
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 19, 2021

Man told to wear face mask becomes enraged, attacks NS store worker


A patron at a convenience store in Negeri Sembilan became enraged after being told to put on a face mask and proceeded to attack its worker.

The elderly man was caught on CCTV shouting at a Masbukti outlet worker who had told him to put on a face mask.

The worker backed off and tried to deescalate but the elderly man kept advancing on him and hit him on the head.

The angry patron also grabbed the worker by the collar and pushed him repeatedly.

A copy of the CCTV recording was uploaded on Masbukti's Twitter account with the caption: "Aiya, ask (customer) to wear (a) mask but we end up getting beaten.

"Pity our staff, they face all kinds of challenges this Ramadan," it added.

The convenience store chain added that the police was called in to take care of the matter.

Not wearing a face mask in public can land the person a fine of up to RM10,000.

However, those who are fined may appeal to their district health office for a reduction of the fine.

The maximum fine is normally reserved for repeat offenders.

 - Mkini

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