
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 25, 2022

Umno’s Team A Lawan Team B: Who Will Win?


Ismail Sabri has to realise that politics is no place for gentlemen and nice guys. And if he does not wake up and start fighting dirty, then selamat tinggal Ismail Sabri. But at least he will hold the Guinness World Record as Malaysia’s shortest serving Prime Minister.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In the UK, if the Queen is holding a garden party (Elizabeth II that is, not Farrokh Bulsara a.k.a. Freddie Mercury), you can place a bet on whether it is going to rain. Yes, you can place a bet on almost anything in the UK. If the bookies took bets on who will win the Umno Team A lawan Team B civil war, who will you bet on? Ismail Sabri Yaakob or the anti-Ismail Sabri faction?

Currently, the odds are on Team B a.k.a. anti-Ismail Sabri faction a.k.a. Team Najib-Zahid a.k.a. Kluster Mahkamah a.k.a. Nak Bubar Parlimen a.k.a. Tak Mahu Pertandingan Parti a.k.a. Umno Warlords — or whatever you wish to call them — winning Umno’s Team A lawan Team B civil war.

And the reason why I say Team B has the edge over Team A is simple. The post of Umno Party President is more powerful than the post of Malaysian Prime Minister. And if you are BOTH Umno Party President and Malaysian Prime Minister, even Satan will kowtow to you.

That was why Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad stole RM200 billion (worth RM650 billion today) in his 22 years as Prime Minister and nothing happened to him — while Zahid and Najib are facing trial after they lost GE14 in May 2018.

Believe me, when you step on the rakyat to get to the top, make sure you never fall. People such as King Charles I, King Louis XVI, Czar Nicholas II, President Marcos, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and many more, have proven this point.

Najib’s and Zahid’s crimes are not that they stole the rakyat’s money. All politicians steal the rakyat’s money, even those from Pakatan Harapan. Their crimes are that they lost GE14 and fell from power.

In politics you must never lose and must never fall from power. You must win and stay in power by hook or by crook, especially by hook and by crook, at all costs. And that is why you need to steal the rakyat’s money, because the cost is very high indeed.

King William I of England had been stealing the rakyat’s money since 1066. They only thing is then they called it taxes, not rompak duit rakyat. When Parliament refused to increase the taxes in 1629, King Charles I of England suspended or gantung Parliament. So Parliament arrested King Charles and pancung his head. Unfortunately, British laws no longer allow that practice.

Anyway, the point I wish to make is, you can be the King, the Shah, the Czar, the President, or the Prime Minister, but you are NOT powerful unless you also control the Party and Parliament. History has proven this time and time again for 1,000 years since 1066.

And that is why I place my money on Team B and not on Team A winning Umno’s Team A lawan Team B civil war.

If Ismail Sabri wants to win the Umno Team A lawan Team B civil war, he must first take over as Umno’s President. And to do this the Registrar of Societies (RoS) must demand that Umno holds its party elections now, before Parliament is dissolved and before GE15 is held.

Hello, brader, in 1988, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad titah the RoS to dissolve or bubar Umno (even though the RoS told Mahathir that was not necessary: just hold new party elections). Ini kuasa PM, kan? And who is the PM? Ismail Sabri Yaakob or Ahmad Zahid Hamidi?

If the RoS arah that Umno’s party elections must be held now, what can Team B do? Go to court and challenge the decision? The RoS is just following the law. Umno, on the other hand, is going against the law. So, siapa yang akan menang?

Ismail Sabri has to realise that politics is no place for gentlemen and nice guys. And if he does not wake up and start fighting dirty, then selamat tinggal Ismail Sabri. But at least he will hold the Guinness World Record as Malaysia’s shortest serving Prime Minister.

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