
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 24, 2012

'Ban or no ban, we shall be there on Saturday'

YOURSAY 'I hope that this time those who chickened out of Bersih 2.0 will be bold enough to take their place in history's turning point.'

Police 'will not allow' Bersih protest on Saturday

your sayDisgusted: So it's back to square one - same thing as Bersih 2.0.

Lock down KL and ask all shops to close. Bring out the water cannons and tear gas launchers. Blame Bersih for losses to the economy and causing hardship to Kuala Lumpur business people, etc. All the threats and declinature of venues are reactivated.

It looks like BN will never learn that the rakyat can't be threatened and intimidated anymore. They have come to the end of the line after swallowing all the nonsense dished out to them for the last 55 years. Enough is enough.

Let's flood KL with rakyat power to show them that we mean business. I hope that this time those who chickened out of Bersih 2.0 will be bold enough to take their place in history's turning point.

More senior citizens like Aunty Bersih should join in to show BN that the senior citizens are also fed up with their rule, as BN always says that the young have been brainwashed by the opposition to protest.

Let it be a broad cross-section of the rakyat this time - Malay, Chinese, Indians, Eurasians, natives, rich and poor.

Anonymous_VV: All the reasons give by DBKL (City Hall) in not allowing Bersih 3.0 to be held at Dataran Merdeka are pure nonsense. On the contrary, they should have been more forthcoming and receptive towards the event.

They could help plan traffic flow, facilitate crowd control and even lend a hand in making the event a festive one by encouraging traders to sell food and drinks, highlight the achievements of the city, announce their plans and dreams to one and all, especially to visitors from all over the country, etc, if they are concerned about the well-being of the business community and that of the visitors.

DBKL should strive to make the city truly cultural, competitive, innovative and vibrant.

An event such as Bersih 3.0 presents a unique opportunity to showcase the city. The world would come to recognise KL as a modern city that tolerates differences as well as diverse schools of thought.

Stop the political patronage and such nonsense.

Mami Tanjung: Malaysia has become a police state and a pariah state to boot with our kangaroo courts and the half-baked Parliament's penchant for last-minute legislation.
God help us. One doesn't need a crystal ball to know that the regime will give Bersih 3.0 the runaround.

Bersih 3.0 should resolve to still have our peaceful rally at Dataran Merdeka, in spite and despite what the authorities say, since we have asked for permission in a civil manner.

Are the police planning to round up 500,000 demonstrators and jail them? If they are not afraid of the rakyat, they will not resolve to curtail such a peaceful sit-down rally.

Awtar: It's fine with the ban. Or else there will be no drama. Without drama, the rakyat won't participate. Since there is drama, I believe the rakyat will participate in numbers. Jom Bersih.

Anonymous #58458950: It is news to all Malaysians that Dataran Merdeka is only for national events. Recently Nestle celebrated their 100th year anniversary there.

Anyone has a right to sit peacefully on a Saturday morning at thepadang. No one is going to get hurt.

I would suggest that all Malaysians everywhere wear yellow or green this Saturday, if not at Dataran, then to the wet market, supermarket, cinema, banks etc, to demonstrate solidarity for the just cause.

Blind Freddo: BN is on a downhill slide to a lose-lose situation. If they use force against the Bersih demonstrators they will lose the election... guaranteed.

If they don't use force then they lose face... big time. And by losing face, they lose the election.

Freemsia: Oh boy, it looks like this Saturday I will need to prepare a face mask and goggles in the event of tear gas and chemical-laced water cannon spray.

Disbeliever: The BN goons have from the start already made up their minds not to allow Bersih 3.0, thus the contradictions from one department to another.

The home minister says "no threat". Police think otherwise. DBKL comes up with the stupid reason "Dataran Merdeka for only national events".

The way I look at it, PM Najib Razak and his ministers are not sincere at all. I believe they are now planning how to act in the event that Bersih 3.0 carries on with its ‘sit-in'.

One thing for sure is that they are going to prevent all and sundry from getting to Dataran Merdeka. Mark my words - all routes leading to Dataran will be completely sealed.

Bersih 3.0 has to come up with Plan B to counter the action waiting for them on Saturday. May God help us all against the tyranny of the current government.

Swipenter: Peaceful sit-in not allowed due to "safety reasons". What a big contradiction. Now we see the real intention and the ‘tai chi' tactics of home minister and how the Peaceful Assembly Bill works.
Appum: Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush... And the authorities are all getting more and more entangled in the web they themselves have spun.

Even if you agree to hold the rally at Stadium Merdeka, it will require with the consent of the management. See the game they're playing. - Malaysiakini

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