
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 24, 2012

City Hall seizes tents, chases activists out of Dataran Merdeka

April 24, 2012
City Hall officers fencing up Dataran Merdeka on April 24, 2012. — Picture courtesy of Occupy Dataran website
KUALA LUMPUR, April 24 — Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) today seized tents and camping equipment belonging to Occupy Dataran activists and chased them away from Dataran Merdeka.
Activists claim DBKL officers came at 6.15 in the morning when they were still asleep and proceeded to seize all camping equipment as well as tents.
“DBKL came at 6.15am when all occupiers were sleeping and confiscated all equipment including tents.
“DBKL has fenced up the camping site and chased away all occupiers from the area (DBKL datang pukul 6.15pagi ketika semua occupiers sedang tidur dan merampas semua barang termasuk khemah.
(DBKL memagar kawasan perkhemahan dan menghalau semua occupiers keluar dari kawasan),” said the movement’s official Twitter account @occupydataran.
Two days ago, DBKL officers along with the police seized camping equipment and tents and arrested two activists. One of them was charged in court yesterday with obstructing a public officer’s execution of his duty.
“Yes, that is what has happened. I’ve been getting calls from people on the ground, DBKL came when everyone was asleep and seized all our things.
“They are now chasing everyone away. I am on the way to Dataran to find out the latest,”an Occupy Dataran organiser, Aruna Sena, told The Malaysian Insider.
Occupy Dataran’s stated aim is to reclaim public spaces for the purpose of promoting participatory democracy.
The campsite was also shared by student activists demanding the elimination of the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loan scheme, but they had suspended all activities and vacated the area to make way for a royal concert.

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