
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sabah got its priorities ‘confused’

Sabah seems to have painted itself into a corner over the influx of 'foreigners' after its prompt action against Sabahans who have 'native' status.
KOTA KINABALU:  Swift action by the Sabah Barisan Nasional government against Sabahans who have ‘native’ status has added impetus to the single-minded calls to similarly strip the thousands of foreigners who have gained citizenship through dubious means.
Sabah DAP said Chief Minister Musa Aman’s government should have the same energy to act against the hundreds of thousands of foreigners who have gained legality in the state and have fraudulently availed themselves of the privileges afforded to ‘bumiputeras’.
State party secretary Dr Edwin Bosi said the issuance of citizenship to foreigners is far more serious compared to the validity of Sabah DAP chairman, Jimmy Wong’s native certificate.
Bosi said this when asked to comment on the recent claims by ex-Native Court representatives that they have assisted the government to issue documents to foreigners.
Bosi questioned state Local Government and Housing Minister Hajiji Mohd Noor on what he intended to do with the ex-Native Court representatives such as Hayang Andawai who have been stripped off their position for their actions.
“Sabah DAP wants to ask Hajiji Mohd Noor why he and Samsudin Yahya of Sekong are so eager to “finish off” YB Jimmy Wong with his native certificate.
“Between Jimmy Wong’s native certificate and foreigners getting the MyKads, we feel the latter is more serious and an act of treason,
“We like to know where is Hajiji’s conscience on this matter? Hajiji is very much involved as the native court representatives are appointed by his ministry, ” he said.
Bosi alleged that Hajiji had himself assisted foreigners through his native court representatives to get hold of documents and become citizens and voters.
“We therefore ask Hajiji to own up and be a responsible leader by resigning as Minister of Local Government and Housing.” he said.
More Pakistanis, Bangladeshis too
On the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to addess the high rise of legalised illegal immigrants in the state, Bosi said DAP wanted the government to come clean with the people.
“We want the Sabah government to tell the people if it will push the federal government to establish a RCI to investigate how Sabah’s population had almost tripled in less than two decades,” he said.
Reiterating that the illegal immigrants problem is the “mother of all problems”, Bosi, a veterinarian doctor, said the issue impacted every Sabahan and is now spreading to Peninsular Malaysia.
Sabahans in general have explained that the ‘takeover’ of their state from the Christian Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) government in 1994 was made possible by the absorption of thousands of foreigners, mostly Muslims from neighbouring countries, into the electoral rolls and this has now also impacted on the older Muslim community in Sabah.
They point to a large presence of foreigners such as Filipinos and Indonesians and now even Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in the state when there were a mere handful of the latter in Sabah just a few years ago.
“The Semporna Bajau have openly expressed their unhappiness with the recent registration exercise for about 40,000 people for late birth certificates by the National Registration Department (NRD),”  said Bosi.
Bajaus unhappy
While two Umno leaders have disagreed with each other on the registration exercise, the Semporna Bajaus are adamant that foreigners are getting the birth certificates despite assurances to the contrary by the authorities and government leaders and have even lodged a police report on the matter.
“Why is the Muslim community rising openly against foreigners getting citizenship? It is all about survival. The genuine Muslims now find that they have to compete with these so-called new bumiputera who are more aggressive, highly motivated and hardworking,” said Bosi.
“The “new bumiputera” has successfully anchored itself in Sabah, taking over all the small and medium businesses such as taxi, bus and stalls from the locals.
“They have also procured land and are going into farming supplying chicken, meat, vegetables and fruits. They have also successfully secured jobs in the civil services, political parties and elected into offices,” he said.
Allegations that the children of foreigners are getting scholarships and loans at the expense of the genuine locals have been rife for years.
According to recent reports, many ‘new Malaysians’ have have successfully migrated to other parts of the country and the recent revelation of the presence of a 1,000-strong Suluk community in Johor is held up as proof of this.


  1. Masalah PATI ada masalahyagn tidak harus diselesaikan sebelum diluar kawalan.

  2. Aktiviti mendapat sijil beranak melalui pintu belakang harus dikenakan tindakan dan hukuman.

    1. Setuju bahawa golongan yang menyalah guna kuasa harus dikenakan hukuman agar golongan lain tidak mengikuti aktiviti pintu belakang ini.

  3. “The Semporna Bajau have openly expressed their unhappiness with the recent registration exercise for about 40,000 people for late birth certificates by the National Registration Department (NRD),” said Bosi.

    Isu ini harus ditanggani dengan bijak, jika tidak satu lagi 40,000 orang yang akan lagi didaftarkan.

    1. JPN dan SPR harus disiasat untuk menyakinkan rakyat bahawa jabatan ini tidak memberi Mykad dan kelayakan mengundi dengan sewenang-wenangnya.

  4. Lets go ahead with RCI to handle PATI issue. The root causes has need to identify.

  5. “The “new bumiputera” has successfully anchored itself in Sabah, taking over all the small and medium businesses such as taxi, bus and stalls from the locals.

    kenapa ini terjadi? Bukankah bumiputra tulen yang harus diberi keutamaan?

    1. Makin lama Sabah telah menjadi pusat PATI. akyat tulen semakin dipinggirkan.

  6. The government should prioritised the issues and be able to resolve the issues accordingly.

  7. Senarai nama pengundi harus dikemas dan memastikan yang tulen dan sah sahaja yang berkepayakan mengundi.

    1. ya.. SPR dan JPN harus bekerjasama dan selaraskan data2 mereka.

  8. We called Malaysian but we enjoy the same like PATI Malaysian too. But, we need to pay tax. What is this?

  9. Jimmy Wong harus didakwa kerana memalsukan sijil native. dia perlu perjelaskan bagaimana dia boleh memiliki sijil tersebut sedangkan dia tak layak memilikinya.

  10. natives have the right to protect their rights when they are being oppressed or their rights encroached.

    Government is aware and concerned and open to listen to problems faced by the people that involves the natives

  11. I think the authorities need to seriously handle the issue. Datuk Welfred statement really make sense. I hope Federal govt should now seriously announce the setting up of the RCI.

  12. "State party secretary Dr Edwin Bosi said the issuance of citizenship to foreigners is far more serious compared to the validity of Sabah DAP chairman, Jimmy Wong’s native certificate."

    how come you said it not serious?? once DAP managed to take over this state, there will be more cases like Jimmy Wong.. all their members/politicians will easily get native status..

  13. The Cabinet has agreed to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) in an effort to find a lasting solution to the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah.

    The terms of reference will be comprehensive and not confined only to investigations as the government wants to resolve the issue conclusively, he said when responding to a question from Senator Datuk Paul Kong Sing Chu in the Dewan Negara.

    Nazri said that the terms of reference would entail safety, social, economy and environmental aspects as the RCI would provide a lasting solution to the issue.

    The federal government would also get feedback and proposals from the Sabah government and stakeholders.

    This is to enable Sabah's cry for justice and punishment for wrongdoers and those behind the treachery can be meted out accordingly.

    It must be treated with urgency and not wait until the matter gets worse and beyond control.

    Such activities under whose patronage such heinous and treacherous acts are committed should be arrested and investigated and given the right punishment without delay.

    Apart from that, the Election Commission ought to take note of the development and revelation by the Semporna Bumiputera Bajau Association leadership : the Home Ministry should also go down the ground to look into the matter.


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