
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 1, 2020

Umno supreme council to meet Monday


The Umno supreme council will hold a meeting on Monday following the government’s decision to relax restrictions under the movement control order (MCO).
Umno vice president Mahdzir Khalid said this would be the first time the council would meet since the order was imposed on March 18.
“The meeting will be held in accordance with procedures and rules that have been set, such as social distancing during the meeting and temperature checks.
“As for how many would attend the meeting, that would have to be asked to the secretary-general,” he told Malaysiakini when contacted.
He said Umno will follow all safety regulations and standard operating procedures that have been set by the authorities.
Nevertheless, he said the supreme council meeting is only an ordinary meeting.
“Perhaps it’s because there hasn’t been a meeting for a long time.
“It’s normal for political party meetings. Surely there would be political issues discussed,” the Padang Terap MP said.
This would make Umno the first political party to hold an official meeting while the movement control order is still in effect.
Malaysia had implemented the order since March 18, and the order has been extended several times until May 12.
Nevertheless, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced that nearly all economic sectors would be allowed to resume operations on Monday, due to Malaysia’s ability to contain the spread of the disease.
Meanwhile, in the upcoming meeting, Umno is expected to discuss issues related to the party and its cooperation with other Perikatan Nasional parties.
It is also expected to discuss the tussle between Umno and Bersatu over political appointments, particularly in Johor.
On April 27, Johor Bersatu leader Mohd Solihan Badri wrote that parties within the Perikatan Nasional-led government should not take their position within the coalition for granted.
Nevertheless, Johor Bersatu chief Mazlan Bujang said he is confident that a win-win solution can be found.
“I’m very confident with Hasni Mohammad’s leadership as menteri besar,” he told Malaysiakini.
Meanwhile, Umno is also expected to discuss its request for Sabah Umno leaders to be given political appointments.
Among others, the party had asked Muhyiddin to appoint Sabah Umno chief Bung Moktar Radin as chairperson of the Sabah Federal Development Department.
When contacted, Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman confirmed that an Umno supreme council meeting would take place on Monday.
Tajuddin, who is also a member of the council, said the meeting would be held at Umno’s headquarters in Kuala Lumpur and would follow regulations to avoid Covid-19 infections.
However, he is unsure how many would attend the meeting.
“I’m not sure how many would attend, but social distancing and other rules would certainly be implemented.
“As for what would be discussed, that would only be known once the meeting begins,” he said.
Malaysiakini has contacted Umno secretary-general Ahmad Maslan but has yet to obtain a response. - Mkini

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