
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Aman brothers involved in Sabah timber graft?

Foreign Minister Anifah Aman has been a secret beneficiary of lucrative timber licences in Sabah thanks to his elder brother, Chief Minister Musa Aman, said Sarawak Report.

The whistleblower website said it has in its possession leaked Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) documents showing its investigators had concluded that the Sabah chief minister had corruptly issued timber licences to his brother worth tens of millions of ringgit.

According to Sarawak Report, the documents form part of a major investigation by the MACC into timber corruption after an agent and nominee for Musa Aman, Michael Chia, was caught attempting to smuggle RM16 million out of Hong Kong in 2008.

“However, the investigation has been blocked at the highest levels and its findings kept secret, until now.

“Our informants say that the brothers’ relative and fellow Sabahan, attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail, has refused to allow charges to be brought and PM Najib Razak has scandalously turned a blind eye to the affair.”

Sarawak Report claimed that Abdul Gani, who is closely connected to the Aman family, has refused to pursue the case.

“Indeed the attorney-general has forced the MACC to shelve its entire investigation in Sabah, which was one of the largest and most extensive ever undertaken by that body, and involved sums amounting to billions of ringgit siphoned out of the state by corruption at the highest level.”

Last week, MACC deputy commissioner (operations) Mohd Shukri Abdull lamented that Attorney-General's Chambers had refused to bring many “valid cases” the commission had investigated to court due to “insufficient evidence”.

Major conflict of interest

The website said with Abdul Gani’s close ties with the Musa family, the AG should have opted out of making a decision on the investigations.

“In such cases where there is a plain conflict of interest, the government’s top law officer has to be seen to be acting from a position of impartiality.”

The website detailed documents in their possession that named Anifah and a nephew, Hairul Aman as beneficiaries of two major timber concessions through two companies allegedly linked to them.

One, Aktif Syabas Sdn Bhd, had licence to harvest 4,336 hectares of timber in land belonging state-owned agency Yayasan Sabah, and purchase residual timber from another 3,000 hectares.

“The other deal, made with the company Para Era Sdn Bhd, is even more shocking. It allows the concessionaire to extract timber from 2,000 hectares of virgin forest at the Pinagah Forest Reserve (right),” it said.

Sarawak Report lamented that the forest reserve was “totally razed by 2007".

Recalling a “headline-grabbing case” in 2007 where MACC had detained 20 lorries and 5,000 logs worth millions allegedly harvested from virgin forests, the website noted that not a single arrest had precipitated.

“Tragically, our information is that the forest reserve was totally razed by 2007, despite the strictures about only felling trees over 60cm.

“This MACC information substantiates complaints from within the industry that Musa Aman has turned existing corruption in Sabah’s timber business into a full-scale rape of the remaining forests in the state.”

The Anifah connection

Sarawak Report added that it was noteworthy that both deals were awarded shortly after Musa became chief minister and chairperson of the board of trustees of Yayasan Sabah in 2003.

It said while Musa was not named directly in any of the companies’ public documents, the practice of employing nominees was a “standard” practice in Sabah.

“...insiders claim that the use of nominees is standard in the Sabah timber business and clearly the investigation by MACC officials led them to conclude, after months of investigation, that the foreign minister was the true concessionaire," it said.

It added that the leaked papers in their possession show that the MACC investigators "did believe there was such a corrupt link and that Aman was the beneficiary”.


  1. Pinagah Forest Reserve is one of 12 forest reserve that the State Government efforts of in favour of water catchment conservation in Malaysia, through the passage of the Forests (Constitution of Forest Reserves and Amendment) Enactment 1984. Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Nasrun Datu Mansor said with the development nearly half of Sabah’s 7.6 million-hectare land area is now under permanent forest cover. There's no way such breach can occur.

    1. A total of 3.6 million hectares were now preserved as forests ranging from the unique karangas jungles in the south western Sipitang districts to mangroves at islands along the east coast.

    2. In this regard, Sabah has exceeded the national forestry policy requiring the states to preserve 47 per cent of their land under forest cover.

    3. The amount of Class 1 Protection Forest Reserves had been increased by more than 22,000 hectares, nearly the size of Penang island.

    4. The State now had more than 3.6mil hectares of such forests compared to about 3.5mil hectares previously.

    5. The amount of mangrove and virgin forest reserves had also increased by 4,647 hectares and 486 hectares respectively following the amendments.

