
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Najib vs. Anwar – The Difference in Leadership

In the lead-up to GE13, it is quite interesting to observe the Government and Opposition and compare their differing focuses, objectives and achievements.
For the Opposition there has pretty much only been one issue they care about lately: Bersih 3.0.
The movement has turned into a farce given the fact that the Election Commission and Parliamentary Select Committee have met most of the voting reforms demanded by Bersih.
What used to be a rally for clean and fair elections has descended into a free-for-all anti-government demonstration, from Indian welfare campaigners to environmentalists and more.
And while de facto Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim is fully engaged in rallying his remaining loyal troops for Bersih, where he will find a receptive audience to his usual alarmist rhetoric, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is roaming the country, fostering the concept of ethnic and religious harmony, launching welfare initiatives for the poor, reiterating the Government's commitment to vernacular schools and elucidating on the Government's accomplishments.
While Anwar is demonstrating, Najib is creating opportunities for the underprivileged.
While Anwar is scaremongering, Najib promotes his moderate and inclusive 1Malaysia policy.
While Anwar is complaining, Najib highlights successful Government initiatives, from infrastructure projects to innovations in agriculture.
And while Anwar has nothing to show for all of his rhetoric, neither a manifesto nor a shadow cabinet (nor coherent policy, nor...), Najib has ushered in unprecedented reforms and can look back on a period of seismic change for Malaysia, advancing liberalisation and transparency.
No wonder then that Najib took the opportunity to stress his credentials and remind people of Anwar's empty promises during a trip to Sibu.
"We have delivered," Najib said, citing the completion of the first phase of the flood mitigation plan for the city, the development of new carriageway, a major bridge across Rajang River and the expansion of Sibu airport.
"The Opposition has still not sorted themselves out," he reminded his audience. "If they cannot form a shadow cabinet, how can we trust them to manage the country?"
Anwar, meanwhile, haughtily talks about his confidence of taking over Putrajaya, even expressing his concerns about a peaceful power transition from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Rakyat.
Is he really so sure of victory or is this a desperate, ultimate act of bravado in an effort to mobilise his increasingly sceptical and shrinking base of supporters?
Berish 3.0 is likely Anwar's last-ditch hurrah, a vanishing opportunity to preach his empty gospel and proclaim his hollow platforms to his deteriorating like-minded fan base.
But piggybacking Bersih could be one of Anwar's last exploits. Even those who may have been carried away by Anwar's eloquence at his ceramah will eventually see through him and judge him by his true worth.
"The Opposition has not shown it has the credibility to manage this country," said Najib in Sibu.
Thus, its leader should not deserve to run it. - the Choice

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