
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, April 14, 2012

A fun-filled day for 500,000 at Bersih 3.0 if the authorities don't play 'dirty'

A fun-filled day for 500,000 at Bersih 3.0 if the authorities don't play 'dirty'
There has been much talk in cyberspace of BERSIH 3.0 drawing the crowd to the sit-in on April 28. There were mixed reviews to National Laureate Samad Said's optimism that about 500,000 people could attend.
Some say it is possible, and some say Malaysians being 'kiasu' or 'scaredy-cat' in nature will avoid it like the plague. They knows BERSIH 3.0 needs to be held and the importance of electoral reforms. But as always, they also want their 'dirty' job to be done by others although they all yearn for a new era of transparency, change and plain old honesty.
Overdrive to keep the people away: 500,000 is 'sap-sap suey'
The authorities have of course gone on overdrive to discourage the people from attending. The mainstream media is churning out nonsense each day and it is a real wonder people still bother to buy the newspapers at all.
From stories of monster traffic jams to being inconsiderate to small stallholders to being an outright public danger, each day Prime Minister Najib Razak makes sure he does his best to dampen public interest in the BERSIH 3.0 'Duduk dan Bantah' rally.
Yet, when one compares the numbers that thronged the Batu Caves temple at the recent Thaipusam celebration or the capacity crowds at the Bukit Jalil football stadium, there is no basis to Najib's arguments at all.
850,000 people thronged the Batu Caves temple grounds on Thaipusam Day recently without any major casualties. No one was unhappy. In particular, the small stallholders were exuberant because they probably made enough that day to last the whole month.
As for the huge soccer crowds supporting their favorite EPL team in the friendlies at the 80,000-capacity Bukit Jalil stadium, they were all having a good time as well even though there wasn't standing room left.
The fact is, if you don't restrict, threaten or frighten the people, surely everyone want would want to participate in the sit-in. Getting a crowd size of 500,000 is 'sap-sap suey' (easy as can be).
'Happening' Bersih
BERSIH 2.0 is proof of it. Prime Minister Najib Razak ordered a complete lock down of Kuala Lumpur. The authorities - from the Home Minister to the police to the mainstream media - did everything within their means to stop the rally. Almost the entire police force were there to intimidate the people, but BERSIH 2.0 still happened and with a capital H. It was great and the people won hands down.
If the Government is sincere and allows BERSIH 3.0 to go on freely and naturally, surely we will see a crowd of at least 500,000 on April 28 and it will be a fun-filled day for all.
I doubt the Government has the gumption or backbone to allow this rally to take place without throwing at the very least some major obstacles including petty tantrums at the organizers as well as restricting the people on that day. For sure, they will try and give as much trouble as possible to thwart a huge turnout.
Let's watch and see what they will do. Malaysians must keep each in the loop of all the possible 'dirty' tricks the BN will pull to thwart the people's will on that day.
Don't let them gerrymander and pillage our wealth again
I've attended BERSIH 1.0, BERSIH 2.0 and now nothing will stop me from going to BERSIH 3.0. I'm sure all those who participated B1 and B2 will be there again with me in B3.
My simple plea is to those who have never attended a Bersih rally, please make it a point to be in this sit in on April  28 for the sake of our beloved Malaysia and the future of your own family in this country.
Barisan National has bankrupted the country after the past 55 years. It is now using the Election Commission to hang on to power corruptly. The electoral reforms suggested by B2 will be waylaid and indeed have already been waylaid.
So don't let BN find new means to gerrymander and pillage our wealth when the 13th general election comes along. Everyone knows this will be the dirtiest Election Ever!
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people - John F Kennedy
Malaysia Chronicle

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