
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, April 13, 2012

Altantuya-Scorpenes: UK PM's lightning visit won't remove Najib's blemish

Altantuya-Scorpenes: UK PM's lightning visit won't remove Najib's blemish
This photo of British prime minister David Cameron and his Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak should do a tsunami to our soul.
It is not just puzzling. It is not just unbelievable. It raises a whole lot of questions in the conscience of humanity.
What really is this world of politics truly coming to? Would the British citizens take up this challenge for discussion too, please?
How can the UK ignore corruption-tainted Najib's link in the global arms trade
Let us wade-off the plenitude of being philosophical because Malaysians predominantly have an innate aversion for philosophy as making money to survive and to aspire going beyond even that to savor the seeming ‘good life’ is the only currency.
We see plenty of that in the global arms trade and kickbacks that accompany, don’t we?
Coming back to this great photo, how could one man who has been dragged into a controversial murder of a Mongolian citizen go about his work without attempting to address, answer and resolve the many unanswered questions that the media across the world has been bringing to the fore from time to time these past six years?
And how could world leaders – as in the likes of the British premier, court leaders or counterparts who are being besieged by allegations and confronted with questions that deserve prompt attention and accountability given that universal premise that no man has a right to take the life of another for his own end?
Unanswered questions
Malaysians want to know; and likewise surely any thinking, feeling human anywhere in the world too would want to know answers to the following questions:
  1. How could the government of Malaysia allow C4-explosives to be taken out of tight security and be used to blast away a single, foreign national who is not even a spy or secret agent to the rankings of James Bond?
  2. How could the government of Malaysia deploy its uniformed, trained and lethal, officialdom bodyguards to carry out a brutal murder?
  3. How could the government of Malaysia erase immigration records of a foreign national entering its country legally and as a unarmed visitor? Is this not a concern for leaders around the world like the British premier?
  4. Maybe the poor Altantuya was a serious security threat not only to Malaysia but also to the British citizens. And so, it is right to not only shoot her with bullets to her head, but also to use military grade C4 explosives to shatter her body mass leaving no trace of her.
  5. Maybe the helpless Altantuya was of such high degree of danger to the entire planet that her immigration records had to be defaced. Nobody in the world should know that she had travelled here.
  6. Do other countries in the world also practice the same standards, i.e. annihilate citizens from other countries and leaving no trace whatsoever; and erase immigration records of such victims as well?
  7. If question number 6 above, is true, then it probably explains quiet nicely that, that is why world leaders seemingly appear undeterred about what happened to the Mongolian citizen on Malaysian soil.
  8. And if point number 7 above, holds true, holy mackerel this world is a dangerous place for humanity. Politics is no more what a political science student studies within the hallways of universities.
Set the record straight, show the world your innocence
Mr Honorable Prime Minister of Malaysia why don’t you once and for all do something to set all records straight? Swearing on the Holy Books is not befitting a premier who courts world leaders like the British premier, the Queen of England, etc.
What we have here is a case that implicates the government of Malaysia in so many ways as explained above. You as our Prime Minister have that onerous task to dispel all misgivings, allegations, suspicions and faults and absolve our beautiful nation of this scourge.
Why don’t you announce to the global media that you are inviting world renowned investigators to help you to unravel the whole truth and nothing but the truth about this heinous and record-breaking murder episode that is blanketing the nation’s integrity, track-record and future?
Remember British firm FBC Media - which customer led to its disgrace?
You employed world-renowned public relations outfits to spruce up your image and the country’s to promote our standing in the business community and in the eyes of world leaders remember? Don’t you think that this unprecedented murder episode deserves even more attention and care?
Why don’t you now invite learned minds reputed for their legal and judicial competency to help you look into the matter including establishing if our courts have erred?
Endorsing corruption, supporting murder?
Why don’t you see the point in doing all of the above these past six years and instead end up having us Malaysians to endure the recent media interview with the late Altantuya’s daddy? Who else can do it for us Sir if you do not help us to save the image and reputation of this nation – including yours too?
Or are you telling us that even the British premier does not mind about our battered reputation therefore all is well for Malaysian and its citizens? And that it is all okay for people to kill this-a-way?
Malaysia Chronicle

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