
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, April 27, 2012

Najib must sack Hisham to restore public order

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak must sack Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein for ordering the police to prepare for a crackdown at tomorrow's Bersih 3.0 protest at Dataran Merdeka.

Yesterday, Hisham gave the clearest sign yet that a crackdown on the Bersih 3.0 rally is on. He is quoted as saying, "The police would take necessary measures to prevent the rally should ‘stubborn' organisers proceed with their plans at Dataran Merdeka".

NONEThe minister is principally tasked to maintain public order and peace. But he is acting the other way round. This is irresponsible and dangerous to national security.

Hisham (right) had earlier said the Bersih protest does not pose a threat to security as it has "no traction" with the public. He has now changed his mind.

Last year, the minister had declared Bersih to be an illegal organisation. Now he wants Bersih to go elsewhere to protest against electoral fraud. Hisham is reported as offering the national stadium in Bukit Jalil and Stadium Merdeka as alternative venues following an offer by the managements of the two stadiums.

Again he has changed his mind about the question of Bersih's locus standi. How can an illegal organisation be engaging in talks with the mayor of Kuala Lumpur as well as the police for use of the Merdeka Square for tomorrow's protest? How can an organisation outlawed by him be offered the use of alternative venues.
'A double-minded man'
Hisham is but a double-minded man - one half of his mind is lost out there somewhere and the other half is out looking for it. Nothing can be more dangerous to the country's peace and security.

Just two days ago the Kuala Lumpur High Court has sought further clarification from the home minister on his outlawing of the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) last year.

This follows his change of stance in allowing the Bersih 3.0 rally, and saying it is not a security threat.

Justice Rohana Yusof sought the clarification from senior federal counsel Azizan Md Arshad and ordered the minister to file an affidavit by May 10 in a suit filed by Bersih to challenge the minister's order outlawing Bersih last year.

Bersih organisers must be given the credit for not backing down at the eleventh hour, which will only confuse protesters coming from all over the country. This will likely lead to chaos and injuries if the police crack down on them, as threatened by Hisham.

NONEThe police would not likely be able to contain such chaos and confusion. They would probably be outnumbered, overworked and fatigued by the multitudes turning up - which is expected to be much bigger than last year's crowd.
Najib (left) must act fast and sack Hisham to salvage whatever is left remaining of his 1Malaysia pledge of putting people first and his promised reform agenda. The country's security is now at risk.

Article 10 of the federal constitution guarantees all citizens the right to assemble peacefully. Period. The home minister cannot ride roughshod over the spirit of this guarantee. This is our basic human right that has been etched into the federal constitution for half a century.

Bersih organisers have gone the extra mile to ensure that it would be a peaceful protest with adequate guidelines for protesters, together with legal and medical aid as well as ambulances on the standby at the various assembly points to the main venue at the independence square.

No, it's too late to turn back the clock. Yes, the people will be at Dataran Merdeka. The police can help maintain order but they must pull back to a distance and not crack down.

Please remember that the police have been ordered to do their jobs, however unreasonable. Try to get out of the way of tear gas, water cannons and batons. Do not try to dismantle any barricade. Do not taunt or provoke them. Do not fight back or avoid arrest. Go peacefully with them and call the legal aid available at the earliest opportunity. Know your rights. It's all there on the Bersih website.
Fear not, for God is with us

In times like this, please remember that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil.

NONEOur recourse to victory and safety is prayer. It works. Otherwise, why do people pray? Pray in a spirit of triumph not out of desperation . Fear not, for God is with us.

A secret to powerful prayer is this: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Act like a righteous person and pray like one. The heavens will open up. Expect a miracle.

Please remember, police officers have families too. Do not curse them. Smile at them, bless them, say a prayer for them and their loved ones.

The time has come. Don't spend your time worrying. Start praying. Call or Skype your praying buddies. Now. Then go Duduk Bantah tomorrow at Dataran Merdeka. Malaysians all over the world are also praying and gathering in their respective cities. We are not alone.

The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
BOB TEOH is a retired journalist, a polls watcher and a soul agent.

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