
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Selangor and Putrajaya: A Bermuda Triangle of foolishness and corruption if Najib wins

S'gor and Putrajaya: A Bermuda Triangle of foolishness and corruption if Najib wins
Foolish leaders will only bring harm to the nation. Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika is dead now because he plundered his country until it became so poor that the Malawi government could not afford to buy the necessary medication for the late president himself. In fact, things were so bad that when he fell sick, the hospital that treated him had no power because the generator was out of diesel.
In Malaysia we have not one, but many many foolish leaders
Noh Omar
In March, Selangor Umno deputy chief Noh Omar said he was confident that BN could recapture the state in the next general election and win 36 out of 56 seats .This, he said, was evident from BN having to hire more buses to ferry people to their events.
He also boasted that if they prepared 10,000 chairs for their events, more than 20,000 people would show up - taking this as a sign that Selangor residents were interested in BN. Otherwise they would not come in such numbers.
Noh also noted that the response to BN’s activities shortly after the last general election was lukewarm, but claimed the situation had changed under the leadership of Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is also Umno and BN state chief.
Najib Razak
On April 16, Bernama reported Najib as saying that there were clear indications Selangor was on the 'verge' of returning to BN based on his observations.
The PM especially cited increasing support from the Indian community because they wore the 1Malaysia t-shirts with his image printed on them. Najib made this comment during a gathering of residents from Selayang, Kuala Selangor, Tanjung Karang and Kapar at Tennamaran Plantation, Bestari Jaya.
Additionally, Najib said that BN has been caring towards the Indian community, providing extra one thousand places in the Matriculation Colleges and also helping the Indian business community through loans provided by the Tabung Ekonomi Kumpulan Usaha Niaga or Tekun and the Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia. He also said that even allocations for Tamil schools have been increased.
Don't let it be a case of the blind leading the blind
Who are Noh Omar and Najib trying to fool?
Firstly, how on earth can Noh Omar make a conclusion based on the number of buses that need to be hired to ferry people to attend events?
Did the people attend the events willingly and were they lured to attend by enticing them with pocket money, offers of free food and transport? If this is so, then surely Noh Omar is just fooling himself.
Same goes for the delusional logic that support was increasing because 10,000 chairs were not enough to accommodate a crowd size that was double what the organizers estimated. Could it be the organizers had placed out less seats so as to create an image of congestion and standing room only?
As for Najib, he was either joking or out of touch with reality when he convinced himself that Selangor would be won by BN just because many Indians wore the 1Malaysia t-shirts bearing his image.
If Najib had been so caring, why is it only now that he is finally paying some attention to the Indian community? Has it got anything to do with the GE-13 that many expect to be held in mid-June. The problems faced by the Indian community have been around for five decades and cannot be solved by a few business loans and extra seats at schools and colleges.
Yet both Noh Omar and Najib think nothing of making such foolish utterances, as if the ordinary folk are without brains. But maybe Najib is really foolish after all. So far, none of the transformation programs that he has 'put in place' really work at all.
Another 5 years of Najib?
Malaysia remains at the brink of bankruptcy with its National Debt ballooning to RM453 billion, the Maju Expressway has been sold and projects given to UMNO cronies at fabulously advantageous prices. Even road users now face being fined automatically by unseen monitors as the BN government tries feverishly to ensure that its cronies and its leaders continue to make money at the people's expense.
How could Najib lead Malaysia for another 5 years then? The country and economy is already at death's door. Should Umno-BN get its hands on Selangor again - that's it. The cash reserves painfully saved up by the PKR-led state government is bound to disappear faster than you can say 'flash'.
If birds of a feather flock together, perhaps Najib has Noh Omar as a plausible candidate for the post of Menteri Besar or chief minister when Umno-BN wins.
That would be a frightening prospect indeed for both Selangor and Putrajaya. Both territories would immediately become a sort of Bermuda Triangle of foolishness, where corruption, haphazard thoughts and ignorance will rule the day.
To avoid such nonsensical governors, the people of Malaysia and Selangor must themselves avoid being foolish enough to be duped or have their time wasted by such fools.
The Indians in Selangor too must beware that not all that glitters is gold. Temporary 'kindness' and 'political condescension' is a far cry from the only cure for Malaysia and all its 13 states - equality, fairness and a clean government.
Malaysia Chronicle

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