
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 15, 2012

Danny-Nanny scandal turn into Reign of Terror

Last Friday April 13th, Secretary of one of MAS unions aka union with the "balls", MESA, En Matdiah bin Mohammad sent out an e-mail to MAS Chairman, Tan Sri Mohd Nor Yusof and circularise to management, unions officials, etc.

This e-mail is a subsequent to another e-mail from union dated February 4th, 2012. [Read here]

Nevertheless, ABITW has received information that there is a reign of terror in MAS to cover-up the incident.

The Internal Flight Superintendent is responsibile for carrying out her responsibility to record in the Voyage Report any cabin occurance, including movement of passenger's movement. The responsible IFS, one named Joyce Tan is being subjected to harrassment and enquiries by Danny's stooges.

In MAS's Cabin Crew Department, there are several kaki bodeks officers and Manager, like Gunalan, Gerald Quinten, Chang, and few others, willing to victimised colleague and staff to get management's favour and acknowledgement.

Danny is afraid that this story will leak to the press. So his denial was made in private in a MAS Town Hall meeting. Despite swearing using Quranic verses, he still lied.

Let God deal with him but The Voyage Report that YB Wee Choo Keong could prove. Joyce is being victimised and accused of leaking the Voyage Report but the report is accessible to a lot of people. Why go for the messenger when the culprit is scot free?

Danny is trying to go around with an excuse that Flight Captain Mohd Yunos bin Ibrahim had allowed for it. In actual fact, it was Danny who instructed the Captain.
It still does not cover for infringement on a February 2010 circular that disallow baby on board the first class cabin.

Through this Danny-Nanny scandal, thank God, there is MESA, MAS Executives Association.

All the other unions MASEU, union of graded employee is only a talking hen. Although sounding brave in the media, President Alias Ali is chicken shit coward. Management is holding his balls for getting some in-flight cleaning contract and is hiding quiet in Kota Baru.

While, the manager's union, supposedly with access to more information on the crap going around, are sucking Danny's c*ck all the way to his scr*t~m.

Again as happened before at Maybank Investment Banking, the staff are now mutinising against MAS Deputy Managing Director cum Short and Medium Haul CEO cum "real CEO" of MAS, Dato Rashdan "Danny" Yusof.

By the look of things, Danny looks likely to be go and head a secret outfit within the Prime Minister's Department Research outfit at the assistance of Omar Rasputin Ong that manned by robots.

Another equally capable but incapable with dealing wth humans to be considered to assist Danny will be Khazanah Executive Director, Hisham Hamdan.

Off course we are kidding, but the point is these people can't manage and relate with human. If more people like this breed and reproduce, the Government should close up Institiut Jantung Negara. There will be no more heart related diseases in this coutry. Many are heartless zombies rooming around.

A protected incompetent from Tan Sri Nor Mohd Yakcop's protege never learn lesson from mistakes but continue to repeat.

Union and staff with muted union representatives should not keep this under lid but keep voicing because Danny is a cohort with Air Asia to destroy MAS. No second opinion needed. See WAU and why WAU II is still being applied.

Are they so stupid as to not have other plans but only can think of WAU only?

MESA confidently took the bull by the horn and wrote the following e-mail to demand Rashdan to leave MAS due to his said disgraceful behavior on MH 122.
From: matdiah5758@gmail.com 

Date: Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 11:20 AM

Subject: MH122 Followup

To: Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof 
Cc: aj.yahya@malaysiaairlines.com, zahra.zaid@malaysiaairlines.com, Ab Halim Said , chanvscm , jamals , Izwan Ismail , emir@malaysiaairlines.com, najmirm@malaysiaairlines.com, kzsaisi , chaick@malaysiaairlines.com, hussha , ymtengku@malaysiaairlines.com, dinza , ahmadz@mapa.org.my, captlamck@gmail.com, alizamkusrin@yahoo.com, alias@malaysiaairlines.com, MASEU@malaysiaairlines.com, Aluyah Hj Morshidi , amusa@malaysiaairlines.com, saleem@malaysiaairlines.com, ismaizam@malaysiaairlines.com, haswandy@malaysiaairlines.com, tlee@malaysiaairlines.com, yusofam@malaysiaairlines.com, fauzi.mahayuddin@malaysiaairlines.com, hayati@malaysiaairlines.com, norabd@malaysiaairlines.com, pleebc@malaysiaairlines.com, 14692@malaysiaairlines.com

Salaam Tan Sri, copy rest

Based on our enquiries over the MH122 First Class Cabin in-flight incident of 1st January 2012, we were made to understand that investigations carried out by the Integrity Unit has established that there is a strong basis to implicate the DCEO with a gross breach of discipline in respect of the unwarranted presence of an infant and a nanny in the first class cabin of the subject aircraft whilst it was enroute from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur.

You would recall that I had immediately made known to you of our concern over the related crew being called in for an investigation by the Company. I had then implicitly informed you that the crew must not be unnecessarily inconvenienced or subjected to any form of reprimand or retribution for merely performing their job dutifully as required. In return, you had responded with a hope that “the proper authorities will discharge their function promptly in the expected manner”.

Alhamdullilah, from our enquiries, we learned that the investigation this time was done quite professionally by the Integrity Unit with minimal distress, unlike other investigations done by the other arms of the Administration that were more akin to those that I had previously intimated to you, where it has even become the norm for certain parties to fabricate evidence(s) in furtherence of their own agenda.

In respect of the case against the DCEO, I would believe that you have been informed of the Integrity Unit’s findings and/or its progress. I feel that there is no need to remind you that the allegation of indiscretion is very serious in nature and that somehow, have been aggravated when the Almighty was invoked by a certain individual in public.

It is high time that the responsible person stand up and exit gracefully…. NOW, as our beloved MAS have been dragged into odium and public contempt. Procrastination is unacceptable as too much is at stake. The longer we wait or delay action would do more harm than good to MAS’ recovery towards our national aspiration.

Matdiah Bin Mohammad
Secretary, MESA”
Hurrah for MESSA!

- Another Brick in the Wall

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