
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Action soon against those who hide Covid-19 suspects


CORONAVIRUS | The public has been urged not to hide individuals who might be linked to established Covid-19 infection clusters.
Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin (above) warned of "stern action" against those who did so.
As an example, Hamzah said a person might face punitive action for failing to inform the authorities of a family member who attended the religious event at Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur late last month and refused to have himself tested for Covid-19 infection.
Hamzah said families with such information should inform the authorities of those in established clusters in order for tests to be conducted.
"This is the first warning," said Hamzah after a meeting with police top brass in Bukit Aman today.
Hamzah refused to elaborate on the type of "stern action" that would be taken.
"It should be understood," said Hamzah, adding that the media would be brought along when such action was eventually taken.
On the 87 individuals who attended a religious event in Indonesia this month, Hamzah said this was not a problem as they have been identified.
He said some of them have returned from Indonesia and have been quarantined.
Spread hate and we'll come for you
Hamzah said he was requested to issue this warning by Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador.
Hamzah also warned that those spreading hate online will have to face the law.
"Covid-19 does not recognise race or religion. From the data that we have, your race or position (in society) doesn't matter. Anyone can be infected and transmit the virus to their families.
"So please don't spread stories that would hurt the relationship among the various ethnic groups in this country.
"What we should do is help each other, not criticise each other. If you see someone without a face mask, offer one to them," he said. - Mkini

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