    6. The State now had more than 320,000 hectares of mangrove forests while its virgin jungle reserves now stood at more than 92,000 hectares.

    7. The amount of amenity forest reserves for recreational use had also been increased by 344 hectares to more than 21,000 hectares.

    8. Conversely, Sabah was reducing the amount of its commercial forest reserves by 17,594 hectares from 2.63mil hectares to make way for the increased Class 1 Protection Forest Reserves.

    9. The intention is to leave as much of forests untouched for future generations. The amendment was also to re-classify two Second Class Forest Reserves (commercial) and First Class Forest Reserve (Protection).

    10. The amendment was also to re-gazzette four existing forest reserves for coordination and updating of the Forest Enactment Schedule 1984.

    11. The newly created I Class forest reserves are Gomantong-Geluang-Gesusu (590ha) in Kudat, Bukit Hampuan (1,253ha) in Ranau, Bukau Api-Api (2,095ha) in Beaufort and Ganui (330ha) that used to be in the Sabah Forest Industries’ concession area.

    12. Also 900ha of Sipitang Forest Reserve and 16,750ha of Sungai Pinangah and Gunung Rara Forest Reserves were re-classified as Protection Forest Reserve (Class 1) to be known as Sipitang Forest Reserve (Class I) and Imbak Canyon Forest Reserve (Class I), respectively.

    13. These areas are found to be suitable for water catchment, maintaining climate stability, soil protection, research, education, flora and fauna conservation and eco-tourism.

    14. Under the amendment, 56ha of the Deramakot forest was also constituted and classified as a Commercial Forest Reserve (Class II) to be known as Deramakot Forest Reserve (Extension).

    15. The areas classified as Amenity Forest Reserves (Class IV) among others were Pulau Tabun (16 ha) and Pulau Saranga (18 ha) in Lahad Datu and the 8.53 ha land on which the State Forestry Department headquarters is located in Sandakan, Batu Punggul (150 ha) in Labang Valley, Sapulut, Nabawan.

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  4. Sudah lama perkara ini masih dibangkitkan, SPRM pernah menyiasat isu ini tetapi tiada apapa maklumat ataupun bukti yang dapat dicari.

  5. Pasal Kes Michael Chia juga pernah disiasat oleh ICAC Hong Kong, tetapi tetap tiada bukti yang mengaitkan RM16 juta kepada KM Sabah.

    1. tiada bukti yang kukuh mengenai hal tersebut, pihak pembangkang sengaja memainkan isu tu untuk memancing undi rakyat.

    2. Mungkin terlampau desperate untuk mendapatkan perhatian sekarang. Sehingga boleh memainkan apa saja isu untuk kebaikan diri.

    3. Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri PangIima Musa Hj Aman puts it on record once again that he has no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia. "I deny all these allegations. I have no business relationship with this person," he said in a statement.

  6. I think the opposition jealous with both brother. Especially Datuk Musa Aman. Datuk Musa Aman under his leadership bring more development for Sabah. The opposition try to split the Sabahans support to Sabah CM.

    1. Sekarang ramai yang mahu jatuhkan Musa Aman. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila beliau sudah lama memegang jawatan KM itu. Tuduhan ke atas adik-beradik Aman ini memang bertujuan untuk memburukkan mereka dan mengalihkan pandangan rakyat daripada kepincangan yang berlaku dalam parti pembangkang itu sendiri.

    2. Betul itu..Tambahan lagi beliau yang terbaik dan mendapat sokongan daripada penduduk Sabah. Sebab itu ada pihak yang tidak senang akan semua ini dan mencari langkah untuk menjatuhkan beliau.

    3. Bila kepimpinan Musa Aman dah semakin diterima oleh rakyat, Pakatan Rakyat semakin rimas kerana kedudukan mereka di Sabah semakin terancam dan mungkin akan menjejaskan sokongan mereka pada PRU-13 nanti.

    4. yup..There are political opponents and desperate individuals who resort to do anything to gain political mileage especially election is around the corner.

    5. Under Musa Aman leadership, hee has been crisscrossing the state bringing infrastructure development to the rural as well as urban areas to eradicate poverty by building low-cost houses and giving the people land under a communal title to cultivate oil palms and rubber.

