
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

B----n N Convention: Nothing to do with the welfare of the people or the wellbeing of the nation – It’s all about power grabbing! By P Ramakrishnan


Hi folks. I have actually been away since last Wednesday 8th June 2022. The blog has been programmed to upload itself, until last Monday. Today is Wednesday 15 June 2022. 

It has been almost a spiritual journey for the past seven days with a few more days to go. But I dont believe in spirits or spirituality. The main reason is because none  of YOU have seen a spirit. So its your fault. In the university (in the 1980s) I knew folks from the State of Missouri. (Locals called it misora). Missouri is known as the Show Me State.  You show me something then I believe it. I know some of you clever beggars are thinking of David Copperfield and photoshoppe but what it means is 'show your evidence'. This is so famously said in the Quran, "haatu burhanukum inkuntum sadikeen" - show your evidence if indeed you speak the truth. So until you show me 'evidence' for your spirituality let me tell you about Tennessee. I knew a really friendly guy called Rusty from Tennessee. They are an extremely spiritual people in Tennessee.  But they drink their spirits. A totally different faith.

Getting back to planet earth I received the following from P Ramakrishnan (thank you Rama). Rama is an ex president of Aliran. I have run some of his articles before and the following is another one of them. My comments are in blue.

B----n N : Nothing to do with the welfare of the people or the wellbeing of the nation – It’s all about power grabbing!

It was meant to be a one-day B----n N----al Convention on 1.6.2022. It turned out to be an U--o convention. It was dominated and monopolized by U--o leaders.

The other two component parties of the B----n – M-A & M-C – were never seen or heard in the news coverage of the event as reported. Perhaps, they were allowed only to be silent participants!

(OSTB : Dear Rama what your article sorely needs is a list of word definitions. I will go into this a bit more. For example it is not wrong to use a bit of Tamil in Malaysia. Keluarga Malaysia and all that lah. The Tamil word that you are looking for is kotta-tonggi.  It is not the same as "kotta-tuuki" in Tamil. Tuuki means to carry. Tonggi means to hang from.  The concepts are different and I do believe the career prospescts for both may differ.

One would expect the highlight of the convention to be the welfare of the people and the wellbeing of the nation. One would expect the dire straits of the economy to be addressed as the main topic. One would also expect the sufferings of the poor people and their daily struggle to survive to have been their area of concern as well.

(OSTB : Dear Rama as I said what your article sorely needs is a list of word definitions. For example you need to define 'poor people'. You need to  define "daily struggle". 2022 years after Jesus Christ you can say with certainty that any woman anywhere on the earth is struggling when she has to fetch water from a well. 3000 years ago when "Rebecca" was struggling at a well, she bumped into Moses and married him. Perhaps a strong pair of arms at the well could determine future prospects for a bride or for a young man. I am not one who is too comfortable with these stories but the kottai brothers who go to church (may your god bless you all) will know this story. But today in our country there are creatures I find difficult to address as humans (when it is such an honor to be an animal of any kind) who think if you need water then just dig a well. Despite the 2000 or 3000 years of our human past where we have made the women pretty humans not just with heart, kindness and an equal capacity to run nations, head huge corporations and become competent entrepreneurs these sub-humans do not mind if Rebecca just goes down to the well to fetch water - even in the 21st century. So Rama, their definition of struggle and yours are just not the same. You are simply not on the same page. You need a list of common definitions. In simple Keluarga Malaysia language it means 'Lu apa cakap?' Get on the same page first Rama.)

No, none of these issues mattered to them. All they were interested in was politics and how soon they could grab power and return to Putrajaya. Their strategy was to win GE15 as soon as possible – the sooner the better for them!

