocks and inspected 383,488 cars yesterday.
The joint operation also conducted 20,586 surprise checks.
“I hope everyone is aware that the MCO is serious and must be obeyed,” said Ismail Sabri. THE MALAYSIAN INSIGHT