    6. And he has been busy attracting investors from the US, South Korea, Europe and Singapore to set up industries in Sabah. Even the Singapore Foreign Minister, George Yeo, was so impressed with Musa that he visited Sabah twice in a year to express Singaporeans’ keenness to invest in the industrial development of Sabah.

  7. Anifah Aman telah menjelaskan bahawa beliau tidak tahu menahu mengenai dakwaan bahawa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mendapati beliau secara rasuah telah menerima lesen balak daripada abangnya yang juga ketua menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

    1. Musa Aman sudah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa beliau tidak mempunyai apapa hubungan rasmi dengan Michael Chia. Beliau juga menafikan bahawa beliau tidak terlibat dalam apa yang didakwa oleh media.

    2. There are people out there who keep using recycled allegations to get to the top when the election is near. Sabahan can decide on Musa Aman track record.Not faceless and nameless people who use blogs to serve their political interest.

    3. this shows that what is state by Sarawak report is not true.

  8. berita ini sngaja di sebarkan oleh pihak tertentu untuk menjatuhkan mereka berdua.

    1. Tidak tahulah apa motif yang Sarawak Report ada dengan menyebarkan tuduhan yang tidak berasas seperti ini.

    2. Pihak pembangkang bersubahat dengan Sarawak Report untuk menjatuhkan kepimpinan Musa Aman. Dengan ini, rakyat meragui kepimpinannya dan sokongan mereka akan beralih kepada pembangkang. Lagipun, kita sedia maklum PR becita2 untuk menawan putrajaya dan pasti mereka sanggup untuk melakukan apa saja untuk merosakkan undian dan kerusi BN di Sabah.

  9. Selagi tiada bukti kukuh untuk sabitkan kesalahan ke atas Anifah, apa lagi yang boleh dibuat? Setakat mensensasikan tuduhan yang belum tentu kebenarannya, ia hanyalah taktik kotor yang dimainkan oleh pembangkang untuk keuntungan politik mereka semata-mata.

    1. memang tidak ada bukti kukuhpun.. sebab itu hanya setakat dibawa ke media dengan harapan semua pembaca2 mereka percaya dengan tuduhan yang dicipta oleh puak terdesak2 ini.. sama juga seperti dokumen palsu yang didedahkan oleh Sarawak Report sebelum ini kononnya bukti penyelewengan Taib Mahmud.. bila didapati bukti dokumen itu telah diubah suai, dengan serta-merta artikel itu dikeluarkan dari portal mereka..

  10. Macamlah pembangkang tu bersih sangat. Apa cerita rasuah pengorekan pasir di Selangor? Timbulnya cerita ini hanyalah untuk menutupi kesalahan mereka dan alihkan perhatian rakyat.

    1. Mereka sudah terdesak untuk menggunakan cara ini bagi menjatuhkan kerajaan. Mereka juga sebenarnya dihujani dengan pelbagai isu yang tiada penyelesaian. Kalau tengok di negeri tadbiran PR sendiri, ramai rakyat yang tidak berpuas hati dengan kepimpinan mereka.

  11. Foreign Affairs Minister Anifah Aman has claimed that he has no knowledge of the allegation that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had found him to have corruptly received lucrative timber licences from his elder brother and Sabah chief minister, Musa Aman..

  12. Anifah denied that he has been questioned by the MACC.. and Musa has also denied any involvement with the case… so that’s mean, this is a big lie from Sarawak Report who desperately want to bring down the BN government.. this is not a first time they spread such lies..

  13. Dimana kebenaran dalam hal ini jika bukit tidak kukuh untuk mendakwa seseorang itu. Rasanya sia-sia saja usaha ini jika tidak ada bukti yang benar-benar fakta.

  14. Sabah mempunyai hutan simpan yang dijaga sebaiknya. Jumlah kawasan hutan yang telah digazetkan dalam negeri Sabah adalah lebih kurang 3.61 juta hektar.

    1. Musa Aman’s work with Yayasan Sabah which is the largest forest concessionaire in Sabah and the way he managed and protected core forest reserves to ensure the responsible management of “working forests” that gives Sabah timber, jobs, sustainable economies, wildlife habitat, fresh water and a stable climate, needs praises.

    2. A total of some 4.6 million hectares of forest reserves or about 70% of the total Sabah’s landmass is forest. Yayasan Sabah is responsible for the management of approximately 1 million hectares of forest in Borneo, including forests in the Danum Valley, Maliau Basin and Imbak Canyon, and is the home to the highest biodiversity in Sabah. Musa Aman has actually done some good conservation work here.

