
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 15, 2023


 Here is my cut on the latest from Prof Murray Hunter.

greatly eroded power of  elected govt
centre of power in M'sia has radically shifted
Once in operation, no way to take it back
M'sia now less of a democracy than before Madani

To read Prof Murray's original article please click here.

JAKIM's new role in drafting national policy, annual budget, five-year plans

role given to JAKIM moving from democracy towards theocracy
completely alters current nexus of govt, where policies laid out by Cabinet
move is counter to representative democracy
drastically changes govt from being elected by the people
towards unelected, unaccountable group of bureaucrats in JAKIM

advice from JAKIM will become morally binding, obligatory
will purportedly carry the weight of Islam behind their advice
ignoring advice from JAKIM construed as ignoring advice of Islam 

not known whether Madani was conscious of this consequence

(OSTB : Chances are he was unconscious.)

or this was purposely planned, some deal from r---l quarters
small group of lebais could potentially control govt policies
advice from those primarily schooled in religion rather than economics
heavily influenced by religion, rather than secular governance

Who does JAKIM actually report to?
JAKIM not divulged who or which organization it reports to
Conference of Rulers appointed S'gor Sultan to chair Majlis Agama Nasional
effectively taking over control of JAKIM
greatly increases the weight of JAKIM

greatly eroded power of  elected govt of the day
centre of power in Malaysia has radically shifted
Once new arrangement comes into operation, no way can take this back
Malaysia is now less of a democracy than it was before Madani
My Comments:
I have a very simple approach to avoiding trouble and it has worked well so far for me. This is NOT my magic formula for success. But it is a good formula to avoid trouble. Or to avoid from getting into trouble. Here goes. Just avoid anything, everything, anyone and everyone which is not logical (meaning it is illogical), not rational, not scientific, without proofs, without solid evidence. 
(What is the difference between evidence and proofs? Evidence has to be real, solid, tangible. Scientific. Real world. Proofs on the other hand can include those verbal diarrheas, those endless arguments, supposedly "logic" arguments. For example : Although no one has seen it, I insist there is such a thing as a flying elephant with four legs and a pair of wings. Here is my logic - because my god can create a flying elephant if he wants to. End of argument.
So folks, to avoid trouble and live a happy life, just avoid all these  illogical, irrational, non scientific, without proofs, without solid evidence situations and relationships. Whether at work, at play, in business, politics or anything else in which you may participate.  
And of course irrationality, non-science, illogic, no proofs, no evidence is the solid, bedrock foundation of religion.
So do you want to invite them home for tea?
Do you want to let them get into your head?

It reminds me of the story about satan which my father told me when I was young. Which I have repeated here in this blog more than once. They are just trouble. To be avoided.

p.s. Oops I almost forgot. Here is my real comment about what Prof Murray has written. A leopard can never change his spots.

               Mr Spots. Ever ready to pounce.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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