
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 9, 2012

Is Najib keeping seat warm for Shahrizat?

YOURSAY 'It is very clear cut that Shahrizat has a hold on Najib. What has she got on him that even her ministerial post cannot be passed on to others?'
Changeagent: This must be the biggest possible insult and a slap across the face to all Malaysian women.

What kind of message is PM Najib Razak trying to relay? That women are incapable of managing their own affairs and that a bloke like himself can do better?

Isn't there at least one Malaysian woman who is at least qualified to replace former women's minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil?

Or more specifically, isn't there at least one Umno woman who is more qualified than Najib to handle the women's portfolio?

Women activist groups should be fuming mad because Najib has just set back their progress by at least a few decades.

Anonymous_3f6d: Najib is saving the seat for Shahrizat - doesn't he even have a trusted lieutenant to take over this seat temporarily? What a joke.

Anonymous #94574956: How could Shahrizat assure Umno-BN of a big win in the next election when she was unable to save even herself in Lembah Pantai?

Her deputy, Kamilia Ibrahim, should be the one to take over as women's minister. If someone else is given the job, it will only show that Umno does not respect the hierarchy within its own party.

Anonymous #84886635: It is very clear cut that Shahrizat has a hold on Najib. What has she got on him that even her ministerial post cannot be passed on to others?

Anonymous_3f4a: The practice of the prime minister holding other portfolios in the cabinet is most unhealthy and highlights a governance weakness from the viewpoint of proper checks and balances.

Already, Najib is holding the finance portfolio in addition to the prime ministership and now is adding a third portfolio.

Can he really do an effective job in all the portfolios he's holding? His track record does not seem to suggest so.
But then it's not just a question of capability but accountability and effectiveness. With all due respect, Najib is not a superman.

Anonymous_3f55: Najib Razak is PM, finance minister and now women's minister. What's next?

The PM may as well be the minister for all the portfolios since everyone else is sleeping on the job. Next, he will take over the Foreign Ministry since Anifah Aman is now under threat for his alleged involvement in a timber scandal.
Anonymous #03078561: Najib is sure hogging a lot of posts for himself. Has he no other capable assistants to pass the job to?

Has he not heard that a rolling stone gathers no moss and a jack of all trades is master of none? In fact, he is not even an elected PM. He just happened to be there.

Anonymous_rb345: Soon, there will be only one minister in the cabinet and he is the PM.

Sadirah: In effect, Flom (First Lady of Malaysia) will be the de facto women's minister. What a tragedy for this nation. How can you be the women's minister, Najib?

This only highlights that you are not in a position to make any decisions. I am trying to think of one bold decision that you have made over the last 36 months and cannot think of any.

It shows you have no faith in the Umno Wanita leadership. You hold on to everything including Selangor, and in the final analysis, you will have to carry the blame of failure.

Anonymous_40f4: Najib is a super minister holding three ministries, drawing the pay of three ministers and punching clock at the same time in three places. He has indeed taken the rakyat for fools.

Up2U: This is just politics in Umno. The Youth chief is ignored for a minister's post while former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad's son is appointed a deputy minister.

The Wanita chief is not reappointed senator, thus relinquishing her post as minister. Instead of her deputy being appointed as senator, the Wanita chief's strong and vocal supporter, an exco member, is appointed as senator.

Of course, it's the PM's prerogative.

Edwin Aloysius David: Could this be the reason for the flip-flop by the Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim on the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) media ban?

Anonymous_3f55: Is there any country in the world that has a ministry for women's affairs helmed by a male minister? I doubt so. This is truly 1Malaysia boleh!

Black Mamba: This suits him well, after all everyone knows his wife, Rosmah Mansor, has been the de facto prime minister for the last three years.

Not Confused: I've got a better idea. So that his workload is not too much, why doesn't Najib step down as PM and finance minister to concentrate on his new portfolio as women, family and community minister?

I'm convinced that the country would benefit no end if this were to happen. - Malaysiakini

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