(OSTB : Dear Rama lets be fair ok. Do you think the PH fellows care about any real issues? The half past six scooters are all the same. Rama, its a good thing that in this article you did not mention your good friend 'Pinnadi Panggali'. If you had I would not have posted your article. They are all in it for themselves, especially 'Pinnadi Panggali'. They will just appoint their own candidate to B--k N-gara, to M--bank, to the oil company, the airline company etc etc. The same looting shit will start all over again. Sadly that DAP girl was concerned about an effing plastic straw stuck in some turtle's nose or something. Global warming?? My point is : you really need a list of definitions. What do you mean by a paradigm shift? What do you mean by equality? Define what you mean by justice? In great detail.)   

They were buoyed by their recent winning streaks in Sabah, Malacca and Johor. Umno did exceptionally well, not because they were strong, but because the disunited and divided opposition split the opposition votes to hand over victory to the B----n.

Though the opposition parties are aware that they were the cause of B---n’s victory, nothing has materialized since then to forge a united front against the B---n to ensure that this mistake of fragmenting the opposition votes will not be repeated come GE15. As long as the unity among the opposition parties appears a far cry, U--o will push hard for a quick general election thinking that the tide is with them.

(OSTB : So at the end of the day you all become Catholics. You confess your sins. Be fair bro. So why were the PH NOT united?  What went wrong? So what shall you tell the voters next year : "Pleas vote for us the PH. We are disunited".)

To them, come what may, capturing Putrajaya is the only goal; power is all that they crave for; it’s the only thing that matters to them. For they are aware that once they are back in power, no law can touch them. They won’t have to be accountable to anyone. They can rule as they wish and govern as they choose.

It is a selfish strategy meant to serve their political purpose which is to be in power. Umno may shout that it is fighting for the interest of the common Malays. Don’t you believe that! It is fighting only for its members – more specifically the Umno elite.

(OSTB: PH did no better. This is fact. Not a baseless accusation. In 22 months in power they abolished the Sedition Act and then put it back in place. They did not abolish or reduce the tolls. So the PH lost seven by-elections. Dr M got kicked out for good. That was not U--o's fault.)

It is abundantly clear to all and sundry that U--o under the pretext of promoting the Malay agenda has succeeded extremely well in brainwashing the poor kampong Malays into believing that only U--o can defend and protect them and therefore deserve their vote. This mantra had worked for 60 years to favour U--o’s grip on power.

Now U--o is fearful that this mantra will no longer hoodwink the rural Malays. It is very apparent when the deputy chairman of B----n and deputy president of U--o admitted, “B---n is considered 'power crazy', corrupt, abuses power and other negative connotation.(sic)

"We must do everything we can to discard the perception (that B---n) is power (hungry), corrupt and immoral.”

The U--o president, Z-----i, put the question of early election quite bluntly, “Who wants to see the general election happen this year? Who wants to see the general election happen soon?

"This is not about Na--b, Z--id, or Is---l S--ri, no. This is about the future of B---n and our country.”

Believe that if you believe that the pie in the sky can be eaten. Here’s the unvarnished truth: It is the future of U--o that these leaders are worried about?

The longer the election is dragged out, the more damage will be inflicted on U--o by the opposition. More scandals, more corruption, more abuse of power, more squandering of the nation’s wealth, etc. will surface hurting U--o and damaging their chances in GE15.

This is the reason why their sole focus is to force an early election and grab power. They will exert pressure on the lame-duck PM to call for an early election.

Will he cave in or resist this demand with the help of the MOU which has given him an extended life span? Only time will tell!

P.Ramakrishnan. Former Aliran President

 14 June 2022

(OSTB : Dear Rama I disagree. It is not time that will tell.  It is you P Ramakrishnan who has already said it perfectly correctly. You said: "with the help of the MOU which has given him an extended life span?

Come again? So it is YOU (the PH) who gave U--o / B----n that MOU and gave them a second lease on their corrupt lives? It was you.

                        It Was You! GIF - The Boss Baby It Was You Francis - Discover & Share GIFs


Here is some simple Tamil bro : Vamba velaiyki vangeraiya?

It looks like you are buying trouble by using your own money?

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