
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 24, 2012

PKR to show proof of stateless Indians: MIC wasting time, we want answers from Hisham

PKR to show proof of stateless Indians: MIC wasting time, we want answers from Hisham
PKR will unveil evidence of 300,000 stateless Malaysian Indians and proof that Prime Minister Najib Razak's MyDaftar campaign is a fraud, party vice president N Surendran told Malaysia Chronicle.
Along with Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah and Subang MP Sivarasa Rasiah, Surendran will hold a press conference at the PKR headquarters in Tropicana, Petaling Jaya on Wednesday at 11am.
Many of the stateless Indians are expected to congregate there to protest the lack of attention from the Najib administration.
2.5% of the global total
Based upon UNHCR figures, it is calculated that Malaysian Indians who are de-facto stateless make up a staggering 2.5% out of the world's total number of stateless persons.
Through the decades, the affected individuals have suffered greatly, including denial of access to education, health, employment and rights attendant upon citizenship such as the right to vote.
"These de facto stateless Indians are essentially blocked from participation in the formal economy.This is a drain upon the country, as it diminishes our economic output and narrows our fiscal base." said Surendran.
"The government continues to display breathtaking apathy and indifference to the plight of an estimated 300,000 stateless Indians in Malaysia. Instead of employing the federal government's resources to resolve the problem, Cabinet Minister Dr S Subramaniam has now irresponsibly called on the opposition to bring the 300,000 stateless Indians to the MIC."
Dozy MIC shaken into reaction
Stung into a rare reaction, the MIC - often accused of sleeping on the job - slammed the Opposition and accused it of trying to stir up issues.
“With the government’s MyDaftar campaign, where counters are open even on weekends, we only had 15,000 Indians who came to us for help. If there are 300,000, as PKR claims, then where are they?” NST reported Subramaniam, the MIC deputy chief, as saying on Monday.
"We might have missed a small number who are without MyKad. Indian community leaders and the Federal Village Security and Development Committees will find them and help them get the MyKad," MIC Liaison Committee chairman S  Ananthan told Bernama on Tuesday.
According to Ananthan, about 1,000 Indians have been found to be without MyKad in Kedah during a registration exercise conducted by the Special Indian Task Force last year. So far, the National Registration Department had issued documents to 761 people and was processing the documents for the rest, insisted Ananthan.
MIC a waste of time, PKR to grill Hisham
Surendran brushed aside the MIC onslaught, accusing them of trying to cover up their lack of effort on behalf of the community. It plans to get to the root source of the problem - the Home Ministry headed by Hishammuddin Hussein.
"It is pointless to engage with the MIC on this issue. They are a waste of time. We will demand that the Home Minister answers our questions on this 300,000 stateless group," said Surendran.
Malaysia Chronicle

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