    3. The Danum Valley Conservation Area, the brainchild of Musa Aman, one of the last pristine lowland tropical rainforests which is roughly 80,000 acres of formerly logged forest is home to one of the highest concentrations of orangutans in the world and has clouded leopards, pygmy elephants and over 300 bird species inhabiting in this area.

  15. Mungkin kita perlu tahu akan peranan setiap hutan simpan yang ada di Sabah. Hutan Simpan di Sabah ada 7 Kelas. Jadi hutan tertentu dikelaskan mengikut keseuaian yang ada pada hutan simpan tersebut.

  16. Kelas II – Hutan Komersial. Hutan yang diperuntukkan untuk pembalakan bagi membekal keperluan kayu dan lain-lain pengeluaran hasil kayu sebagai penyumbang kepada ekonomi negeri Sabah. Pembalakan dilakukan berdasarkan kepada Prinsip Pengurusan Hutan Mampan. Keluasan Hutan inimeliputi 2,550,022 hektar di 31 lokasi berlainan di seluruh Sabah.

    1. jika pemimpin BN Sabah terlibat dengan skandal balak, sudah lama negeri ini kehilangan hutan.. sebaliknya, lebih 50% negeri Sabah masih dilitupi oleh hutan dan sehingga hari ini kerajaan negeri Sabah masih giat melaksanakan reforestation programme..

  17. Kita tidak pasti adakah ini rasuah atau bukan. Kerana kita juga perlu ingat apa rasuah sebenarnya. Kerana setiap orang ada pandangan mereka sendiri mengenai rasuah. Maka kita tidak pasti adakah kes ini boleh dikatakan rasuah atau bukan. Namun itu semua tidak penting sekarang yang penting kalau benar itu rasuah buktikan dengan bukti kukuh. Tidak ada guna hanya cakap kosong semata-mata.

    1. saya heran kenapa media pro pembangkang tidak mensensasikan skandal pasir di selangor dan juga penggunaan dana awam oleh kerajaan selangor untuk membiayai kos guaman pemimpin mereka.. adakah tindakan itu bukan diklasifikasikan sebagai rasuah atau penyalahgunaan kuasa??

  18. Kita tunggu saja apa penjelasan dari Datuk Musa dan juga Datuk Anifah mengenai perkara ini. Kita tunggu apa siasatan daripada SPRM mengenai perkara ini. Jika tidak ada bukti kukuh rasanya pihak mahkamah tidak akan menerima pendakwaan tersebut. Kerana ini cuma membuang masa. Tidak ada guna mendakwa seseorang itu jika tidak mempunyai bukti.

    1. Datuk Musa dan Datuk Anifah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa mereka tidak terlibat dalam tuduhan seperti di atas. Musa juga berkata beliau akan memberikan kerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa jika mereka hendak menyiasatnya.

  19. even though such things, Umno will be BN’s backbone and to work hard to assure the ruling government stayed in power in Sabah. Umno and the component parties of BN will prove that BN is the best choice for the people through its continuous development programmes.

    1. when they have no issue to be played with, then they began to sell a big lies to discredit BN leaders.. they actually prove themselves who are desperately need cabinet posts to create power and wealth..

  20. BN concept of serving the people. The elected representatives of BN will always work hard to serve the people because they know they have been voted by the people and so it is their responsibility to serve them

    1. Musa Aman mengeluarkan satu kenyataan untuk meminta semua pegawai kerajaan dan wakil rakyat untuk sentiasa berusaha turun padang untuk mendekati rakyat, baru-baru ini wakil rakyat juga diseru untuk menunaikan janji kepada rakyat sebelum mereka memberi mandat kepada kerajaan sekali lagi pada PRU-13.

  21. if it true that Sabah BN leaders involved in timber scandal, how can Sabah land still covered by more than 60% of forests??

  22. be careful with sarawak Report.. this portal cannot be trusted.. before this, they are also using SSM document to defame Taib sister.. but their readers reveal that the document actually has been modified by Sarawak Report.. when they realize about it, they remove the article from they own portal.. so this is a proof that this portal is selling lies to the people/readers.. and now they using the same tactic to bring down Sabah BN and Musa Aman..

