
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, April 27, 2012

'Slow' Najib still can't get it: People-power can make or break political parties and their leaders

'Slow' Najib still can't get it: People-power can make or break political parties and their leaders
What Malaysia is witnessing on its political and social front is not an isolated incident in history that is out of of the ordinary. It is the blossoming of people-power the world over.
If the description "people-power" appears very intimidating to BN, then by all means call it "The 21st Century Renaissance of Humanity".
Political parties who have been long basking in the sunshine of controlled regimes and tyrannies of the past, are rudely been shaken up the world over as the tides of democracy and civil liberties shore-up on their territories.
Malaysia is fortunate in many ways simply because its citizens are peace-loving and tolerant to a large degree by comparison to countries like Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Syria, etc. But all that too can change if people are pushed to the corner and up against a fortified wall for far too long.
Hence, BN must be quick to relent and work towards a gentleman's battle for general elections. All those war cries of crushed bodies and broken bones will only inflict a permanent dismemberment on BN eventually.
Conduct GE-13 with honor
If BN wants to remain relevant for the times and more so into the future, its leaders must learn the smart-option in politics. That is, learn how to walk tall and not walk tough. It must be quick to recognise that even its own veteran members are openly pointing fingers at the weaknesses within the party; even respected icons from various sectors of society are unforgiving towards the alleged misdeeds of BN.
Standing in the way of a tested and proven peaceful, citizens' march for clean, fair and just electoral roll; terrorising those who are standing up for transparency, accountability and justice - all such intimidating stances will sweep a political party into the defencive corner.
And over time - pending on the degree of tolerance inherent in a society immersed in patriotism and transformation, that society of people can annihilate political parties, their leaders and supporters into oblivion.
Question is: What is BN's choice?
Does it want to read the signs on the wall and walk tall or does it want to remain blinded by its own pride, self-serving interest and archaic regime-mantras of bygone times?
Does it want to continue walking tough with the hope of breaking the spirit of the people-power and subsequently face far reaching consequence that could make BN history?
BN leaders must remember that the traditional model of 'Command and Control' that have been subscribed by regimes for the last 200 years - started by Roman legions, has ended with the dawn and rise of the social media and networked society.
The voting population across the globe - and Malaysia cannot remain an exception, are now seeing themselves as 'customers'. They have come to expect that politicians do things their way rather than they do things as dictated by politicians. BN must know that the credit goes to global economy and improving technology and not because of opposition political parties' influence, as what BN alleges.
For as long as BN uses all the government machinery, power and means to blockade the rise of people-power, its is heading downhill. On the contrary, BN leaders should be wiser to harness the imagination, spirit and intelligence of people in ways that no traditional authoritarian regime can.
If the answer is "No way", then be prepared to bury BN for good. Bersih 3.0 will be that defining Moment of Truth.
Malaysia Chronicle

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