
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pakatan counting on Sabah and Sarawak

DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) chief Anthony Loke is upbeat on Pakatan taking over Putrajaya in the upcoming general election should the three-party coalition manage to win 10 to 20 extra seats in Sabah and Sarawak.
NONESpeaking at a DAP fund-raising dinner in Kepong last night, Loke (left) said Pakatan needs at least 30 additional seats to boost the 82 seats it won in the last election so that it can form the federal government.
"To do that, we need to win 10 to 20 seats more in Johor, Melacca and Negeri Sembilan.
"But what is more important is Sabah and Sarawak. We must be able to get 10 to 20 seats in these two states," he told a crowd of about 1500 during the dinner themed "Regime Change, Bid Farewell to Corruption".
Parliament is made up of 222 seats. Thus the mininum simple majority would be 112 seats.
The Rasah MP then called on the Kepong folks, particularly those in the business line, to spread the message of change across to friends from other states in a consolidated effort to topple the BN.
Kepong has been the DAP's fortress under current MP Tan Seng Giaw since 1982.
Apologise to Teoh's family'
 In his 45-minute speech, Loke also took a jab on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's apology last month for BN's past mistakes, asking him to first apologise to the family members of deceased DAP member Teoh Beng Hock.
 "There is a Chinese saying said ‘never shed tears until the coffin is reached'. BN is in such a desperate situation that they are now forced to apologise.
"But if they are truly sincere, they should first apologise to the family of Teoh Beng Hock," he said.
The dinner was also attended by Pakatan top guns such as PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang, DAP Selangor vice chairman Teng Chang Kim, election publicity chief Hew Kuan Yew, DAPSY deputy chief Jenice Lee Ying Ha, and Tan.
Taken for a ride
Anwar, when addressing the crowd, sneered at BN's notion that Anwar would be taken for a ride by DAP if Pakatan is voted into power.
"The question is, who is being taken for a ride, and who is making a cow of the rakyat?" he said, referring to the National Feedlot Centre controversy.
"A leader should be made used by the rakyat. What is the problem?
Hadi in Kepong DAP event"But if you are making a cow of the rakyat and ask them to continue support you, then it's a problem," he quipped.
Meanwhile, Hadi Awang (right) in his speech brought out the concept that human activities are interlinked and no man was an island.
"Every ethnic group has its own qualities. If we managed to integrate the strengths of everyone, we can build a strong force.
"To do that, we can't allow racism or race-based parties to continue existing in our country,"
The Marang MP also reiterated that the implementation of hudud will not impact on the life of non-Muslims.


  1. Political analysts from Sarawak predicted that Barisan Nasional (BN) is still in power in Sabah after the election of the 13th, but there will be a slight decrease of number of won seats, particularly those contested seats by Umno, PBS, Upko, PRBS, MCA and Gerakan.

    1. Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) is expected not to win any seats in the elections.

    2. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS / BN) will lose at least 2 or 3 seats, Upko / BN losing two seats, while Umno will lose 5 or 6 seats.

    3. Gerakan party, if given the seat to be lost to SAPP if the "collision" occurred.

    4. According to the analysts, the BN can maintain or increase the number of winning seats if they work hard to win the hearts of the people right now.

    5. "Barriers for BN ti achieve this is the propaganda played by STAR," according to the analyst.

    6. Predictions were made that DAP will win all urban areas in Sabah in the election, the BN can be intercepted and gain the upper hand if the selected candidate within acceptable by all people in the elections.

    7. STAR stance that refuses to collaborate with PR, will be their down fall in this coming.

    8. That is just a prediction. We only know the truth after GE-13.

    9. Prediction is just a prediction cause in the end its the people who will decide which party will win.

  2. Tiada harapan untuk PR menang di Sabah. makin ramai ahli juga pemimpin yang keluar daripada parti.

    1. harapan PR di sabah makin tipis terutama PKR yang mana ramai ahlinya dah keluar.

  3. More and more members from PR has moved to STAR. Chances for PR to win this coming election is low.

  4. Pakatan needs Sabah and Sarawak votes to win in Putrajaya.

  5. jangan harap la Pakatan boleh menang kerusi di negeri ini.. bagus Pakatan fokus saja dengan kerusi2 di semenanjung Malaysia.. kerusi Sabah, serahkan saja dengan parti tempatan.. jangan terlampau tamak, nanti rugi besar..


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