    1. Sarawak Report just wouldn't learn their lesson. First they defame taib sister and now the Aman's family. We don't know how genuine is this documents.

  23. if I’m not mistaken, during the tenure of Yong Teck Lee in as little as 2 years, he approved some 265 logging licences covering over 300,000 ha (an area 5 times larger than the island of Singapore). why not Sarawak Report and other opposition leaders reveal this irresponsible act?? is it because of YTL and SAPP turned to be an opposition, so that all they past mistake must be forgiven??

  24. tiada fakta kukuh yang menyokong semua tuduhan yang dilemparkan..ia hanya bersifat tuduhan semata-mata.

    1. Terpulanglah kepada pembaca sendiri untuk membuat penilaian yang terbaik terhadap perkara ini.

  25. walau pun pelbagai isu dimainkan sekarang ini. tapi dilihat semakin ramai ahli PKR Sabah yang beralih kepada parti lain.

    1. Most probably that is the reason why PKR is using this issue as their strategy to win the people support in sabah.

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  26. Musa Aman jga dah menafikan bahawa dia mempunyai sebarang hubungan dgn Michael Chia.

  27. Tidak tahulah sama ada bukti yang didapati oleh Sarawak Report itu betul-betul terdapat daripada MACC?

    1. MACC perlulah menjelaskan bagaimana dokumen mereka boleh terjatuh dalam tangan Sarawak Report? Adakah mereka mendapat maklumat tersebut menerusi cara yang tidak sah ataupun ada orang dalaman yang melepaskan maklumat tersebut.

  28. benarkah dua-beradik ini terlibat dalam skandal rasuah balak ini..?

  29. rakyat tidak harus mempercayai 100% apa yang dinyatakan dalam media...biarlah SPRM menjalankan tugas mereka untuk membuktikan siapakah yang sebenarnya terlibat/bersalah.

  30. keranna, kenyataan sudah pun dikeluarkan oleh Ketua Menteri kita..jadi, hentikanlah fitnah terhadap beliau

  31. mungkin ini hanya satu plot untuk menjatuhkan kuasa dua adik-beradik atau satu konspirasi dari pihak pembangkang untuk menumbangkan kerajaan ...

  32. parti pembangkang tidak habis-habis hendak menjatuhkan imej KM, kalau tidak ada bukti yang kukuh janganlah menyebarkan khabar angin, nanti kena saman juta2...

  33. maklumlah, dua adik-beradik ini memang hebat, itu sebab ramai sangat musuh yang hendak menjatuhkan mereka..

  34. jika tanpa bukti yang kukuh, dakwaan terhadap KM dan adiknya ini hanyalah khabar angin yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan nama baik mereka

  35. even, there was not enough evidence from MACC to issue a statement that the two brothers are involved in this corruption case..so, stop speculating

  36. kalau benar MA & AA dua beradik terlibat dalam skandal ini, sila tunjukkan bukti yang kukuh dan sahih

  37. kita harus pandai menilai, nyata sekali kepimpinan KM Sabah yang bagus telah banyak menaikkan imej negeri ini

  38. takkan beliau hendak terlibat dalam rasuah yang boleh menghancurkan kepimpinan beliau

  39. yang mana, sudah tentu boleh menjatuhkan maruah dan integriti beliau..

  40. rakyat harus memberi kerjasama kepada kerajaan terutamanya di bawah pimpinan Datuk Musa Aman untuk sama-sama membangunkan negeri kita yang tercinta

  41. Let’s all rise and infuse ourselves with the sense of awareness

  42. walau bagaimanapun, biarlah kebenaran ditentukan oleh mahkamah/SPRM

  43. siasatan secara menyeluruh adalah perlu supaya kes ini dapat diselesaikan

  44. dan biarlah mahkamah yang menjatuhkan hukuman kepada mereka yang terlibat/bersalah dalam kes rasuah balak ini

  45. janganlah terpengaruh dengan spekulasi yang mengatakan Musa Aman terlibat dalam isu rasuah balak Sabah ini kerana belum ada bukti kukuh yang nama beliau bersekongkol dengan mereka yang terlibat

  46. Ketua Menteri Sabah telah banyak membawa perubahan dalam membangunkan negeri Sabah, setidak-tidaknya, bagilah penghormatan kepada beliau dan bukannya mengaibkan nama beliau dalam skandal di atas..

  47. hentilah fitnahan terhadap mereka...


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