
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 9, 2012


SABAHANS can be rest assured that unity among multi-ethnic Sabahans is the last thing on the mindset of Kuala Lumpur politicians, alleged chairman of the Sabah chapter of State Reform Party (STAR), Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.
"Kuala Lumpur would never want us united... They are most afraid if we Sabahans are united because if we are united, they could not eat us," he said in his speech launching STAR's Karanaan state constituency coordinating committee at Kampung Himbaan near here yesterday.
Alleging that Malayan leaders had the penchant of segregating people along racial and religion lines in Peninsular, they now, through their Malayan-based parties extension here have brought in the same political culture to Sabah.
"They did not want to learn from our unity here in Sabah where inter-cultural union is common... they want us disunited so they can lord over us and continue to treat Sabah as fix-deposit.
"But Sabahans now have realised KL political game and they want to take charge of their own fate and future. Sabahans realised that they could not trust outsiders to lead them and that is why more and more people rally under STAR now..." he said at the function which was attended by about 300 people.
Also in attendance yesterday were Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) suprme council member Japiril Suhaimin and USNO protem senior leader Sofea Leong Chau Chu. Ranau STAR is headed by Jalibin Paidi, a teacher, who is poised to be one of STAR candidates at the coming general election.
Dr Jeffrey also shared with the audience how then Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad told him 'not to tell Sabahans what they don't know' as the epitome of Kuala Lumpur mindset and fear of people who are aware of and want to assert their rights.
Jeffrey said that was when he was about to be detained by Dr Mahathir under the draconaian Internal Security Act (ISA), allegedly for plotting by force to take Sabah away from the Federation of Malaysia.
Scores of former members of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) also handed in their application forms to Dr Jeffrey to join STAR at the function. (STAR Media)


  1. Semua parti harus bekerjasama untuk memperjuangkan hak & kepentingan rakyat.

  2. STAR semakin ke depan. Rasa-rasa STAR memberi saingan hebat kepada Bn.

  3. penduduk Sabah mmg sejak dulu hidup bersatu padu. ini yang harus dijadikan contoh.

  4. sebelum JK ajak rakyat bersatu, cuba la JK bersatu dulu dengan parti2 pembangkang yang lain.. jangan sekali2 ajak rakyat bersatu jika JK dan STAR sendiri enggan bersatu dengan PKR, PAS, DAP dan SAPP..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Barisan Nasional’s (BN) publicity & information bureau must be prepared to counter the opposition’s lies and allegations so that the people will not be cheated by those who are desperate to topple the government.

    Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, who is also Sabah BN and Umno chief, said the bureau should always equipped itself with knowledge and ability to explain to the people about the government’s policies and promises fulfilled by the party.

    The publicity and information bureau is the BN’s font liner in disseminating accurate information to the people at the grassroot.

    All the allegations or issues raised by the opposition, who will constantly try to confuse the people must be countered with the correct information.

    Musa said clear and accurate information given to the people, especially in Sabah, would ensure continuous support for all the efforts taken by the BN-led government.

    And, he also said the people of Sabah knew how to show their gratitude to the government, especially when their needs and wellbeing were being taken care of.

    It is warranted that gratitude are to be expressed to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for his continuous ideas to ease the people’s burden.

    This is an example of a caring government and a leader who is concerned about the wellbeing of the people


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